Tag Archives: Theirs

They will lead millions of Catholics into grave error and My Churches will lose their Sanctity

End-Time SIGN: The Ottoman Sword Rising | Is AntiChrist ROMAN/ GREEK? Hagia Sofia converted 2 Mosque
“… 13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to the one that spoke, “For how long is this vision concerning the regular burnt offering, the transgression that makes desolate, and the giving over of the sanctuary and host to be trampled?”[h] 14 And he answered him,[i] “For two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state.” …”
August 3 2020
Urgent call of Jesus the Eternal High Priest to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch.
I make an urgent call to the whole Catholic world for a day of fasting and of prayer to be held worldwide on August 9th with the prayer of the Rosary of my Most Precious Blood and with the prayer of the Exorcism of St. Michael, from 12:00 am to 6:00 pm, asking the Heavenly Father for the protection of my Temples, Shrines and Holy Places, which are being destroyed and desecrated by the forces of evil of this world. I’m counting on you, my Flock.
see also:
November 8 is highlighted on the billboard in Budapest

The Book of Truth:


“… The time is almost upon you now.The doors of My Church will soon be closed to those who will insist on remaining loyal to the traditional practices of Christianity. …”


“… The only Holy Eucharist that exists is the way in which My Presence is made known in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it is now.Never deviate from this even if you are forced to do so by the heathen who will take over My Christian Churches.

They will desecrate My Churches and turn them into nothing more than places of entertainment and social outlets. …”



Wednesday, 6 May, 2015, 22.31

My dearly beloved daughter, My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.

Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.
All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. For those with true love for God will be unable to separate from Him because they are attached to Him by an umbilical cord, which cannot be severed.
God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.

Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I am firstmost a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me, but who have separated from Me.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end. 

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.

I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.
Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.
I love you all dearly and I have claimed you as Mine. Let no man attempt  to steal one single soul from Me, for he will suffer eternal torment for his actions.

Crusade Prayers:

Crusade Prayer (5) Praise to God the Most High

Crusade Prayer (15) Thanks for gift of Divine Mercy

Crusade Prayer (47) Re-kindle your love for Jesus

Crusade Prayer (69) Prayer to God the Father to accept His Divine Will”


True Life in God:
Unite The Dates Of Easter
One Section Of My Church Has Been Blinded




Roman Catholic:

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lectionary: 115

Reading 1

At the mountain of God, Horeb,
Elijah came to a cave where he took shelter.
Then the LORD said to him,
“Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD;
the LORD will be passing by.”
A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains
and crushing rocks before the LORD—
but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind there was an earthquake—
but the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake there was fire—
but the LORD was not in the fire.
After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.
When he heard this,
Elijah hid his face in his cloak
and went and stood at the entrance of the cave.

Responsorial Psalm

R. (8) Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.
I will hear what God proclaims;
the LORD — for he proclaims peace.
Near indeed is his salvation to those who fear him,
glory dwelling in our land.
R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.
Kindness and truth shall meet;
justice and peace shall kiss.
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
and justice shall look down from heaven.
R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.
The LORD himself will give his benefits;
our land shall yield its increase.
Justice shall walk before him,
and prepare the way of his steps.
R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.

Reading 2

Brothers and sisters:
I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie;
my conscience joins with the Holy
Spirit in bearing me witness
that I have great sorrow and constant anguish in my heart.
For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ
for the sake of my own people,
my kindred according to the flesh.
They are Israelites;
theirs the adoption, the glory, the covenants,
the giving of the law, the
worship, and the promises;
theirs the patriarchs, and
from them,
according to the flesh, is the
who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.


R. Alleluia, alleluia.
I wait for the Lord;
my soul waits for his word.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.


After he had fed the people, Jesus made the disciples get into a boat
and precede him to the other side,
while he dismissed the crowds.
After doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray.
When it was evening he was there alone.
Meanwhile the boat, already a few miles offshore,
was being tossed about by the waves, for the wind was against it.
During the fourth watch of the night,
he came toward them walking on the sea.
When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified.
“It is a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear.
At once Jesus spoke to them, “
Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”
Peter said to him in reply,
“Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
He said, “
Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the
water toward Jesus.
But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened;
and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught Peter,
and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
After they got into the boat, the wind died down.
Those who were in the boat did him homage, saying,
“Truly, you are the
Son of God.””


The Destiny of the Righteous

But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and no torment will ever touch them.
In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died,
and their departure was thought to be a disaster,
and their going from us to be their destruction;
but they are at peace.
For though in the sight of others they were punished,
their hope is full of immortality.
Having been disciplined a little, they will receive great good,
because God tested them and found them worthy of himself;
like gold in the furnace he tried them,
and like a sacrificial burnt offering he accepted them.
In the time of their visitation they will shine forth,
and will run like sparks through the stubble.
They will govern nations and rule over peoples,
and the Lord will reign over them forever.
Those who trust in him will understand truth,
and the faithful will abide with him in love,
because grace and mercy are upon his holy ones,
and he watches over his elect.[a]



The Reward of the Righteous

15 But the righteous live forever,
and their reward is with the Lord;
the Most High takes care of them.
16 Therefore they will receive a glorious crown
and a beautiful diadem from the hand of the Lord,
because with his right hand he will cover them,
and with his arm he will shield them.
17 The Lord[a] will take his zeal as his whole armor,
and will arm all creation to repel[b] his enemies;
18 he will put on righteousness as a breastplate,
and wear impartial justice as a helmet;
19 he will take holiness as an invincible shield,
20 and sharpen stern wrath for a sword,
and creation will join with him to fight against his frenzied foes.
21 Shafts of lightning will fly with true aim,
and will leap from the clouds to the target, as from a well-drawn bow,
22 and hailstones full of wrath will be hurled as from a catapult;
the water of the sea will rage against them,
and rivers will relentlessly overwhelm them;
23 a mighty wind will rise against them,
and like a tempest it will winnow them away.
Lawlessness will lay waste the whole earth,
and evildoing will overturn the thrones of rulers.

Kings Should Seek Wisdom

Listen therefore, O kings, and understand;
learn, O judges of the ends of the earth.
Give ear, you that rule over multitudes,
and boast of many nations.
For your dominion was given you from the Lord,
and your sovereignty from the Most High;
he will search out your works and inquire into your plans.



But the righteous, though they die early, will be at rest.
For old age is not honored for length of time,
or measured by number of years;
but understanding is gray hair for anyone,
and a blameless life is ripe old age.

10 There were some who pleased God and were loved by him,
and while living among sinners were taken up.
11 They were caught up so that evil might not change their understanding
or guile deceive their souls.
12 For the fascination of wickedness obscures what is good,
and roving desire perverts the innocent mind.
13 Being perfected in a short time, they fulfilled long years;
14 for their souls were pleasing to the Lord,
therefore he took them quickly from the midst of wickedness.
15 Yet the peoples saw and did not understand,
or take such a thing to heart,
that God’s grace and mercy are with his elect,
and that he watches over his holy ones.



I come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour

The Book of Truth:
Wednesday, 6 May, 2015, 22.31

My dearly beloved daughter, My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.

Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.

Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.

All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. For those with true love for God will be unable to separate from Him because they are attached to Him by an umbilical cord, which cannot be severed.

God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.

Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I am firstmost a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me, but who have separated from Me.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New KingdomMy Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.

I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.

Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.
I love you all dearly and I have claimed you as Mine. Let no man attempt to steal one single soul from Me, for he will suffer eternal torment for his actions.

Your Jesus”

True Life in God:


Roman Catholic:

Thursday of the Third Week of Easter
Lectionary: 276

Reading 1 Acts 8:26-40

The angel of the Lord spoke to Philip,
“Get up and head south on the road
that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, the
desert route.”
So he got up and set out.
Now there was an Ethiopian eunuch,
a court official of the Candace,
that is, the queen of the Ethiopians,
in charge of her entire treasury,
who had come to Jerusalem to worship, and was returning home.
Seated in his chariot, he was reading the prophet Isaiah.
The Spirit said to Philip,
“Go and join up with that chariot.”
Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said,
“Do you understand what you are reading?”
He replied,
“How can I, unless someone instructs me?”
So he invited Philip to get in and sit with him.
This was the Scripture passage he was reading:

Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter,
and as a lamb before its shearer is silent,
so he opened not his mouth.
In his humiliation
justice was denied him.
Who will tell of his posterity?
For his life is taken from the earth.

Then the eunuch said to Philip in reply,
“I beg you, about whom is the prophet saying this?
About himself, or about someone else?”
Then Philip opened his mouth and, beginning with this Scripture passage,
he proclaimed Jesus to him.
As they traveled along the road
they came to some water,
and the eunuch said, “Look, there is water.
What is to prevent my being baptized?”
Then he ordered the chariot to stop,
and Philip and the eunuch both went down into the water,
and he baptized him.
When they came out of the water,
Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away,
and the eunuch saw him no more,
but continued on his way rejoicing.
Philip came to Azotus, and went about
proclaiming the good news
to all the towns until he reached Caesarea.

Responsorial Psalm 66:8-9, 16-17, 20

R.    (1)  Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
R.    Alleluia.
Bless our God, you peoples,
loudly sound his praise;
He has given life to our souls,
and has not let our feet slip.
R.    Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
R.    Alleluia.
Hear now, all you who fear God, while I declare
what he has done for me.
When I appealed to him in words,
praise was on the tip of my tongue.
R.    Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
R.    Alleluia.
Blessed be God who refused me not
my prayer or his kindness!
R.    Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
R.    Alleluia.

Alleluia Jn 6:51

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
I am the living bread that came down from heaven, says the Lord;
whoever eats this bread will live forever.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Jn 6:44-51

Jesus said to the crowds:
“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him,
and I will raise him on the last day.
It is written in the prophets:

They shall all be taught by God.

Everyone who listens to my Father and learns from him comes to me.
Not that anyone has seen the Father
except the one who is from God;
he has seen the Father.
Amen, amen, I say to you,
whoever believes has eternal life.
I am the bread of life.
Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they
this is the bread that comes down from heaven
so that one may eat it
and not die.
I am the living bread that came down from heaven;
whoever eats this bread will live forever;
and the bread that I will give
is my Flesh for the life of the world.””


“… All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High
My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New KingdomMy Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end. …”

Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I am firstmost a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me, but who have separated from Me.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New KingdomMy Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again …  …”


1.1 James, a servant[a] of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,

To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion:


Faith and Wisdom

My brothers and sisters,[b] whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.

If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. But ask in faith, never doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind; 7, 8 for the doubter, being double-minded and unstable in every way, must not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

Poverty and Riches

Let the believer[c] who is lowly boast in being raised up, 10 and the rich in being brought low, because the rich will disappear like a flower in the field. 11 For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the field; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. It is the same way with the rich; in the midst of a busy life, they will wither away.

Trial and Temptation

12 Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. Such a one has stood the test and will receive the crown of life that the Lord[d] has promised to those who love him.


“… Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.
My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.
I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father. …”

13 No one, when tempted, should say, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil and he himself tempts no one. 14 But one is tempted by one’s own desire, being lured and enticed by it; 15 then, when that desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and that sin, when it is fully grown, gives birth to death. 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved.[a]

17 Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.[b] 18 In fulfillment of his own purpose he gave us birth by the word of truth, so that we would become a kind of first fruits of his creatures. …”


“… Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.

I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father. …”



Hearing and Doing the Word

19 You must understand this, my beloved:[c] let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; 20 for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness. 21 Therefore rid yourselves of all sordidness and rank growth of wickedness, and welcome with meekness the implanted word that has the power to save your souls.

22 But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. 23 For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves[d] in a mirror; 24 for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like. 25 But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act—they will be blessed in their doing.

26 If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.


“… My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New KingdomMy Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end. …”

Warning against Partiality

2.1 My brothers and sisters,[a] do you with your acts of favoritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ?[b] For if a person with gold rings and in fine clothes comes into your assembly, and if a poor person in dirty clothes also comes in, and if you take notice of the one wearing the fine clothes and say, “Have a seat here, please,” while to the one who is poor you say, “Stand there,” or, “Sit at my feet,”[c] have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters.[d] Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who oppress you? Is it not they who drag you into court? Is it not they who blaspheme the excellent name that was invoked over you?

You do well if you really fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you show partiality, you commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. 10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it. 11 For the one who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” also said, “You shall not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery but if you murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. 12 So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty. 13 For judgment will be without mercy to anyone who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. …”

“…. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour. …”