There is only one path to God and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. There is no other route

EN / IT:

„tertium non datur”



The Book of Truth:

There is only one path to God and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. There is no other route

April 18, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, the world will arise again, out of the ashes, out of the carnage. I will, I promise, wipe the plague of the antichrist off the face of the Earth. I will destroy the enemies of God and those responsible for bringing misery, injustice and suffering to God’s children.

The evil, which grips the hearts of man today, in every part of the world, takes different forms. In its brutal form, people are tortured, murdered and punished harshly. Then in other ways, people have to endure great hardships, including lack of food, lack of housing and terrible poverty, while their leaders devour every right that is theirs. Then there are the unfair laws, which favour the powerful, make wealthy men richer and poor men poorer, where little mercy or love is shown to those in great need. Finally, there is the persecution of Christians – My followers – all over the world. They are despised, more than any others, and suffer terribly in My Name. Christians are hated by followers of the evil one, who uses his agents to silence them in various ways. Many of their plans involve censorship or the right to declare, openly, their allegiance to Me. And while governments, today, will staunchly defend the rights of every other creed or civil right, they will not bend to the rights of Christians. 

Christians will soon be banned from practicing their faith in public places, in schools, in colleges, until eventually in the Temples of God. You may say – surely this is impossible – to prevent Christians from practicing their faith, in their own churches? This will come about in the most cunning way, where millions will be deceived, with little notice paid, as every single detail of the Word, as it is now, will change, but this will pass quietly. Only those who pay attention will see the changes and, after a while, it will become acceptable to open all Christian churches to welcome all faiths, including those who do not believe in Me. However, not all those who follow faiths, which do not idolize the Triune God, will be forced into the new one world church. No. It will be the Christians, who will be made to idolize paganism, which will be carefully presented as a new church and which will embrace a new form of ‘communion’ – a church for everyone – where I, Jesus Christ, will not feature. 

As and from this year, My Crosses will begin to disappear and while My Churches, and those who say they serve Me, talk about the importance of humanism, you will not hear talk of the importance of surrendering to Me, Jesus Christ, your Saviour. You, therefore, will not be prepared for Eternal Salvation. The importance of following My path to My Father will not be mentioned, nor will the importance of the Holy Sacraments be discussed. Instead, you will be told of the importance of looking after the needs and welfare of others, which will be used as a substitute for adoring Me. I Am the Church. My Body is My Church, but in time, I will be brushed completely to one side. Your heads will be filled with untruths. You will be told of every type of path, which is needed to bring you closer to God. But every path you will be told to walk down will be in the opposite direction.

Know now, that there is only one Truth. There is only one path to God and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. There is no other route. 

Your Jesus



God the Father: Very few of you will reject the new one world church and so My Intervention will be swift

April 20, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearest daughter, when I sent My Son to redeem humanity, the world rejected Him, just as they did the prophets I sent before Him.

As I now prepare to send My Son, the second and final time, to gather My children and give them Eternal Life, they will also reject this Great Act of Mercy. I have, through My Word, given man the Truth and still he rejects it. How easily they forget. How blind they are, for I told the world that I would bring them My Kingdom – a New World, without end – but they have no real understanding as to what their inheritance will mean. Not all will accept My Son’s Mercy and so I remind the world of what is to come, so that they will come and accept My Kingdom.

There will be great resistance by My children to the many miracles I will show the world, before the Coming of My Son. There will be much talk, but My enemies will ensure that My children are deceived, so that they will not prepare their souls for the Glorious Life I have prepared for each of you.

Just as My Son rose from the dead on the third day, so too will He reveal Himself on the third day, after three days of darkness, at His Second Coming. I desire that you be aware of these three days of darkness, so that you do not fear them. Holy candles will provide the only light permitted by Me, to allow those who love Me to see and to await, with joy, My Son’s Arrival.

Be not afraid of My Love for you or the Power that I wield, as it is for your own good that I permit all events to take place in the days leading up to the Great Day. I permit My enemies to roam the Earth. I permit the destroyers to deceive man, for this is how I will test the faith of those who have been blessed with the Truth. But know this. Those who betray the Word of God will be cast out into the wilderness. Those who strike out and punish My sacred servants, who love My Son, will be punished harshly. I will permit the weak and those who are easily led to be deceived, so that they will – when My Prophecies, given to you, My daughter, come to pass – repent and seek Me out.

Children, I Am preparing you, so that My Will is done and that you will live, within My Realm, as you were born to. The world you live in is tarnished, because of the evil one and his influence. The Earth is plagued by sin, at this time more than ever before, and sin will now escalate, which each one of you, with true faith, will bear witness to. You will need to be reminded of the Truth each day from today – Easter Sunday – for without it, you will wander and become lost.

Very few of you will reject the new one world church and so My Intervention will be swift. I will pull you towards Me, keep you uplifted, when the pain of the apostasy becomes unbearable, and I will rescue your souls by whatever means I choose, rather than lose you to My enemies. I desire that you look kindly upon those who fight against My Son because of this, His Mission to prepare the world for His Second Coming.

I ask that you ask Me, your Eternal Father, to show Mercy to all who try to interfere with My Hand, My Generosity, My Power and My Divinity, through this special Crusade Prayer:

Crusade Prayer (147) God the Father, show Mercy on those who deny Your Son

O God, my Eternal Father, I ask You to show Mercy on those who deny Your Son. I plead for the souls of those who try to destroy Your prophets. I beg for the conversion of souls, who are lost to You and I ask that You help all Your children to prepare their souls and amend their lives, in accordance with Your Divine Will, in anticipation of the Second Coming of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Go, My children, and prepare all those known to you, by offering up special prayers to Me, your Eternal Father, for My Great Mercy.

I love all of you. I Am All-Loving, All-Patient and I await your response. Never think that I will not hear your prayers, for your voices are sweetness in My Ears and your love for Me brings Me great joy. There is nothing I will not do for My children. Nothing.

Go in love and joy, for you can be assured that I Am All-Merciful.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS
