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Tag Archives: Revelation

I reveal the secrets contained within the Book of Revelation, and they will not be pleasant

The Book of Truth:

I reveal the secrets contained within the Book of Revelation, and they will not be pleasant

July 23, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, the trials you will have to face are because I reveal the secrets contained within the Book of Revelation and they will not be pleasant. The Truth can be so upsetting and unsettling for many. The Truth will cause tears of dismay, tears of sadness and great distress.

Lies, on the other hand, can lull you into a sense of false security. Even when lies, presented to you, come dressed in loving language and noble gestures, don’t feel right in your heart, they can be much easier for man to accept than the Truth.

When someone is told that they have been infected with a terminal disease, they have two choices. They can accept the Truth, prepare their souls, spend time in close proximity with their families, seek My Forgiveness and then, wait for the day. When they do this, although it may be frightening, they will – because they have accepted the Truth – find true peace in their souls.

These souls will have nothing to fear from Me. If, on the other hand, they reject the Truth, and believe in magic potions and false gods, which they think can be used to miraculously cure them, they will be very disappointed. These souls, blinded by so-called positive thoughts, believe that if they will themselves to be better, that all will be well. What they fail to understand is that they must call on Me, Jesus, if they wish to be healed. I will answer prayers, but only if the request is for the good of their souls. These souls, who refuse to accept the Truth of their illness and who do not turn to Me, will be lost. They will have wasted the time accorded to them on Earth, to ensure that their house is in order.

The same is true of My Word, the Truth, given to you, now. I gave the world the Truth, during My Time on Earth and I was rejected. Many did follow Me, but the Truth, given to them at that time, will now be challenged by the enemies of God and they will fall prey to deceit. They will soon reject the Truth and will not be able to accept My Warning, given to the world at this time.

I call on you now, not to reveal to you new Teachings, as this is not necessary. You were given the Truth, but now I intervene to remind you of the Truth. I also come to warn you of the evil atrocities, which will be inflicted on you because of your love for Me.

Do not turn your backs on Me, Jesus Christ, as I Am reaching out only to protect you at this time. I do not want to alienate you, but I will keep reminding you of the Truth, time and time again. When you find that your soul becomes agitated, as a result of the new rules to be presented by those who say they are of Me, then you must call on Me through this Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (116) Save me from the evil of lies:

Dear Jesus, help me.

I am drowning in tears of sorrow.

My heart is confused.

I do not know who I can trust.

Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can choose the correct path to Your Kingdom.

Help me, dear Jesus, to always remain true to Your Word, given to the world by Peter and to never deviate from what You taught us or deny Your death on the Cross.

Jesus, You are the Way.

Show me the Way.

Hold me and carry me on Your journey of Great Mercy. Amen.

Your Jesus



True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


They took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish. Those who had eaten the loaves numbered five thousand men

The Book of Truth:
Wednesday, 6 May, 2015, 22.31

My dearly beloved daughter, My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.

Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.

Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.
All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. For those with true love for God will be unable to separate from Him because they are attached to Him by an umbilical cord, which cannot be severed.
God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.
Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I am firstmost a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me, but who have separated from Me.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.

I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.
Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.
I love you all dearly and I have claimed you as Mine. Let no man attempt  to steal one single soul from Me, for he will suffer eternal torment for his actions.

Crusade Prayers:

Crusade Prayer (103) To share the Cup of Suffering with Christ

Crusade Prayer (122) For the consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ”

True Life in God:
Unite The Dates Of Easter
One Section Of My Church Has Been Blinded

Roman Catholic:

Thursday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Lectionary: 446

Reading 1

I am reminding you, brothers and sisters,
of the Gospel I preached to you,
which you indeed received and in which you also stand.
Through it you are also being saved,
if you hold fast to the word I preached to you,
unless you believed in vain.
For I handed on to you as of first importance what I also received:
that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the
that he was buried;
that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the
that he appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve.

After that, he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at once,
most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.
After that he appeared to James,
then to all the Apostles.
Last of all, as to one born abnormally,
he appeared to me.
For I am the least of the Apostles,
not fit to be called an Apostle,
because I persecuted the Church of God.
But by the grace of God I am what I am,
and his grace to me has not been ineffective.
Indeed, I have toiled harder than all of them;
not I, however, but the grace of God that is with me.
Therefore, whether it be I or they,
so we
preach and so you believed. 

Responsorial Psalm

R. (1) Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his mercy endures forever.
Let the house of Israel say,
“His mercy endures forever.”
R. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
“The right hand of the LORD is exalted;
the right hand of the Lord has struck with power.”
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the LORD.
R. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
You are my God, and I give thanks to you;
O my God, I extol you.
R. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. 



R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest, says the Lord.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.


A certain Pharisee invited Jesus to dine with him,
and he entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at table.
Now there was a sinful woman in the city
who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee.
Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment,
she stood behind him at his feet weeping
and began to bathe his feet with her tears.
Then she wiped them with her hair,
kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment.
When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself,
“If this man were a prophet,
he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him,
that she is a sinner.”
Jesus said to him in reply,
“Simon, I have something to say to you.”
“Tell me, teacher,” he said.
“Two people were in debt to a certain creditor;
one owed five hundred days’ wages and the other owed fifty.
Since they were unable to repay the debt, he forgave it for both.
Which of them will love him more?”
Simon said in reply,
“The one, I suppose, whose larger debt was forgiven.”
He said to him, “You have judged rightly.”
Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon,
“Do you see this woman?
When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet,
but she has bathed them with her tears
and wiped them with her hair.
You did not give me a kiss,
but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered.
You did not anoint my head with oil,
but she anointed my feet with ointment.
So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven;
hence, she has shown great love.
But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.”
He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”
The others at table said to themselves,
“Who is this who even forgives sins?”
But he said to the woman,
“Your faith has saved you;
go in peace.””

….23 Now before faith came, we were imprisoned and guarded under the law until faith would be revealed. 24 Therefore the law was our disciplinarian until Christ came, so that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer subject to a disciplinarian, 26 for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. 27 As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring,[a] heirs according to the promise.

4.1 My point is this: heirs, as long as they are minors, are no better than slaves, though they are the owners of all the property; but they remain under guardians and trustees until the date set by the father. So with us; while we were minors, we were enslaved to the elemental spirits[b] of the world. But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children.


Feeding the Five Thousand

30 The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. 31 He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. 32 And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves. 33 Now many saw them going and recognized them, and they hurried there on foot from all the towns and arrived ahead of them. 34 As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. 35 When it grew late, his disciples came to him and said, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is now very late; 36 send them away so that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy something for themselves to eat.” 37 But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.” They said to him, “Are we to go and buy two hundred denarii[a] worth of bread, and give it to them to eat?” 38 And he said to them, “How many loaves have you? Go and see.” When they had found out, they said, “Five, and two fish.” 39 Then he ordered them to get all the people to sit down in groups on the green grass. 40 So they sat down in groups of hundreds and of fifties. 41 Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all. 42 And all ate and were filled; 43 and they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish. 44 Those who had eaten the loaves numbered five thousand men.

Jesus Walks on the Water

45 Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd.”


I come again to judge the living and the dead – but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth

The Book of Truth:
Wednesday, 6 May, 2015, 22.31

My dearly beloved daughter, My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.

Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.

Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.
All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. For those with true love for God will be unable to separate from Him because they are attached to Him by an umbilical cord, which cannot be severed.
God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.
Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I am firstmost a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me, but who have separated from Me.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end. 

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.
I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.
Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.
I love you all dearly and I have claimed you as Mine. Let no man attempt  to steal one single soul from Me, for he will suffer eternal torment for his actions.

Crusade Prayers:

Crusade Prayer (79) For 2 Billion Lost Souls

Crusade Prayer (89) For Wretched Sinners

Crusade Prayer (104) Free this soul from slavery

Crusade Prayer (118) For the lost generation of young souls”

True Life in God:
Unite The Dates Of Easter
One Section Of My Church Has Been Blinded


Tell My people and remind them …

May 5, 2011

“…  My cry has pierced the air, like a hurricane of fire I shall descend on them, and rivers of fire will engulf many nations; My fury will not end, have you not seen the signs of the Times? the waters of the seas will continue to rage pitilessly against this evil and faithless generation, for soon the Hand of My Father will fall heavily upon the apostates;


Roman Catholic:

  • Readings for the

Memorial of Saint Clare, Virgin

Lectionary: 414

Reading 1

The Lord GOD said to me:
As for you, son of man, obey me when I speak to you:
be not rebellious like this house of rebellion,
but open your mouth and eat what I shall give you.

It was then I saw a hand stretched out to me,
in which was a written scroll which he unrolled before me.
It was covered with writing front and back,
and written on it was: 
Lamentation and
wailing and woe!

He said to me: Son of man, eat what is before you;
eat this scroll, then go, speak to the house of Israel.
So I opened my mouth and he gave me the scroll to eat.
Son of man, he then said to me,
feed your belly and fill your stomach
with this scroll I am giving you.
I ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth.
He said: Son of man, go now to the house of Israel,
and speak my words to them.

Responsorial Psalm

R. (103a)  How sweet to my taste is your promise!
In the way of your decrees I rejoice,
as much as in all riches.
R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!
Yes, your decrees are my delight;
they are my counselors.
R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!
The law of your mouth is to me more precious
than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!
How sweet to my palate are your promises,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
R.  How sweet to my taste is your promise!
Your decrees are my inheritance forever;
the joy of my heart they are.
R.  How sweet to my taste is your promise!
I gasp with open mouth,
in my yearning for your commands.
R.  How sweet to my taste is your promise! 



R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am meek and humble of heart.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.


The disciples approached Jesus and said,
“Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?”
He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said,
“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Whoever becomes humble like this child
is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.
And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones,
for I say to you that their angels in heaven
always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.
What is your opinion?
If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray,
will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills
and go in search of the stray?
And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it
than over the ninety-nine that did not stray. 
In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father
that one of these little ones be lost.””

“…. . For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end. …”
29 Otherwise, what will those people do who receive baptism on behalf of the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized on their behalf?

30 And why are we putting ourselves in danger every hour? 31 I die every day! That is as certain, brothers and sisters,[a] as my boasting of you—a boast that I make in Christ Jesus our Lord. 32 If with merely human hopes I fought with wild animals at Ephesus, what would I have gained by it? If the dead are not raised,

“Let us eat and drink,
    for tomorrow we die.”

33 Do not be deceived:

“Bad company ruins good morals.”

34 Come to a sober and right mind, and sin no more; for some people have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame.

The Resurrection Body

35 But someone will ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?” 36 Fool! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37 And as for what you sow, you do not sow the body that is to be, but a bare seed, perhaps of wheat or of some other grain. 38 But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body.


The Authority of Jesus Questioned

23 When he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, “By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?” 24 Jesus said to them, “I will also ask you one question; if you tell me the answer, then I will also tell you by what authority I do these things. 25 Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?” And they argued with one another, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will say to us, ‘Why then did you not believe him?’ 26 But if we say, ‘Of human origin,’ we are afraid of the crowd; for all regard John as a prophet.” 27 So they answered Jesus, “We do not know.” And he said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.”

“…. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, …”

But, the Light of God will be poured out over the Christians and the Jews and out of their mouths, inspired by Enoch and Elijah, they will preach the Word of God

The Book of Truth:
Wednesday, 6 May, 2015, 22.31

My dearly beloved daughter, My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.

Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.

Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.
All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. For those with true love for God will be unable to separate from Him because they are attached to Him by an umbilical cord, which cannot be severed.
God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.
Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I am firstmost a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me, but who have separated from Me.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.
I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.
Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.
I love you all dearly and I have claimed you as Mine. Let no man attempt to steal one single soul from Me, for he will suffer eternal torment for his actions.

Crusade Prayers:

True Life in God:
Unite The Dates Of Easter
One Section Of My Church Has Been Blinded

Roman Catholic:

Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Lectionary: 170

Reading 1 Dt 7:6-11

Moses said to the people:
“You are a people sacred to the LORD, your God;
he has chosen you from all the nations on the face of the earth
to be a people peculiarly his own.
It was not because you are the largest of all nations
that the LORD set his heart on you and chose you,
for you are really the smallest of all nations.
It was because the LORD loved you
and because of his
fidelity to the oath he had sworn your fathers,
that he
brought you out with his strong hand
from the place of slavery,
and ransomed you from the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
Understand, then, that the LORD, your God, is God indeed,
the faithful God who keeps his merciful covenant
down to the thousandth generation
toward those who love him and keep his commandments,
but who repays with destruction a person who hates him;
he does not dally with such a one,
but makes them personally pay for it.

You shall therefore carefully observe the commandments,
the statutes and the decrees that I enjoin on you today.”

Responsorial Psalm Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 10.

R. (cf. 17) The Lord’s kindness is everlasting to those who fear him.
Bless the LORD, O my soul;
all my being, bless his holy name.
Bless the LORD, O my soul;
and forget not all his benefits.
R. The Lord’s kindness is everlasting to those who fear him.
He pardons all your iniquities,
heals all your ills.
He redeems your life from destruction,
crowns you with kindness and compassion.
R. The Lord’s kindness is everlasting to those who fear him.
Merciful and gracious is the LORD,
slow to anger and abounding in kindness.
Not according to our sins does he deal with us,
nor does he requite us according to our crimes.
R. The Lord’s kindness is everlasting to those who fear him.

Reading 2  1 Jn 4:7-16

Beloved, let us love one another,
because love is of God;
everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God.
Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love.
In this way the love of God was revealed to us:
God sent his only Son into the world
so that we might have life through him.
In this is love:
not that we have loved God, but that he loved us
and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.
Beloved, if God so loved us,
we also must love one another.
No one has ever seen God.
Yet, if we love one another, God remains in us,
and his love is brought to perfection in us.

This is how we know that we remain in him and he in us,
that he has given us of his Spirit.
Moreover, we have seen and testify
that the Father sent his Son as savior of the world.
Whoever acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God,
God remains in him and he in God.
We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us.

God is love, and whoever remains in love
remains in God and God in him.

Alleluia Mt 11:29ab

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Take my yoke upon you, says the Lord;
and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mt 11:25-30

At that time Jesus exclaimed:
“I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
for although you have hidden these things
from the wise and the learned
you have revealed them to little ones.
Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.
All things have been handed over to me by my Father.
No one knows the Son except the Father,
and no one knows the Father except the Son
and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am meek and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for yourselves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.””




Jude,[a] a servant[b] of Jesus Christ and brother of James,

To those who are called, who are beloved[c] in[d] God the Father and kept safe for[e] Jesus Christ:

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.

Occasion of the Letter

Beloved, while eagerly preparing to write to you about the salvation we share, I find it necessary to write and appeal to you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain intruders have stolen in among you, people who long ago were designated for this condemnation as ungodly, who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.[f]

Judgment on False Teachers

Now I desire to remind you, though you are fully informed, that the Lord, who once for all saved[g] a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not keep their own position, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains in deepest darkness for the judgment of the great day. Likewise, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural lust,[h] serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Yet in the same way these dreamers also defile the flesh, reject authority, and slander the glorious ones.[i] But when the archangel Michael contended with the devil and disputed about the body of Moses, he did not dare to bring a condemnation of slander[j] against him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” 10 But these people slander whatever they do not understand, and they are destroyed by those things that, like irrational animals, they know by instinct. 11 Woe to them! For they go the way of Cain, and abandon themselves to Balaam’s error for the sake of gain, and perish in Korah’s rebellion. 12 These are blemishes[k] on your love-feasts, while they feast with you without fear, feeding themselves.[l] They are waterless clouds carried along by the winds; autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, uprooted; 13 wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the deepest darkness has been reserved forever.

14 It was also about these that Enoch *, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, “See, the Lord is coming[m] with ten thousands of his holy ones, 15 to execute judgment on all, and to convict everyone of all the deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” 16 These are grumblers and malcontents; they indulge their own lusts; they are bombastic in speech, flattering people to their own advantage.

Warnings and Exhortations

17 But you, beloved, must remember the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; 18 for they said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, indulging their own ungodly lusts.” 19 It is these worldly people, devoid of the Spirit, who are causing divisions. 20 But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; 21 keep yourselves in the love of God; look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to[n] eternal life. 22 And have mercy on some who are wavering; 23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; and have mercy on still others with fear, hating even the tunic defiled by their bodies.[o]


24 Now to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand without blemish in the presence of his glory with rejoicing, 25 to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.


“… .But, the Light of God will be poured out over the Christians and the Jews and out of their mouths, inspired by Enoch and Elijah, they will preach the Word of God.

These will be the two religions which will be targeted by My enemies and persecuted, dealt with harshly before being banned from practicing their religion in public places. Eventually, they will take over their churches and temples. But, covered by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, they will spread the Word of God. They will find the courage and the strength to remain true to God.  ..”



11 Woe to them! For they go the way of Cain, and abandon themselves to Balaam’s error for the sake of gain, and perish in Korah’s rebellion. 12 These are blemishes[a] on your love-feasts, while they feast with you without fear, feeding themselves.[b] They are waterless clouds carried along by the winds; autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, uprooted; 13 wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the deepest darkness has been reserved forever.

14 It was also about these that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, “See, the Lord is coming[c] with ten thousands of his holy ones, 15 to execute judgment on all, and to convict everyone of all the deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” 16 These are grumblers and malcontents; they indulge their own lusts; they are bombastic in speech, flattering people to their own advantage.


Warnings and Exhortations

17 But you, beloved, must remember the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; 18 for they said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, indulging their own ungodly lusts.” 19 It is these worldly people, devoid of the Spirit, who are causing divisions. 20 But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; 21 keep yourselves in the love of God; look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to[a] eternal life. 22 And have mercy on some who are wavering; 23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; and have mercy on still others with fear, hating even the tunic defiled by their bodies.[b]


24 Now to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand without blemish in the presence of his glory with rejoicing, 25 to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.


Jesus and Peter

15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.” 16 A second time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Tend my sheep.” 17 He said to him the third time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter felt hurt because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” And he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly, I tell you, when you were younger, you used to fasten your own belt and to go wherever you wished. But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will fasten a belt around you and take you where you do not wish to go.” 19 (He said this to indicate the kind of death by which he would glorify God.) After this he said to him, “Follow me.”

Jesus and the Beloved Disciple

20 Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them; he was the one who had reclined next to Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?” 21 When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” 22 Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!” 23 So the rumor spread in the community[a] that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?”[b]

24 This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true. 25 But there are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.


The world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth

The Book of Truth:

Wednesday, 6 May, 2015, 22.31

My dearly beloved daughter, My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.

Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.

All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. For those with true love for God will be unable to separate from Him because they are attached to Him by an umbilical cord, which cannot be severed.

God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.

Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I am firstmost a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me, but who have separated from Me.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.
I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.
Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.
I love you all dearly and I have claimed you as Mine. Let no man attempt to steal one single soul from Me, for he will suffer eternal torment for his actions.

Your Jesus”

True Life in God:
Unite The Dates Of Easter
One Section Of My Church Has Been Blinded

Unite The Dates Of Easter
One Section Of My Church Has Been Blinded


Roman Catholic:

Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter Mass in the Morning
Lectionary: 302

Reading 1 Acts 28:16-20, 30-31

When he entered Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself,
with the soldier who was guarding him.

Three days later he called together the leaders of the Jews.
When they had gathered he said to them, “My brothers,
although I had done nothing against our people
or our ancestral customs,
I was handed over to the Romans as a prisoner from Jerusalem.
After trying my case the Romans wanted to release me,
because they found nothing against me deserving the death penalty.
But when the Jews objected, I was obliged to appeal to Caesar,
even though I had no accusation to make against my own nation.
This is the reason, then, I have requested to see you
and to speak with you, for it is on account of the hope of Israel
that I wear these chains.

He remained for two full years in his lodgings.
He received all who came to him, and with complete assurance
and without hindrance he
proclaimed the Kingdom of God
and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Responsorial Psalm 11:4, 5 and 7

R.    (see 7b)  The just will gaze on your face, O Lord.
R.    Alleluia.
The LORD is in his holy temple;
the LORD’s throne is in heaven.
His eyes behold,
his searching glance is on mankind.
R.    The just will gaze on your face, O Lord.
R.    Alleluia.
The LORD searches the just and the wicked;
the lover of violence he hates.
For the LORD is just, he loves just deeds;
the upright shall see his face.
R.    The just will gaze on your face, O Lord.
R.    Alleluia.

Alleluia Jn 16:7, 13

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
I will send to you the Spirit of truth, says the Lord;
he will guide you to all truth.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Jn 21:20-25

Peter turned and saw the disciple following whom Jesus loved,
the one who had also reclined upon his chest during the supper
and had said, “Master, who is the one who will betray you?”
When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about him?”
Jesus said to him, “What if I want him to remain until I come?
What concern is it of yours?
You follow me.”
So the word spread among the brothers that that disciple would not die.
But Jesus had not told him that
he would not die,
just “What if I want him to remain until I come?
What concern is it of yours?”

It is this disciple who testifies to these things
and has written them, and we know that his
testimony is true.
There are also many other things that Jesus
but if these were to be described individually,
I do not think the whole world would contain
the books
that would be written.”


Paul’s Farewell Visit to Troas

On the first day of the week, when we met to break bread, Paul was holding a discussion with them; since he intended to leave the next day, he continued speaking until midnight. There were many lamps in the room upstairs where we were meeting. A young man named Eutychus, who was sitting in the window, began to sink off into a deep sleep while Paul talked still longer. Overcome by sleep, he fell to the ground three floors below and was picked up dead. 10 But Paul went down, and bending over him took him in his arms, and said, “Do not be alarmed, for his life is in him.” 11 Then Paul went upstairs, and after he had broken bread and eaten, he continued to converse with them until dawn; then he left. 12 Meanwhile they had taken the boy away alive and were not a little comforted.


10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves. 12 Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If in my name you ask me[a] for anything, I will do it.

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

15 “If you love me, you will keep[b] my commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate,[c] to be with you forever. 17 This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in[d] you.

18 “I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. 19 In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. 20 On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. 21 They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.””


The Gershonites and Merarites

21 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 22 Take a census of the Gershonites also, by their ancestral houses and by their clans; 23 from thirty years old up to fifty years old you shall enroll them, all who qualify to do work in the tent of meeting. 24 This is the service of the clans of the Gershonites, in serving and bearing burdens: 25 They shall carry the curtains of the tabernacle, and the tent of meeting with its covering, and the outer covering of fine leather[a] that is on top of it, and the screen for the entrance of the tent of meeting, 26 and the hangings of the court, and the screen for the entrance of the gate of the court that is around the tabernacle and the altar, and their cords, and all the equipment for their service; and they shall do all that needs to be done with regard to them. 27 All the service of the Gershonites shall be at the command of Aaron and his sons, in all that they are to carry, and in all that they have to do; and you shall assign to their charge all that they are to carry. 28 This is the service of the clans of the Gershonites relating to the tent of meeting, and their responsibilities are to be under the oversight of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.

29 As for the Merarites, you shall enroll them by their clans and their ancestral houses; 30 from thirty years old up to fifty years old you shall enroll them, everyone who qualifies to do the work of the tent of meeting. 31 This is what they are charged to carry, as the whole of their service in the tent of meeting: the frames of the tabernacle, with its bars, pillars, and bases, 32 and the pillars of the court all around with their bases, pegs, and cords, with all their equipment and all their related service; and you shall assign by name the objects that they are required to carry. 33 This is the service of the clans of the Merarites, the whole of their service relating to the tent of meeting, under the hand of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.

Census of the Levites

34 So Moses and Aaron and the leaders of the congregation enrolled the Kohathites, by their clans and their ancestral houses, 35 from thirty years old up to fifty years old, everyone who qualified for work relating to the tent of meeting; 36 and their enrollment by clans was two thousand seven hundred fifty. 37 This was the enrollment of the clans of the Kohathites, all who served at the tent of meeting, whom Moses and Aaron enrolled according to the commandment of the Lord by Moses.

38 The enrollment of the Gershonites, by their clans and their ancestral houses, 39 from thirty years old up to fifty years old, everyone who qualified for work relating to the tent of meeting— 40 their enrollment by their clans and their ancestral houses was two thousand six hundred thirty. 41 This was the enrollment of the clans of the Gershonites, all who served at the tent of meeting, whom Moses and Aaron enrolled according to the commandment of the Lord.

42 The enrollment of the clans of the Merarites, by their clans and their ancestral houses, 43 from thirty years old up to fifty years old, everyone who qualified for work relating to the tent of meeting— 44 their enrollment by their clans was three thousand two hundred. 45 This is the enrollment of the clans of the Merarites, whom Moses and Aaron enrolled according to the commandment of the Lord by Moses.

46 All those who were enrolled of the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron and the leaders of Israel enrolled, by their clans and their ancestral houses, 47 from thirty years old up to fifty years old, everyone who qualified to do the work of service and the work of bearing burdens relating to the tent of meeting, 48 their enrollment was eight thousand five hundred eighty. 49 According to the commandment of the Lord through Moses they were appointed to their several tasks of serving or carrying; thus they were enrolled by him, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Unclean Persons

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Command the Israelites to put out of the camp everyone who is leprous,[b] or has a discharge, and everyone who is unclean through contact with a corpse;


There was a certain man of Zorah, of the tribe of the Danites, whose name was Manoah. His wife was barren, having borne no children. And the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, “Although you are barren, having borne no children, you shall conceive and bear a son. Now be careful not to drink wine or strong drink, or to eat anything unclean, for you shall conceive and bear a son. No razor is to come on his head, for the boy shall be a nazirite[a] to God from birth. It is he who shall begin to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines.” Then the woman came and told her husband, “A man of God came to me, and his appearance was like that of an angel[b] of God, most awe-inspiring; I did not ask him where he came from, and he did not tell me his name; but he said to me, ‘You shall conceive and bear a son. So then drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean, for the boy shall be a nazirite[c] to God from birth to the day of his death.’”

Then Manoah entreated the Lord, and said, “O Lord, I pray, let the man of God whom you sent come to us again and teach us what we are to do concerning the boy who will be born.” God listened to Manoah, and the angel of God came again to the woman as she sat in the field; but her husband Manoah was not with her. 10 So the woman ran quickly and told her husband, “The man who came to me the other day has appeared to me.” 11 Manoah got up and followed his wife, and came to the man and said to him, “Are you the man who spoke to this woman?” And he said, “I am.” 12 Then Manoah said, “Now when your words come true, what is to be the boy’s rule of life; what is he to do?” 13 The angel of the Lord said to Manoah, “Let the woman give heed to all that I said to her. 14 She may not eat of anything that comes from the vine. She is not to drink wine or strong drink, or eat any unclean thing. She is to observe everything that I commanded her.”

15 Manoah said to the angel of the Lord, “Allow us to detain you, and prepare a kid for you.” 16 The angel of the Lord said to Manoah, “If you detain me, I will not eat your food; but if you want to prepare a burnt offering, then offer it to the Lord.” (For Manoah did not know that he was the angel of the Lord.) 17 Then Manoah said to the angel of the Lord, “What is your name, so that we may honor you when your words come true?” 18 But the angel of the Lord said to him, “Why do you ask my name? It is too wonderful.”

19 So Manoah took the kid with the grain offering, and offered it on the rock to the Lord, to him who works[d] wonders.[e] 20 When the flame went up toward heaven from the altar, the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar while Manoah and his wife looked on; and they fell on their faces to the ground. 21 The angel of the Lord did not appear again to Manoah and his wife. Then Manoah realized that it was the angel of the Lord. 22 And Manoah said to his wife, “We shall surely die, for we have seen God.” 23 But his wife said to him, “If the Lord had meant to kill us, he would not have accepted a burnt offering and a grain offering at our hands, or shown us all these things, or now announced to us such things as these.”

24 The woman bore a son, and named him Samson. The boy grew, and the Lord blessed him. 25 The spirit of the Lord began to stir him in Mahaneh-dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth

The Book of Truth:

Wednesday, 6 May, 2015, 22.31

My dearly beloved daughter, My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.

Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.

All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. For those with true love for God will be unable to separate from Him because they are attached to Him by an umbilical cord, which cannot be severed.

God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.


Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I am firstmost a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me, but who have separated from Me.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.

I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.

Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.

I love you all dearly and I have claimed you as Mine. Let no man attempt to steal one single soul from Me, for he will suffer eternal torment for his actions.

Your Jesus”

True Life in God:



“… Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.

All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. …”

Roman Catholic:

Third Sunday of Easter
Lectionary: 46

Reading 1 Acts 2:14, 22-33

Then Peter stood up with the Eleven,
raised his voice, and proclaimed:
“You who are Jews, indeed all of you staying in Jerusalem.
Let this be known to you, and listen to my words.
You who are Israelites, hear these words.
Jesus the Nazarene was a man commended to you by God
with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs,
which God worked through him in your midst, as you yourselves know.
This man, delivered up by the set plan and foreknowledge of God,
killed, using lawless men to crucify him.
But God raised him up, releasing him from the
throes of death,
because it was impossible
for him to be held by it.
For David says of him:
I saw the Lord ever before me,
with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.
Therefore my heart has been glad and my tongue has exulted;
my flesh, too, will dwell in hope,
because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld,
nor will you suffer
your holy one to see corruption.
You have made known to me the paths of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence.

“My brothers, one can confidently say to you
about the patriarch David that he died and was buried,
and his tomb is in our midst to this day.
But since he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn an oath to him
that he would set one of his descendants upon his throne,
he foresaw and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ,
that neither was he abandoned to the netherworld
nor did his flesh see corruption.
God raised this Jesus;
of this we are all witnesses.
Exalted at the right hand of God,
he received the
promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father
and poured him forth, as you see and hear.”

Responsorial Psalm Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11

R. (11a) Lord, you will show us the path of life.
R. Alleluia.
Keep me, O God, for in you I take refuge;
I say to the LORD, “My Lord are you.”
O LORD, my allotted portion and my cup,
you it is who hold fast my lot.
R. Lord, you will show us the path of life.
R. Alleluia.
I bless the LORD who counsels me;
even in the night my heart exhorts me.
I set the LORD ever before me;
with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.
R. Lord, you will show us the path of life.
R. Alleluia.
Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices,
my body, too, abides in confidence;
because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld,
nor will you suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption.
R. Lord, you will show us the path of life.
R. Alleluia.
You will show me the path to life,
abounding joy in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever.
R. Lord, you will show us the path of life.
R. Alleluia.

Reading 2 1 Pt 1:17-21

If you invoke as Father him who judges impartially
according to each one’s works,
conduct yourselves with reverence during the time of your sojourning,
realizing that you were ransomed from your futile conduct,
handed on by your ancestors,
not with perishable things like silver or gold
but with the precious blood of Christ
as of a spotless unblemished lamb.

He was known before the foundation of the world
but revealed in the
final time for you,
through him believe in God
who raised him from the dead and gave him glory,
so that your faith and hope are in God.

Alleluia Lk 24:32

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Lord Jesus, open the Scriptures to us;
make our hearts burn while you speak to us.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 24:13-35

That very day, the first day of the week,
two of Jesus’ disciples were going
to a village seven miles from Jerusalem called Emmaus,
and they were conversing about all the things that had occurred.
And it happened that while they were conversing and debating,
Jesus himself drew near and walked with them,
but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him.
He asked them,
“What are you discussing as you walk along?”
They stopped, looking downcast.
One of them, named Cleopas, said to him in reply,

“Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem
who does not know of the things
that have taken place there in these days?”

And he replied to them, “What sort of things?”
They said to him,
“The things that happened to Jesus the Nazarene,
who was a prophet mighty in deed and word
before God and all the people,
how our chief priests and rulers both handed him over
to a sentence of death and crucified him.
But we were hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel;
and besides all this,
it is now the third day since this took place.
Some women from our group, however, have astounded us:
they were at the tomb early in the morning
and did not find his body;
they came back and reported
that they had indeed seen a vision of angels
who announced that he was alive.
Then some of those with us went to the tomb
and found things just as the women had described,
but him they did not see.”
And he said to them, “Oh, how foolish you are!
How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets
Was it not necessary that the
Christ should suffer these things
and enter into his glory?”
Then beginning with Moses and all the
he interpreted to them what referred to him
in all the Scriptures.
As they approached the village to which they were going,
he gave the impression that he was going on farther.
But they urged him, “
Stay with us,
for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”
So he went in to stay with them.
And it happened that, while
he was with them at table,
he took bread, said the
broke it, and gave it to them.
With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him,
but he vanished from their sight.
Then they said to each other,
“Were not our hearts burning within us
while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us?”
So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem
where they found gathered together
eleven and those with them who were saying,
“The Lord has truly been raised and has
appeared to Simon!”
Then the two recounted
what had taken place on the way
and how he was made known to them in the breaking of bread.”


My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.
This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.

I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.

Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.



The Commissioning of the Disciples

16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”[a]


The Apostles Heal Many

12 Now many signs and wonders were done among the people through the apostles. And they were all together in Solomon’s Portico. 13 None of the rest dared to join them, but the people held them in high esteem. 14 Yet more than ever believers were added to the Lord, great numbers of both men and women, 15 so that they even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid them on cots and mats, in order that Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he came by. 16 A great number of people would also gather from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all cured.

The Apostles Are Persecuted

17 Then the high priest took action; he and all who were with him (that is, the sect of the Sadducees), being filled with jealousy, 18 arrested the apostles and put them in the public prison. 19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors, brought them out, and said, 20 “Go, stand in the temple and tell the people the whole message about this life.”


Jesus Appears to the Disciples

19 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

Jesus and Thomas

24 But Thomas (who was called the Twin[a]), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”

26 A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” 28 Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”

The Purpose of This Book

30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may come to believe[b] that Jesus is the Messiah,[c] the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.”


“… God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. ….”



By the Power of the Holy Blessed Trinity, I declare that I have given you the Truth.

The Book of Truth:

Friday, February 13th, 2015, 18:00

My dearly beloved daughter, by the Power of the Holy Blessed Trinity, I declare that I have given you the Truth. I have filled your hearts and souls with the Gifts promised to mankind through the Book of Truth.

Now take My Gift of the Truth along with all the other Gifts, given to you through this Mission, and accept them with gratitude. Live the Word of God. Accept these Messages and live your lives accordingly.

My Mission to save humanity is almost complete. My Remnant has been formed. You have been given the Gifts of the Seal of the Living God, the Medal of Salvation and the Crusade Prayers. They will be your armour against My adversary. I will speak with you only periodically and through the Remnant from now on. You are ready to take up your armour to fight to keep My Word alive in a place of desolation.
My Plan is to ensure that all of you spread My Word and contemplate what I have given you. I will never desert My final Mission, for this is impossible. Be patient and trust in Me completely. These Messages will bring you great comfort and consolation in days of great spiritual trials. Be thankful for My Mercy.

The Holy Spirit will guide and protect you and I will give you the comfort you will need to withstand the difficulties you will face in the times ahead.

Thank you My little ones for accepting My Intervention. Now it is up to you to spread the Truth. I love you, I cherish you and I long for the Great Day of the Lord when I will unite the world and lead you into My New Kingdom on earth.

I Bless you and give you the courage, the wisdom, the knowledge and the Graces to continue My Work on earth.

Your beloved Jesus, Saviour and Redeemer of all mankind”



True Life in God:

I Will Pour In Your Eyes My Transcendent Light

September 26, 1991

My eyes are always on You, O my God.
The close secret1 to You is given to those
who love You and fear You.

You have lifted my soul from the pit
to discover Your Sacred Heart’s Wealth,
I have discovered the Mercy Your prophets spoke of,
I have discovered the Love and Meekness Your disciples tasted,
I have discovered the Peace You Yourself have given us.
In Your Sacred Heart, You allowed my soul
to discover that Suffering is Divine
and Mortification agreeable in Your Eyes.

Then in my soul came a brilliant Light,
and like a tuneful noise of doves,
I heard and felt a Breath slide over my face
and You filled me with Your Mysteries.

taste more of My Secrets, My child, by being obedient to My Law; lower even more now your voice so you may hear only Mine; lower your head, so that Mine would be seen; lower yourself so that I can lift you up to Me;

many a time you inspect the Secrets of My Sacred Heart with your own light; you have only to ask Me, My child, and I will pour in your eyes My Transcendent Light and it will fill your entire soul; see to it then, My child, that the light inside you comes from Me; then, only then, My priest, will you understand that My Works are Sublime, Glorious and Majestic; only then, pupil of Mine, will you understand as I desire you to understand why Humility allowed Himself to be disgraced, disfigured, despised and pierced and gave His Life as a ransom for many;

– I have come to stir your love and rouse it, see? so do not shield your flesh from pain nor from any mortification; allow the Seal of your Saviour to be on your flesh as well as in your soul so that a complete transformation be done inside you; EVERYTHING then that your nature repelled, objected to and looked at with disdain, will appear to you Divine,

Grant, Lord,
that everything You say, be done.
Lower my head, lower me and lower my voice.
I do not want to appear empty handed in Your Presence;
no, I do not want to end up in Your Presence with empty hands.
And those human thoughts my nature finds natural,
uproot them and burn each one of them.

devote your soul entirely to Me and reflect on My Law before it comes upon you; do not forget how your nature had reduced you to desert, and desolation; I shall rid your human thoughts if you allow Me and replace them with My Thoughts to glorify Me; I will give you a courageous heart, My little one, to be able to face My opponents and resist their contradictions; I shall give you an eloquence of speech; an endurance and a resistance to the menaces of your persecutors who are My persecutors too; I shall give you courage to stand with confidence;

you are My seed and because the Harvest is ready, and the crop ready to be reaped, I do not lose time as you have noticed; I reap without ceasing to feed many who are at the point of death; so My beloved, “put your sickle in too and reap: harvest time has come and the harvest of the earth is ripe”; 2 allow Me to widen the space of your heart, for now your Captor will fill you with His Knowledge and His Confidences; I am only waiting to be gracious to all of you and reveal to each one of you My Riches, My Generosity and My Love;

I am telling you today all this so that My Word goes from this generation to the next; and you, who are learning, will, in your turn, teach your own children; if they listen and do as I say, their days will end up in happiness;

so turn to Me and praise My Works; meditate on My Wonders;”

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015, 14:36My dear children, it is important that all of you recite the Crusade Prayers and my Most Holy Rosary as part of your daily prayers. You may choose whichever prayers that you select, not necessarily every Prayer, but those which are according to your desire. My Most Holy Rosary must be recited daily against the influence of the evil one.


Roman Catholic:

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 76

Reading 1 Sir 15:15-20

If you choose you can keep the commandments, they will save you;
if you trust in God, you too shall live;
he has set before you fire and water
to whichever you choose, stretch forth your hand.
Before man are life and death, good and evil,
whichever he
chooses shall be given him.
Immense is the wisdom of the Lord;
he is mighty in power, and all-seeing.
The eyes of God are on those who fear him;
he understands man’s every deed.
No one does he command to act unjustly,
to none does he give license to sin.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34

R. (1b) Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!
Blessed are they whose way is blameless,
who walk in the law of the LORD.
Blessed are they who observe his decrees,
who seek him with all their heart.
R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!
You have commanded that your precepts
be diligently kept.
Oh, that I might be firm in the ways
of keeping your statutes!
R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!
Be good to your servant, that I may live
and keep your words.
Open my eyes, that I may consider
the wonders of your law.
R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!
Instruct me, O LORD, in the way of your statutes,
that I may exactly observe them.
Give me discernment, that I may observe your law
and keep it with all my heart.
R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!

Reading 2 1 Cor 2:6-10

Brothers and sisters:
We speak a wisdom to those who are mature,
not a wisdom of this age,
nor of the rulers of this age who are passing away.
Rather, we speak God’s wisdom, mysterious, hidden,
which God predetermined before the ages for our glory,
and which none of the rulers of this age knew;
for, if they had known it,
they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
But as it is written:
What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard,
and what has not entered the human heart,
what God has prepared for those who love him,

this God has revealed to us through the Spirit.

For the Spirit scrutinizes everything, even the depths of God.

Alleluia Mt 11:25

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth;
you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mt 5:17-37 or 5:20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.
Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away,
not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter
will pass from the law,
until all things have taken place.
Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments
and teaches others to do so
will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments
will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses
that of the scribes and Pharisees,
you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

“You have heard that it was said to your ancestors,
You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.
But I say to you,
whoever is angry with his brother
will be liable to judgment;
and whoever says to his brother, ‘Raqa,’
will be answerable to the Sanhedrin;
and whoever says, ‘You fool,’
will be liable to fiery Gehenna.
Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar,
and there recall that your brother
has anything against you,
leave your gift there at the altar,
go first and be reconciled with your brother,
and then come and offer your gift.
Settle with your opponent quickly while on the way to court.
Otherwise your opponent will hand you over to the judge,
and the judge will hand you over to the guard,
and you will be thrown into prison.
Amen, I say to you,
you will not be released until you have paid
the last penny.

“You have heard that it was said,
You shall not commit adultery.
But I say to you,
everyone who looks at a woman with lust
has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
If your right eye causes you to sin,
tear it out and throw it away.
It is better for you to lose one of your members
than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna.
And if your right hand causes you to sin,
cut it off and throw it away.
It is better for you to lose one of your members
than to have your whole body go into Gehenna.

“It was also said,
Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce.
But I say to you,
whoever divorces his wife –  unless the marriage is unlawful –
causes her to commit adultery,
and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

“Again you have heard that it was said to your ancestors,
Do not take a false oath,
but make good to the Lord all that you vow.
But I say to you, do not swear at all;
not by heaven, for it is God’s throne;
nor by the earth, for it is his footstool;
nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.
Do not swear by your head,
for you cannot make a single hair white or black.
Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’
Anything more is from the evil one.” …”


* Steve Ciocccolanti:

5 SECULAR REASONS to Reverse Roe v Wade | A Tour of HELL


The Resurrection of Jesus

16 When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. They had been saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.” So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.[a]

The Shorter Ending of Mark

[[And all that had been commanded them they told briefly to those around Peter. And afterward Jesus himself sent out through them, from east to west, the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation.[b]]]


Glorify God in Body and Spirit

12 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are beneficial. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything. 13 “Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food,”[a] and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is meant not for fornication but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14 And God raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power. 15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Should I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! 16 Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, “The two shall be one flesh.” 17 But anyone united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. 18 Shun fornication! Every sin that a person commits is outside the body; but the fornicator sins against the body itself. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple[b] of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.


The Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother

11 Then Jesus[a] said, “There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the property that will belong to me.’ So he divided his property between them. 13 A few days later the younger son gathered all he had and traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living. 14 When he had spent everything, a severe famine took place throughout that country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed the pigs. 16 He would gladly have filled himself with[b] the pods that the pigs were eating; and no one gave him anything. 17 But when he came to himself he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired hands have bread enough and to spare, but here I am dying of hunger! 18 I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me like one of your hired hands.”’ 20 So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. 21 Then the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’[c] 22 But the father said to his slaves, ‘Quickly, bring out a robe—the best one—and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 And get the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; 24 for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate.

25 “Now his elder son was in the field; and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 He called one of the slaves and asked what was going on. 27 He replied, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has got him back safe and sound.’ 28 Then he became angry and refused to go in. His father came out and began to plead with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Listen! For all these years I have been working like a slave for you, and I have never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours came back, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fatted calf for him!’ 31 Then the father[d] said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has been found.’”


Tuesday, February 17th, 2015, 17:00

Comfort one another in times of spiritual trials and God will guide you every step of the way. I, the Mother of Salvation, will remain your protector and I will answer every request that you make of me. I will remain by your side right up to the Day my Son returns to reclaim His Kingdom on earth.

Thank you for responding with faith, hope and trust, to my call and that of my Son.

Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation”

1252. Mother of Salvation: My role as the Mother of God’s children is being undermined

The Book of Truth:
Monday, October 27th, 2014, 16:20


My child, it is important to remember to recite my most Holy Rosary each day in order to protect this mission, and other missions, sanctioned by my Eternal Father for the world.

Christians who uphold the Faith will find it very difficult to continue to declare their devotion to me, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, in these times. My role as the Mother of God’s children is being undermined and discarded and, in particular, by certain Catholic groups who do not come from my Son. Such groups give the impression that they are devotees of my Son’s Church but they do not practice what He taught. They persecute those who uphold the Truth and go to extraordinary lengths to dismiss, as nonsense, every kind of private revelation given to humanity since my Son’s Death on the Cross. Were it not for private revelations, given to the world by me, the Mother of God as Christ’s messenger, many would never have converted to the Truth. Instead, many would have continued to walk in the dark, dismissed the Existence of God and avoided prayer – the door that, when opened, enlightens the soul. My role as the Mother of God is being attacked across the world because of the power I have been given to destroy the wicked adversary. I will crush the head of the serpent as foretold but those who display devotion to me will be scorned and ridiculed by impostors, who dare to proclaim themselves experts in the teachings of the Church.

My Son abhors any kind of hatred shown by man for his brother. He sheds tears when anyone, who says that he represents my Son’s Church, then incites hatred against a child of God. He suffers the pain of His Crucifixion every time a servant in His Church hurts another or causes terrible suffering to innocents.

Children, you must pray hard for my Son’s Church as it is under the greatest attack since its foundation. The enemies of my Son have many plans to destroy it and most of these will come from within. Heed my warning, and those I revealed to the world at Fatima *. The enemy awaits and soon he will control, completely, my Son’s Church on earth and millions will be led into error.

Close your ears when you hear of my Son’s servants being scorned or slandered for defending the Word of God. Always remember that only love comes from God and any person or organisation that encourages you to cast judgement upon a man – irrespective as to what he has done – is to be questioned. You cannot declare yourself to be a servant of God and then tell the world to cast aspersions upon another person. You can never condone incitement to hatred of any kind. Any person who does this, in my Son’s Name, must never be encouraged for this could never come from God. My Rosary must be recited as often as possible to crush the evil, which grips the world at a time when cruelty of any kind is deemed to be just.

Man’s love for his brother has become scarce and charity amongst Christians has been diluted. You must open your eyes to the Truth and remind yourselves what my Son taught you. It is as clear as day, for it was written for the world to read in the most Holy Bible.

Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation”



“The third part of the secret refers to Our Lady’s words: ‘If not [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated’ (13-VII-1917). 

The third part of the secret is a symbolic revelation, referring to this part of the Message, conditioned by whether we accept or not what the Message itself asks of us: ‘If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, etc.’. 

Since we did not heed this appeal of the Message, we see that it has been fulfilled, Russia has invaded the world with her errors. And if we have not yet seen the complete fulfilment of the final part of this prophecy, we are going towards it little by little with great strides. If we do not reject the path of sin, hatred, revenge, injustice, violations of the rights of the human person, immorality and violence, etc. 

And let us not say that it is God who is punishing us in this way; on the contrary it is people themselves who are preparing their own punishment. In his kindness God warns us and calls us to the right path, while respecting the freedom he has given us; hence people are responsible”.(5)

The decision of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to make public the third part of the “secret” of Fatima brings to an end a period of history marked by tragic human lust for power and evil, yet pervaded by the merciful love of God and the watchful care of the Mother of Jesus and of the Church.




True Life in God:

My Holy Spirit Shall Be Present  

March 10, 1991  


(Just before the meeting at St Brigid’s Parish Hall.)

My Vassula, treat Me now as a King and glorify Me by serving Me; My Own will recognise My Voice, I will call them and they shall come;

my Strength, my Stronghold,
my Refuge, my Light and Life,
here I am, I’m coming to obey Your Will.
Lord, I ask You to give me Your Strength
to glorify Your Name again.
Be PRESENT among us
and open their hearts to receive Your Holy Spirit.

I shall be very PRESENT, daughter; My Holy Spirit shall be PRESENT; Justice will prevail in this country; I, the Lord, shall place My Hand on this country and I shall make them feel My Presence, 1 those that have ears let them hear; go now, My beloved, beside you I Am;”

I Shall Send You To A Few More Nations

July 8, 1992  

“There was a vine: You uprooted it from Egypt;
to plant it, You cleared a space where it could grow,
it took root and filled the whole country.
Your Message covered the mountains with its shade,
Your cedar with its branches,
its tendrils extended to the sea,
its offshoots all the way to the river.
Please, God, look down from heaven, look at this vine,
visit it, protect what Your Own Hand has planted.” 1


I Am; little one, lean on Me;

Vassula of My Sacred Heart, rejoice! your King has come all the way to your doorstep and into your room; your King has stooped down from above to reach you; step by step I have taught you, I am your Educator, little by little I have drawn you away from the world to plunge you into My Heart; I have revealed to you things beyond your knowledge and your capacity;

believe, My sweet pupil, I, Jesus, love you; have My peace; we will work together; I and you will spread My Message; I shall send you to a few more nations, then, when I feel you have accomplished your mission, you shall return to Me; I, Myself, shall come and fetch you; …


Roman Catholic:

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 150

Reading 1 Sir 35:12-14, 16-18

The LORD is a God of justice,
who knows no favorites.
Though not unduly partial toward the weak,
yet he hears the cry of the oppressed.
The Lord is not deaf to the wail of the orphan,
nor to the widow when she pours out her complaint.
The one who serves God willingly is heard;
his petition reaches the heavens.
The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds;
it does not rest till it reaches its goal,
nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds,
judges justly and affirms the right,
and the Lord will not delay.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 34:2-3, 17-18, 19, 23

R. (7a)  The Lord hears the cry of the poor.
I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall be ever in my mouth.
Let my soul glory in the LORD;
the lowly will hear me and be glad.
R. The Lord hears the cry of the poor.
The LORD confronts the evildoers,
to destroy remembrance of them from the earth.
When the just cry out, the Lord hears them,
and from all their distress he rescues them.
R. The Lord hears the cry of the poor.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;
and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.
The LORD redeems the lives of his servants;
no one incurs guilt who takes refuge in him.
R. The Lord hears the cry of the poor.

Reading 2 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18

I am already being poured out like a libation,
and the time of my departure is at hand.
I have competed well; I have finished the race;
I have kept the faith.
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me,
which the Lord, the just judge,
will award to me on that day, and not only to me,
but to all who have longed for his appearance.

At my first defense no one appeared on my behalf,
but everyone
deserted me.
May it not be held against them!
But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength,
so that through me the
proclamation might be completed
and all the Gentiles might hear it.
And I was rescued from the lion’s mouth.
The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat
and will bring me safe to his heavenly kingdom.
To him be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Alleluia 2 Cor 5:19

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ,
and entrusting to us the message of salvation.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 18:9-14

Jesus addressed this parable
to those who were convinced of their own righteousness
and despised everyone else.
“Two people went up to the temple area
to pray;
one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector.
The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this
prayer to himself,
‘O God, I thank you that I am
not like the rest of humanity —
greedy, dishonest, adulterous — or even
like this tax collector.
I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.’
But the tax collector stood off at a distance
and would not even raise his eyes to heaven
but beat his breast and prayed,
‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’
I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former;
for whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.””



Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

11 But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look[a] into the tomb; 12 and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. 13 They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” 14 When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew,[b]Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). 17 Jesus said to her, “Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” 18 Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”; and she told them that he had said these things to her.;NR2006;SCH2000;ERV-HU;BDS

31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus (blessed be he forever!) knows that I do not lie. 32 In Damascus, the governor[f] under King Aretas guarded the city of Damascus in order to[g] seize me, 33 but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall,[h] and escaped from his hands.

Paul’s Visions and Revelations

12.1 It is necessary to boast; nothing is to be gained by it, but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows. And I know that such a person—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows— was caught up into Paradise and heard things that are not to be told, that no mortal is permitted to repeat. On behalf of such a one I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses. But if I wish to boast, I will not be a fool, for I will be speaking the truth. But I refrain from it, so that no one may think better of me than what is seen in me or heard from me, even considering the exceptional character of the revelations. Therefore, to keep[i] me from being too elated, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me, to keep me from being too elated.[j] Three times I appealed to the Lord about this, that it would leave me, but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power[k] is made perfect in weakness.” So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 10 Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.;NR2006;SCH2000;ERV-HU;BDS

Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac

26 Then they arrived at the country of the Gerasenes,[a] which is opposite Galilee. 27 As he stepped out on land, a man of the city who had demons met him. For a long time he had worn[b] no clothes, and he did not live in a house but in the tombs. 28 When he saw Jesus, he fell down before him and shouted at the top of his voice, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me”— 29 for Jesus[c] had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. (For many times it had seized him; he was kept under guard and bound with chains and shackles, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon into the wilds.) 30 Jesus then asked him, “What is your name?” He said, “Legion”; for many demons had entered him. 31 They begged him not to order them to go back into the abyss.

32 Now there on the hillside a large herd of swine was feeding; and the demons[d] begged Jesus[e] to let them enter these. So he gave them permission. 33 Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned.

34 When the swineherds saw what had happened, they ran off and told it in the city and in the country. 35 Then people came out to see what had happened, and when they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid. 36 Those who had seen it told them how the one who had been possessed by demons had been healed. 37 Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes[f] asked Jesus[g] to leave them; for they were seized with great fear. So he got into the boat and returned. 38 The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him; but Jesus[h] sent him away, saying, 39 “Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” So he went away, proclaiming throughout the city how much Jesus had done for him.;NR2006;SCH2000;ERV-HU;BDS



Mother of Salvation: These Miracles will happen over a period of three years


“… 19 Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”


My tender spouse, be of Jesus as Jesus is of you; I am for you as you are for Me; 5 we are one for the other and so complete in union and intertwined that a number of souls have seen Me in you and you in Me; 6 let Me delight and contemplate Myself in you; I enjoy immensely those moments when I gaze at Myself; I have indeed clothed you with Myself to possess you and have offered you My Grace to possess Me in Grace; call it if you wish: the folly of God, enamoured of his creation to folly; 7


The Book of Truth:
19 June 2014 @ 1:48pm

Mother of Salvation: These Miracles will happen over a period of three years

My child, the Miracles commanded by my Eternal Father will be made known soon in all parts of the Earth. These Miracles will defy all human reasoning, scientific knowledge and experience. The Earth, the sun and the moon will react to produce very unusual spectacles and many will know that they could only have been made possible by the Hand of God. These Miracles will happen over a period of three years and they will take place for a reason. They are to help to ignite the faith of humanity so that they will realize that everything is controlled by the Hand of God. 

When wicked acts and deeds are perpetrated by man, they can be intercepted by God. The battle between the evil one and God is difficult for people to understand. When injustices take place, they are permitted for different reasons, but the main one stems from the need for purification. This may seem unfair, but this is not for man to understand, until they are given the Gift of Knowledge, which comes from the Holy Spirit. It is when souls are purified that they will begin to realize the way in which God works in order to bring His children into a state where they can recognize Him.

The Miracles I speak of will include great Acts of God, which will involve tragedies which will be averted and seem to have been impossible from a scientific point of view. They will also involve great signs in the sky; the movement of the Earth and the colours associated with nature. 

My own involvement with these Miracles will be seen through the signs I will place at my apparition sites around the world. Do not fear these Miracles, as they are a Gift from God. Be thankful for His Mercy; for there is no task too great that He will not take on to ensure that the human race can be awakened so as to accept Him. This is the Will of God, for He loves every one of you.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation”



30 I will show portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. 32 Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lordshall be saved; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls.”

“It was the stone rejected by the builders
that proved to be the keystone” 1

My Lord Jesus, You were rejected then as the Messiah, because their spirit was not prepared, their hearts were closed and hard, yet You proved to be The Keystone. In our generation, my Lord, the effusion of Your Holy Spirit is also rejected by the ‘builders’ and yet one day Your Holy Spirit will prove to all of us that He was the Keystone. By denying and suppressing Your Holy Spirit that comes to us as the Reminder, ‘the builders’ are preparing again their own downfall.

see how former predictions have come true? indeed, I have said that “the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My Name will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you” but I knew all along that only a remnant would listen and return to Me; these very ones who would listen to Me, I shall invest with My Holy Spirit of Wisdom and Insight; yes, I shall invest them with My Spirit of Counsel and Knowledge; and the flickering light that now is left in this world will become a vivid fire;

I repeat, that My Holy Spirit of Grace is being sent out to the four corners of the earth to teach you to be holy and raise you up again into divine beings; the earth shall turn into a copy of heaven and thus My Will will be done; the prayer I have taught you to pray shall be fulfilled;


Roman Catholic:

Wednesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 367

Reading 12 COR 9:6-11

Brothers and sisters, consider this:
whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,
and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver.
Moreover, God is able to make every grace abundant for you,
so that in all things, always having all you need,
you may have an abundance for every good work.
As it is written:

He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor;
his righteousness
endures forever.The one who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food
will supply and multiply your seed
and increase the harvest of your righteousness.You are being enriched in every way for all generosity,
which through us produces thanksgiving to God.

Responsorial PsalmPS 112:1BC-2, 3-4, 9

R.(1b) Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R. Alleluia.
Blessed the man who fears the LORD,
who greatly delights in his commands.
His posterity shall be mighty upon the earth;
the upright generation shall be blessed.
R. Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R. Alleluia.
Wealth and riches shall be in his house;
his generosity shall endure forever.
Light shines through the darkness for the upright;
he is gracious and merciful and just.
R. Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R. Alleluia.
Lavishly he gives to the poor;
his generosity shall endure forever;
his horn shall be exalted in glory.
R. Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R. Alleluia.

AlleluiaJN 14:23

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Whoever loves me will keep my word,
and my Father will love him
and we will come to him.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

GospelMT 6:1-6, 16-18

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Take care not to perform righteous deeds
in order that people may see them;
otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.
When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you,
as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets
to win the praise of others.
Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.
But when you give alms,
do not let your left hand know what your right is doing,
so that your almsgiving may be secret.
And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites,
who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on street corners
so that others may see them.
Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.
But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door,
and pray to your Father in secret.
And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites.
They neglect their appearance,
so that they may appear to others to be fasting.
Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.
But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face,
so that you may not appear to others to be fasting,
except to your Father who is hidden.
And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you.””

16 June 2014 @ 5:27pm

When you demean another person in My Holy Name, you are guilty of sin and I will hold this against you. When you harm others by your tongue, I will silence you. When you hurt another person’s reputation, your own reputation will be questioned by others. Hypocrisy disgusts Me and when you are guilty of calumny, carried out in My Name, then you bring great shame, not only on yourselves, but upon My Holy Name.

“13 June 2014 @ 10:20pm

That will be the Greatest Day since God created Adam and Eve

My dearly beloved daughter, My Time is very near and because of this, it is important that every single person in the world prepares, as if they were to be taken from this life at any moment. Do not ignore My Call, for those who fail to prepare for the Great Day will be left in great anguish.

On the Day of My Second Coming, which will be preceded by The Warning, where I will prove to the world Who I Am, you must be ready. …”



Jude,[a] a servant[b] of Jesus Christ and brother of James,

To those who are called, who are beloved[c] in[d] God the Father and kept safe for[e] Jesus Christ:

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.

Occasion of the Letter

Beloved, while eagerly preparing to write to you about the salvation we share, I find it necessary to write and appeal to you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain intruders have stolen in among you, people who long ago were designated for this condemnation as ungodly, who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.[f]

Judgment on False Teachers

Now I desire to remind you, though you are fully informed, that the Lord, who once for all saved[g] a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not keep their own position, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains in deepest darkness for the judgment of the great dayLikewise, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural lust,[h]serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Yet in the same way these dreamers also defile the flesh, reject authority, and slander the glorious ones.[i]But when the archangel Michael contended with the devil and disputed about the body of Moses, he did not dare to bring a condemnation of slander[j] against him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” 10 But these people slander whatever they do not understand, and they are destroyed by those things that, like irrational animals, they know by instinct. 11 Woe to them! For they go the way of Cain, and abandon themselves to Balaam’s error for the sake of gain, and perish in Korah’s rebellion. 12 These are blemishes[k] on your love-feasts, while they feast with you without fear, feeding themselves.[l] They are waterless clouds carried along by the winds; autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, uprooted; 13 wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the deepest darkness has been reserved forever.

14 It was also about these that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, “See, the Lord is coming[m]with ten thousands of his holy ones, 15 to execute judgment on all, and to convict everyone of all the deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” 16 These are grumblers and malcontents; they indulge their own lusts; they are bombastic in speech, flattering people to their own advantage.

Warnings and Exhortations

17 But you, beloved, must remember the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; 18 for they said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, indulging their own ungodly lusts.” 19 It is these worldly people, devoid of the Spirit, who are causing divisions. 20 But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; 21 keep yourselves in the love of God; look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to[n] eternal life. 22 And have mercy on some who are wavering; 23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; and have mercy on still others with fear, hating even the tunic defiled by their bodies.[o] …”

Jesus and Peter

15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.” 16 A second time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Tend my sheep.” 17 He said to him the third time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter felt hurt because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” And he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly, I tell you, when you were younger, you used to fasten your own belt and to go wherever you wished. But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will fasten a belt around you and take you where you do not wish to go.” 19 (He said this to indicate the kind of death by which he would glorify God.) After this he said to him, “Follow me.”

Jesus and the Beloved Disciple

20 Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them; he was the one who had reclined next to Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?” 21 When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” 22 Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!” 23 So the rumor spread in the community[a] that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?”[b]

24 This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true. 25 But there are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”


…   24 Very truly, I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgment, but has passed from death to life.25 “Very truly, I tell you, the hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. 26 For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself; 27 and he has given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man. 28 Do not be astonished at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice 29 and will come out—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.

Witnesses to Jesus

30 “I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me.”;NR2006;SCH2000;ERV-HU;BDS


1029. Mother of Salvation: These apparitions will begin this Spring, as my Son has instructed


The Book of Truth:
Friday, January 24th, 2014, 20:05

My dear child, let it be known that I will make one more appearance at all the Marian grottos, which were approved by my Son’s Church, over the centuries.

I will make myself known in Sacred sites, which will include Lourdes, Fatima, La Sallette and Guadalupe. I will also appear at Garabandal. These apparitions will begin this Spring, just as my Son has instructed.

I will be seen, by chosen souls, with the sun behind my head. There will be twelve stars encircled and woven around the crown of thorns, which was worn by my Son during His Crucifixion, placed upon my head, as a sign for all to follow my example. My role is to lead all of God’s children along the Path of Truth and take them to my Son.

When these apparitions take place, there will be no doubt, especially amongst those who pay homage to me, that I speak the Truth when I say that soon the final Path, which will bring you to my Son, in these the end times, will be through the Book of Truth.

When you follow me, your Mother, I will take you and guide you towards my Son. My Son has promised many miracles, so that He can open your eyes to the prophecies He gave the world, through my own Mission. Many do not accept that I appeared at these special apparition sites and dismiss their importance in the salvation of souls.

When I appear one last time at these sites and present myself as the Mother of Salvation, you will know then that this Mission is my last and that all apparitions lead to this final one to bring the world the Salvation, which is the birthright of every single person.

Rejoice, for these days are close and when you hear of these things, then know that this prophecy, when fulfilled, could only have come from me, your beloved Mother, the Mother of Salvation, Mother of God.

Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation”

Roman Catholic:

Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Lectionary: 314

Reading 1 Heb 7:25—8:6

Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him,
since he lives forever to make intercession for them.It was fitting that we should have such a high priest:
holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners,
higher than the heavens.
He has no need, as did the high priests,
to offer sacrifice day after day,
first for his own sins and then for those of the people;
he did that once for all when he offered himself.
For the law appoints men subject to weakness to be high priests,
but the word of the oath, which was taken after the law,
appoints a son, who has been made perfect forever.The main point of what has been said is this:
we have such a high priest,
who has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne
of the Majesty in heaven, a minister of the sanctuary
and of the true tabernacle that the Lord, not man, set up.
Now every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices;
thus the necessity for this one also to have something to offer.
If then he were on earth, he would not be a priest,
since there are those who offer gifts according to the law.
They worship in a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary,
as Moses
was warned when he was about to erect the tabernacle.
For God says, “See that you make
according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”

Now he has obtained so much more excellent a ministry
as he is mediator of a better covenant,
enacted on better promises.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17

R. (8a and 9a)  Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
Sacrifice or oblation you wished not,
but ears open to obedience you gave me.
Burnt offerings or sin-offerings you sought not;
then said I, “Behold I come.”
R. Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
“In the written scroll it is prescribed for me,
To do your will, O my God, is my delight,
and your law is within my heart!”
R. Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
I announced your justice in the vast assembly;
I did not restrain my lips, as you, O LORD, know.
R. Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
May all who seek you
exult and be glad in you,
And may those who love your salvation
say ever, “The LORD be glorified.”
R. Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.

Alleluia See 2 Tm 1:10

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death
and brought life to light through the Gospel.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mk 3:7-12

Jesus withdrew toward the sea with his disciples.
A large number of people followed from Galilee and from Judea.
Hearing what he was doing,
a large number of people came to him also from Jerusalem,
from Idumea, from beyond the Jordan,
and from the neighborhood of Tyre and Sidon.
He told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd,
so that they would not crush him.
He had cured many and, as a result, (all * editor) those who had diseases
were pressing upon him to touch him.
And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him
and shout, “You are the Son of God.”
He warned them sternly not to make him known.”

Orthodox (Greek Catholic):
35 Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. 36 For you need endurance, so that when you have done (all * editor) the will of God, you may receive what was promised.  37 For yet

“in a very little while,
    the one who is coming will come and will not delay;

38 but my righteous one will live by faith.
    My soul takes no pleasure in anyone who shrinks back.”

39 But we are not among those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have faith and so are saved.

The Meaning of Faith

11.1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Indeed, by faith[h] our ancestors received approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible.[i]

The Examples of Abel, Enoch, and Noah

By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable[j] sacrifice than Cain’s. Through this he received approval as righteous, God himself giving approval to his gifts; he died, but through his faith[k] he still speaks. By faith Enoch was taken so that he did not experience death; and “he was not found, because God had taken him.” For it was attested before he was taken away that “he had pleased God.” And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. By faith Noah, warned by God about events as yet unseen, respected the warning and built an ark to save his household; by this he condemned the world and became an heir to the righteousness that is in accordance with faith.”;NR2006;SCH2000;ERV-HU;BDS

10 So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what this rising from the dead could mean. 11 Then they asked him, “Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” 12 He said to them, “Elijah is indeed coming first to restore all things. How then is it written about the Son of Man, that he is to go through many sufferings and be treated with contempt? 13 But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they did to him whatever they pleased, as it is written about him.”

The Healing of a Boy with a Spirit

14 When they came to the disciples, they saw a great crowd around them, and some scribes arguing with them. 15 When the whole crowd saw him, they were immediately overcome with awe, and they ran forward to greet him. 16 He asked them, “What are you arguing about with them?””;NR2006;SCH2000;ERV-HU;BDS

We must work together, children, for the sake of all of mankind, in our battle to prevent the antichrist (16/02/2012)