Explain the horror of Hell to those who are blind to existence of Satan

Artist went to Hell And Drew what she Saw


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The Book of Truth:

Explain the horror of Hell to those who are blind to existence of Satan

September 24, 2011fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, why does man persist in denying the existence of Hell? Many of My children, who consider themselves to be modern in their outlook, publicly deny the existence of Hell, when proclaiming their belief in God the Eternal Father.

They mislead My children when they use the excuse that God is Ever-Merciful. By convincing My children that all will go to Heaven, they unwittingly become responsible for those who follow their faulty doctrine.

Satan exists and therefore so does Hell.

Hell is a place where Satan takes those souls who show allegiance to him on Earth. These are the souls who push aside all thoughts of God and promote the acceptance of evil acts in the world. In some cases people can even sell their souls to Satan, in exchange for a life of wealth, celebrity and power. Many in the music industry have done this over the years. Little thought is given as to the way in which their allegiance is made, very often through group inaugurations carried out through occult practices.

On the other side there are those who live what they consider to be simply fun-filled, carefree lives, where they constantly crave self-gratification. They are just some of the souls, who, on arrival at the gates of Hell, are shocked and shake their heads in disbelief at the fate that awaits them. They cannot accept that this terror they face is of their own making. The freedom given to them on Earth was abused in favour of everything that offends God.

Children of Mine, please explain the horror of Hell to those who are blind to the existence of Satan. No matter if they laugh and hurl abuse at you. It is your duty to warn them of the terrifying fate that awaits any poor soul who ends up there.

Atheists, who on their deathbed, believe that their suffering will end on their last breath, hear Me now. For those of you who deny the Existence of God on this Earth, although the Truth has been revealed to you during your lifetime, your suffering in the fires of Hell will be only the beginning of eternal damnation. You, My poor souls who commit grave sin through your own free will, reject Me. Instead, you chose Satan. He awaits you after death. I will be nowhere to be found. For, by then it will be too late to show you My Mercy.

Pray, pray, all of you, so together we can save these souls. Satan must not be allowed to steal their souls. Help Me save them while they still live on Earth.

Your beloved Jesus”



True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”



„9 Let all the nations gather together,
and let the peoples assemble.
Who among them declared this,
and foretold to us the former things?
Let them bring their witnesses to justify them,
and let them hear and say, “It is true.”
10 You are my witnesses, says the Lord,
and my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you may know and believe me
and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
nor shall there be any after me.
11 I, I am the Lord,
and besides me there is no savior.
12 I declared and saved and proclaimed,
when there was no strange god among you;
and you are my witnesses, says the Lord.
13 I am God, and also henceforth I am He;
there is no one who can deliver from my hand;
I work and who can hinder it?

14 Thus says the Lord,
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
For your sake I will send to Babylon
and break down all the bars,
and the shouting of the Chaldeans will be turned to lamentation.[a


„The Destiny of the Righteous

3 But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and no torment will ever touch them.
2 In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died,
and their departure was thought to be a disaster,
3 and their going from us to be their destruction;
but they are at peace.
4 For though in the sight of others they were punished,
their hope is full of immortality.
5 Having been disciplined a little, they will receive great good,
because God tested them and found them worthy of himself;
6 like gold in the furnace he tried them,
and like a sacrificial burnt offering he accepted them.
7 In the time of their visitation they will shine forth,
and will run like sparks through the stubble.
8 They will govern nations and rule over peoples,
and the Lord will reign over them forever.
9 Those who trust in him will understand truth,
and the faithful will abide with him in love,
because grace and mercy are upon his holy ones,
and he watches over his elect.[a]”




„2 Nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed from the housetops.

Exhortation to Fearless Confession

4 “I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that can do nothing more. 5 But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority[a] to cast into hell.[b] Yes, I tell you, fear him! 6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight. 7 But even the hairs of your head are all counted. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.

8 “And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God; 9 but whoever denies me before others will be denied before the angels of God. 10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. 11 When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, do not worry about how[c] you are to defend yourselves or what you are to say; 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that very hour what you ought to say.””





Roman Catholic:

„September 24, 2021

Friday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Lectionary: 453

Reading I

Hg 2:1-9

In the second year of King Darius,
on the twenty-first day of the seventh month,
the word of the LORD came through the prophet Haggai:
Tell this to the governor of Judah,
Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel,
and to the high priest Joshua, son of Jehozadak,
and to the remnant of the people:

Who is left among you
that saw this house in its former glory?
And how do you see it now?
Does it not seem like nothing in your eyes?
But now take courage, Zerubbabel, says the LORD,
and take courage, Joshua, high priest, son of Jehozadak,
And take courage, all you people of the land,
says the LORD, and work!
For I am with you, says the LORD of hosts.
This is the pact that I made with you
when you came out of Egypt,
And my spirit continues in your midst;
do not fear!
For thus says the LORD of hosts:
One moment yet, a little while,
and I will shake the heavens and the earth,
the sea and the dry land.
I will shake all the nations,
and the treasures of all the nations will come in,
And I will fill this house with glory,
says the LORD of hosts.
Mine is the silver and mine the gold,
says the LORD of hosts.
Greater will be the future glory of this house
than the former, says the LORD of hosts;
And in this place I will give you peace,
says the LORD of hosts!

Responsorial Psalm

43:1, 2, 3, 4

R.    (5) Hope in God; I will praise him, my savior and my God.
Do me justice, O God, and fight my fight
against a faithless people;
from the deceitful and impious man rescue me.
R.    Hope in God; I will praise him, my savior and my God.
For you, O God, are my strength.
Why do you keep me so far away?
Why must I go about in mourning,
with the enemy oppressing me?
R.    Hope in God; I will praise him, my savior and my God.
Send forth your light and your fidelity;
they shall lead me on
And bring me to your holy mountain,
to your dwellingplace.
R.    Hope in God; I will praise him, my savior and my God.
Then will I go in to the altar of God,
the God of my gladness and joy;
Then will I give you thanks upon the harp,
O God, my God!
R.    Hope in God; I will praise him, my savior and my God.


Mk 10:45

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
The Son of Man came to serve
and to give his life as a ransom for many.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.


Lk 9:18-22

Once when Jesus was praying in solitude,
and the disciples were with him,
he asked them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?”
They said in reply, “John the Baptist; others, Elijah;
still others, ‘One of the ancient prophets has arisen.’”
Then he said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
Peter said in reply, “The Christ of God.”
He rebuked them and directed them not to tell this to anyone.

He said, “The Son of Man must suffer greatly
and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes,
and be killed and on the third day be raised.””
