Tag Archives: Warning

The sun will dissipate until finally, no light will cover the earth for three days.

The Book of Truth:

The Hand of God will use the sun to alert the world

October 24, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, the sun is one of the greatest signs when divine intervention is about to be unveiled. When you see changes in the sun; when it seems larger; shines longer and out of season; know that the time is getting closer for My Second Coming.

The Hand of God will use the sun to alert the world that its activity is unusual. Scientists will be unable to give a reason for sudden movements in the sun and for the unusual behaviour of this star, which brings you light. Without the light of the sun the earth would be plunged into darkness. So, as the sins of man increase, and sin is embraced as simply part of human nature,  the earth will be covered with the spirit of darkness.

As sin envelops the world, the sun will slowly lose its lustre and become dull. As man loses his sense of love for others and becomes immune to the pain he inflicts upon others, because of sin, the world will become darker – darker of the spirit, darker by day.

I will continue to lead God’s children up to this time. I will show you the way to My Kingdom and you will see My Light. Nothing will distract you along the way because you will see clearly how evil brings with it a terrible darkness.

The sun will dissipate until finally, no light will cover the earth for three days. The only light will be that which comes from the Truth. And, on the fourth day, the skies will burst open and the light – the likes of which you will never have believed possible will pour from the Heavens. Then I will be seen by every person in every country, at the same time, in all My Glory, as I come to reclaim the Kingdom promised to Me by My Father.

Never fear the preparation that is required so that each of you is ready to meet Me. You must ensure that you are well prepared for Me because that will be the day when I will hand you the Keys to My Kingdom and there will be great celebrations. Evil will no longer exist in My New World to come, and the righteous shall join in union with Me and all the angels and saints.

You must look on this mission as if you are on a journey. Every part of your journey brings new discoveries – ways in which you will learn what is needed to prepare you for the next stage. As you climb each hurdle you will become stronger. Even the weakest amongst you will complete this journey, for I will lead you on every step you take and soon it will be complete.

Rejoice, for My Kingdom awaits and the time will be short.
Your Jesus




Sometimes, what may seem unfair is beyond your understanding

October 26, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, those who deny Me because they believe that were I to exist, a Loving God would never permit suffering or allow unexpected tragedies, illnesses or premature deaths to take place.

God gives life and He takes it away as He desires and, for every Act of God, good will always come from it, either in the world you live in, or in My Heavenly Kingdom. It is a lack of trust in Me, which creates bitterness in the souls who judge Me on acts they believe to be cruel and unnecessary. What they do not know is that there is a time for everything – a time for living and a time for dying – and that God is the Author of Life. Only He can decide when to take it away.

Suffering by the hands of others is something, which is caused by sin – not by God. When man chooses different paths in life, it is entirely by his own choice as to which one he takes. Some choose wisely, according to their own conscience, and understand the difference between right and wrong. Others will choose the path, which they believe will bring them the necessities they need to sustain them in the world. But, there will be those who choose unwisely and embark upon a path of selfishness, wickedness and greed.

All good things come from God. Sometimes, what may seem to be unfair is beyond your understanding, but know that God chooses how He gathers fruit for the good of man. And, suffering is part of this Plan in His Salvation of souls. He does not relish suffering, but it is a form of purification. If you suffer, God will try to use this suffering for the good of your own soul. But, He will never force you to do anything because He gives you free will. Abuse of your free will can lead to terrible sin and yet, God will never take your free will away from you.

Free will is sacrosanct. It was given free to man by God, and it is the one Gift that He will never take away from you. It is through the free will of man, however, that man falls from Grace and into sin.

The evil one plays on man’s free will through the temptation of the senses. Free will is a Gift as, when used properly, it can give great Glory to God. But, when it is abused to commit terrible atrocities, it is used by Satan to curse humanity.

The battle for souls will end when man’s free will becomes one with the Will of God. Only then, will man be free of all things, which bring him sorrow and suffering of any kind.

The Will of God will reign in the world to come, which has no end.

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”





Mother of Salvation: After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God

The Book of Truth:

Mother of Salvation: After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God

March 9, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My children, you will always be under my protection when you call on me, the Mother of Salvation, throughout this Mission. I am a servant of God and my role is to serve my Son, Jesus Christ, and help Him in His quest for souls, which will cover the whole Earth. Not one nation will be excluded by Him. My Son’s Plans, to prepare the world, include every race, nation, creed and every man, woman and child will be aware that He is coming to help them. He does this because of the deep Love, which God holds in His Heart for His children.

Many people, who do not practice any religion, will be unable to ignore the Intervention in the world by my Son, Jesus Christ. They will be overcome and unable to comprehend, at first, the extraordinary spiritual experience they will feel, in every fibre of their hearts and souls.

What a joy The Warning will be for many people, as it will bring with it the proof of my Son’s Existence. With this Gift, many will be filled with a peace they will have never felt before, as well as a great longing to be in the company of Jesus.

While all doubts about the Existence of my Son will flee from the minds of those who are blind to the Truth of the Word of God – for many, they will need spiritual direction once the Truth of The Warning is revealed.

After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God. This will be a period of great trials; because the enemies of God will do everything possible to convince the world that The Warning – the Illumination of Conscience – did not take place.

When God humbles Himself to call out to His children and when He begs them to listen to Him, this is one of the greatest Acts of Generosity on His part. Children, accept The Warning with good Grace, because for many it will be the lifeline they need to live in the world without end.

Never reject great acts or miracles from Heaven, for they are for the good of all, so that salvation is granted to the masses and not just the few.

Always give thanks for my Son’s Great Mercy. You have heard how Generous He is and soon you will bear witness to the extent of His Mercy, which will encompass the world. 

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation 





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you suddenly

The Book of Truth:

Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you suddenly

January 31, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, hear Me now, as I speak of The Warning to come. Without My Intervention, most of the world would plunge into the abyss of the beast and would never see the Light of God. Without this Miracle, billions of souls would go to Hell. 

So then, I must remind you that you must prepare for this Event, for it will cause tremendous pain and suffering for many. It will be as if many have plunged into the lowest level of Purgatory, which purges the soul with a powerful heat and creates a terrible sense of remorse, which causes pain of the flesh.

Many souls will rejoice.

However, even those souls who are close to Me will also feel anguish when they have to face their wrongdoings before Me. The shame they will feel though will be quickly forgotten, as the Light of My Mercy will devour them and fill them with Graces.

The souls who do not know Me at all will be mesmerised and many will believe that they have died and are being judged by Me, on the last Day. They too will rejoice when the Truth is revealed to them. Then those poor wretched souls, who relish their sinful lives, will suffer greatly. Some will break down and lie at My Feet and protect their eyes from My Light, because the pain of standing before Me, alone and defenseless, will be too much for them to bear. They will not ask for My Mercy, for their hatred of Me runs deep.

Finally, the souls who have completely renounced Me and given themselves over in body and soul to the evil one will suffer a greater torment, as if they have crawled into the depths of Hell. Many will not be able to withstand My Presence and they will fall stone-dead before Me. Others will try to call out to Me, but they will be dragged away from Me by the evil one.

After this powerful Intervention by Me takes place, however, billions will be converted and they too will join with My Remnant Church, to endure penance for those souls who have completely cut themselves off from My Mercy, in order to help Me salvage their souls. 

All will be well, for in the end, I Am All-Merciful, All-Goodness, All-Love. Those who love Me will be given the Gift of My Love in abundance. My Love in them will ignite the Image of My Passion and this will encourage them to make great sacrifices in atonement for the sins of the lost souls who need My Mercy the most.

Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you suddenly.

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




Be assured that the time for Me to return to reclaim My Throne is close

The Book of Truth:

Every word you utter in this Mission comes from Me. Every action you take comes from Me

January 17, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, be at ease every time you face the many obstacles, which you and all of My followers face daily in this Work to save souls.

Always remember that Satan will never stop tormenting this and other missions, which are authentic, for they come from God. The authentic missions, which I bless today and those I blessed over the centuries always suffered, because of opposition.

Only the missions, which truly come from God, attract such hatred. Only true prophets attract hatred. Moses, Elijah, Noah and John the Baptist and others like them drew hatred, because of Satan’s influence over weak souls. Only I, Jesus Christ, one of hundreds of prophets during My Time on Earth, attracted the type of hatred, which was inflicted upon Me. And now, only you, My last prophet, will attract hatred of a kind not seen for a long time – though others, like you, have suffered in recent times.

When you have to endure opposition, in the Name of God, know that, when the Holy Trinity presents the Word to humanity through a prophet, it will be the worst kind. Only for the Divine Assistance given to you, you would flee in terror. My Father protects you, My little one, and so you must forge ahead always in the knowledge that He desires souls, for every word which is uttered from your lips, for every word, which is drawn by your hand and for every soul you reach out to. All this suffering will bring Me more souls.

Be assured that the time for Me to return to reclaim My Throne is close and as the Day draws nearer many tactics will be used to trip you up in this Mission. Every lie will be thrown at you, every stone hurled, every torment your lot and every enemy of God placed on every path you turn. But, as the Redeemer of humanity, I will ensure that every bramble is carefully removed, every stone thrown to one side, every path cleared, so that you will succeed in bringing My Word before the world, at a time when I will be all but forgotten.

I walk with you, My daughter. I rest My Hand upon your left shoulder, in order to shelter you from evil and I guide you in every way. Every word you utter in this Mission comes from Me. Every action you take comes from Me. Every suffering you endure is Mine. Your will is Mine, for you gave it away to Me and now I reside completely within you. When they hurt you, they insult Me. When they mock you, they deny the Truth. When they deny the Word, they deny Me, but when they accept My Word, given to you, they become part of Me and so they too will be given My Protection also.

Go now, My daughter, and never fret when hatred is shown to you in this Mission, for you and all those who hear My Call will then be in no doubt Who it is that they oppose. It is not you, but I, Jesus Christ, they push away. When you are for Me, with Me, in Me and speak My Word – you are truly a child of God.

Your Jesus




Who amongst you would be strong enough to accept My Cup of Suffering, in all that it brings with it

January 19, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, what man amongst you, who declares himself to be a holy follower of Mine, and who boasts of this fact, will take My Cup?

Who amongst you would be strong enough to accept My Cup of Suffering, in all that it brings with it? The answer is very few of you. And yet, you feel justified when you scourge Me, through My chosen souls, who have willingly accepted My Cup.

Chosen souls, visionaries, prophets and seers, accept My Cup, because they give Me their free will, on My terms – not on their own. When you declare yourselves to be all-knowing and well-versed in My Holy Word and do not accept the suffering, which is carried by My poor persecuted prophets, then you do not know Me.

If you do not know Me, then you cannot truly love Me. If you do not love Me, then you do not spread the Truth. Instead, you pick what parts suit you in the Most Holy Gospels and then use these as a yardstick to beat My prophets with and all those chosen souls who carry My sorrowful Cross.

When you trample on other souls, treat them cruelly in My Name, you have been infested by hatred. Hatred comes from Satan. It does not come from Me. When you come before Me, during The Warning – the Illumination of Conscience – I will show you how you have offended Me.

Still, many of you, guilty of twisting My Words of Love into words of hatred against My prophets, will stand defiantly before Me. For you are so stuffed with self-love and pride that even I, Jesus Christ, will find it difficult to draw you to Me.

Your hatred for others separates you from Me.

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




I will protect all sinners, who accept My Hand of Mercy during The Warning.

The Book of Truth:

The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin

November 12, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

I love you Children Come back to me

My dearly beloved daughter, as My Time approaches, many will be asleep, but those who are blessed with their eyes open to My Light, will know the signs. They will also be given the blessings to prepare and only those who cling to Me will be able to endure the changes.

The closer the Day of My Great Coming draws, the more people, who say they love God, will withdraw from Me. Even those who say they are holy and exalt themselves within the hierarchy of My Church on Earth, won’t be able to see the Truth. They will not see the Truth because they will be so busy attending to matters and ceremonies, which will be insulting to Me.

The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin.

Beside it you will see a second sun. Then the weather will cause the world to shake and the changes will mean that many parts of the Earth will be destroyed.

These punishments – and there will be many – will strip humanity of its arrogance, so that souls will beg for the Mercy of God. Nothing else will stir the hearts of stone of those who have shut the Love of God out of their lives.

The sin of humanity will escalate quickly and the sin of idolatry will wrap itself threefold around the Earth. Paganism, dressed like royal monarchy, will infiltrate My Church on Earth. When the heathens embrace My Church, it will not be to adore God. When pagans, atheists and other non-believers, who outwardly reject the Existence of God, embrace My Church, it will not be to Me, Jesus Christ, they will bend their knee.

When My Church declares that it welcomes all, do not be fooled. It will not mean they are welcoming pagans into My Church, so that they can bow before My Tabernacle. No, it will be to parade idolatry, caused by the sin of pride, before Me, to desecrate the Holy and Sacred Tabernacles. They will place pagan symbols on My Altars and demand that unsuspecting congregations bow and accept their fellow brothers and sisters, with grace and generosity.

All will be asked to deny the Truth, so as to welcome false worshipers, who will trample on My Altars. Then, the Hand of God will fall.

Wars will spread; earthquakes will shake the four corners of the Earth and famine will grip mankind and every wicked gesture and insult made before God will result in a terrible chastisement. When those who accept My Mercy lead My Church – every demon will curse these children of God. To protect them, God will intervene and woe to those who spit in the Face of their Creator.

The time has come. Those who curse Me will suffer. Those who follow Me will live through this persecution, until the Day when I come to sweep them into My Merciful Arms. And then, only those who remain, because they refused My Hand of Mercy, will be given over to the beast they idolized and to whom they sought pleasure from.

So many people will reject Me, right up to the end. Two-thirds will spit at Me, fight My Intervention and scream every kind of obscenity at Me. As the Day draws closer and closer, the hatred against Me, will be witnessed for all to see. Even those who give the world the impression that they honour God will curse Me quietly.

The day when the deceit of the beast will be exposed for all to see will be a day no one will forget. For that day, as the world will see the imposter, the antichrist, rise with My Crown on his head – dressed in the robes of red – will be the day when fire will pour from his mouth. As the horror finally sinks in, fire will envelop him and he and all those who pledged allegiance to him will be cast into the abyss. And then I will come as I have told you. I will raise up My Church and bring the world together in union with the Holy Will of My Father and peace, at last, will reign.

All I have told you is true. All that will happen will happen as I have told you. It will happen quickly, for despite My Anger, which is caused by the hypocrisy and ungratefulness of man, I come only to bring this suffering, finally, to an end.

I come to save all sinners, but many will not want to be saved.

Be strong, My beloved followers, for I will protect all sinners, who accept My Hand of Mercy during The Warning. So every child of God, believers and non-believers, will be included in this Great Intervention from Heaven. But after this time, the angel of God will divide the good from the wicked. The time is short.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




They will not recognise the times they live in and will only realise the Truth during The Warning.

The Book of Truth:

I may be their only true friend, their only salvation, but many of them will ignore My Warnings

October 18, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, My greatest sadness is that those who love Me the most, in their masses, will refuse to hear My Voice, now as I call out to them.

I may be their only true friend, their only salvation, but many of them will ignore My Warnings. Even those who hear My Voice will ignore Me and dismiss My Words as heresy. They will not recognise the times they live in and will only realise the Truth during The Warning. By then, many of them will have cursed Me and removed themselves so far beyond Me that I will not be able to reach into their hearts or save their souls.

Do not underestimate the hatred which the devil has for Me. He betrayed My Father terribly, but he detests Me. This means that he hates My Church and it will be between My Church on Earth and the demons sent by Satan that the final battle will take place.

This battle has commenced and has already stolen My beloved souls, many of whom have failed to see how they offend God.

When My Presence is felt soon, amongst all those who love Me – irrespective of whether they believe in these Messages or not – I will flood their souls with knowledge by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

That is My Promise to the world. I will never forsake you to the power of evil, for I love you all so much. You are like a Limb from My Body. You are part of My Body. You are Part of Me.

Whether you want Me to or not, I will follow you until the Great Day and I will fight to save your soul. You may turn your back on Me, but I will not forsake you, for I Am patient. My Perseverance and Divinity are beyond your knowing.

You must never forget Me, Your Jesus, for I Am with you always, waiting for you to come to Me.

Your beloved Saviour

Redeemer of Mankind

Jesus Christ






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




During The Warning, I will awaken within these souls the Truth as to Who they belong to.

The Book of Truth:

Woe to those Christians who have deserted Me in favour of new age paganism

September 24, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, every living soul has a powerful instinct to seek out God in their lives. Those who find the Love of God in its most pure form are given this Gift because of their humility and acceptance of the fact that all Glory belongs to God.

Pagans, on the other hand, in their quest for spiritual peace, seek out the Creation of the True God, rather than their Creator. Instead of laying themselves before God, My Father, the Almighty, Creator of all things, they lie prostrate before false idols, including the wonders He created for the world – the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars.

They idolize these great wonders and then believe that by doing so, this gives them great powers. What they are seeking is a form of spiritual enlightenment, which they hope will bring them pleasure and peace. Many then, through meditation and yoga, open their minds and souls to allow the spirit of evil to corrupt them. They mistakenly believe that some other power, other than that which comes from God the Most High, can bring them the peace, which they crave.

Know now that there is only one God. Any other form of adulation amounts to paganism. It does not matter what they say or how they justify their actions, they are inviting Satan to invade their souls and once he gains access, he and the demons he sends will not leave those souls alone. They will torment these souls, fill them with lies and have them believe that they possess a gift. Some believe they can heal others, through practices such as Reiki, when what they do instead is infest others including the innocent. When pagans chant, to attract spiritual gifts, they say that this brings them peace. While many believe this, know that within a short period of time – once the spirit of evil has entered their minds – they will become agitated and no respite will they find. Every pleasure of the senses is constantly sought out by them and all they will receive in return will be a darkness of the soul.

Paganism brings a terrible disquiet and, in lands where the heathen cry out to the false gods, they incur the Wrath of My Father. Many such souls do not understand what they are doing, but recognise them by the ways in which they will adorn their bodies, as they consider themselves sacred vessels in the eyes of the false idols they claim to worship. Love, humility or personal sacrifice for the good of others, will be lacking, for they only worship the senses. They do not understand that their souls are a Gift from God and so they give them away in the pursuit of perfection, which can never be theirs.

During The Warning, I will awaken within these souls the Truth as to Who they belong to. Pray that they will accept My Hand of Mercy. Woe to those Christians who have deserted Me in favour of new age paganism. They are the ones who do not want My Mercy and would prefer to dabble in nonsense, because it feeds their egos when they believe that they have the power to control matters of spirituality. While they seek personal perfection in this way, they cut themselves completely from God. By doing so, they open the door to the evil one, who will seduce and hypnotise them through the appeal of superstitious promises, which lead to their souls becoming barren where the Love of God cannot thrive.

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




I relive, all over again, the agony I endured in the Garden of Olives.

The Book of Truth:

The world will rejoice, for along with My Church in Rome, the Jewish nations will be cut down

May 17, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearest daughter, I reveal to you in intimacy My pain and sorrow as I relive, all over again, the agony I endured in the Garden of Olives.

Then My pain, created by the evil one, who showed Me visions of the future, was caused by the paganism which would sweep the Earth in your time. I knew then, just as can be seen now, the hatred in the world which exists for Me, Jesus Christ.

My suffering is exacerbated by the fact that humanity still does not fully understand the Sacrifice, which was made by Me for their souls. My Crucifixion was to save every generation, including those in the world today. My pain is great at this time and My suffering is being manifested within you, My daughter, and other victim souls, so that I can salvage the most ravaged amongst you.

I cry bitter tears and My Heart is heaving as sin is being spread through the laws in your countries, which will force innocent souls into temptation. Not only will they feel that sin can now be justified, because the laws in their countries condone them, but they will also be accused of breaking the laws of their land if they uphold My Holy Word.

Oh how deceived you are. How far you have wandered away from Me. How much you offend Me. Those with responsibility for proclaiming My Word, hear Me now. Your duty is to safeguard My Holy Word at all times. Your vow is to obey My Word and My Teachings, as they were contained in the creation of My Church on Earth. Never deviate from the Truth. Prepare your souls, for soon you will be forced against your will to deny Me through the Sacraments. You must keep alert at all times for the great changes, which lie ahead.

To the whole of humanity, I Call on you to respond to My Voice, the Voice of Truth, the Voice of Love, the Voice of your Master. Soon, you will see Me. Then the cobwebs will be cleared away from your eyes and then the Truth will become clear. When the Day of My Mercy dawns, you must know that My Second Coming will take place very soon afterwards. And while I yearn for all of you to turn to Me, I cry with sorrow for the souls who are lost to Me.

I must warn those who try to stop Me, in the salvation of souls, that I will punish you, should you continue to defy the Word of God. I refer not to these Messages, although I Am saddened that you will not listen to Me, but to the abolition of My Holy Word in your nations.

Light will fight dark. The Light of God keeps you alive. Darkness destroys you. My Light will become brighter and brighter until My Holy Eucharist is banished. Then it will fade. Then My Church will crumble and appear to die. The world will rejoice, for along with My Church in Rome, the Jewish nations will be cut down. This will be the greatest deceit to befall mankind and those who accept this wicked form of paganism will be swept away in the flood. And then, after the fires which will sweep the Earth, will rise My Church, again, into its full glorious form. This will be the end for sinners who refuse My Hand, but the beginning of Eternal Life for those who love Me.

Your Jesus





They will be forgiven immediately if they would pluck up the courage and call upon Me to help them out of their misery

May 17, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, you must know that all sinners, especially those who have done terrible things, must come to Me. I crave their attention and I want to bring them into My Heart, for I love them.

They will be forgiven immediately if they would pluck up the courage and call upon Me to help them out of their misery. They must never fear Me, for I Am Ever-Merciful. They are closer to Me than those who profess to represent Me on Earth, but who are hypocrites, just as the Pharisees were.

Give Me your hand. No matter what deeds you have done, I will alight upon you. My Prayer, given to you now, will bring you into My Heart and I will reside in you and you will be saved.

Crusade Prayer (107) Save me from the fires of Hell

I am a terrible sinner, Jesus.

By my actions, I have caused desperate suffering to others.

I am cast aside as a result.

I am no longer tolerated on Earth anywhere.

Rescue me from this wilderness and safeguard me from the grip of evil.

Allow me to repent.

Accept my remorse.

Fill me with Your Strength and help me to rise from the depths of despair.

I hand over to You, dear Jesus, my free will, to do onto Me as You wish, so that I can be saved from the fires of Hell. Amen.

Go, my child, in peace, for I will never forsake those who beg me for Mercy.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




You are cutting the umbilical cord, which binds you to My Father

The Book of Truth:

It was the sin of pride which caused Lucifer to fall and to be cut off and thrown into the abyss

May 4, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, as My Word reaches many ears, I come to warn those amongst you who will not listen to Me. What do you fear? Is it My Word or the changes which you will have to witness as the purification continues? Don’t you know that I do not bring you new Teachings, for this is not necessary?  I only communicate with you to remind you of the Truth.

So many of you believe you know so much about Me, but you have learned nothing. Who are you to say you are better than others in the Eyes of God, when it comes to interpreting My Holy Word? Who are you to believe that you have the authority to blaspheme against Me, and then say that you love Me? You will not be able to stop Me through the prophets, in reaching out to God’s children.

You must ask why it is that you hate My Voice? How can you love Me when you tear My Words apart, when all I Am doing is to help you prepare for My Great Day?

Man is very weak. Even those devout souls are weak, though their love for Me is strong. Let no man believe that he can ever walk before Me without the shame of sin on his soul. Not one amongst you is worthy to stand before Me, yet I grant you the Mercy of My Love. It is not that you are deserving of this, it is simply because I chose to grant you this Gift.

To those of you who claim to speak with great knowledge of Me and then spit with a cursed tongue against My prophet – know this. Your faith will not save you when you curse the Word of God. Your self-proclaimed love of God is meaningless when you judge one of His children before Him. You are cutting the umbilical cord, which binds you to My Father, when you show disrespect, anger and hatred towards Me. When you spit at Me, you will become blind and will never see again. When you utter words of hatred, your tongue will be cut out. When you stand up and declare to all your self-proclaimed knowledge of God, you will fall with your legs cut from under you. When you deem My prophet to be evil, you will have no life.

My Word will never die; it will live for eternity. It will trample on those sinners who try to defy the Mercy of God, through these Messages. Reject Me this time and you reject the freedom I bring when I come to gather you, finally, into My Kingdom. You don’t have much time to redeem yourselves in My Eyes before the Great Day. Don’t waste it through the sin of pride. It was the sin of pride which caused Lucifer to fall and to be cut off and thrown into the abyss. All those who follow him, through the sin of pride – the sin which causes so much separation from God – will fall and never rise in the Presence of God.

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




God the Father: I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last.

The Book of Truth:

God the Father: I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date

April 1, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearest daughter, the Sacrifices made by Me, your beloved Father, on behalf of humanity are coming to an end.

Every attempt has been made, because of My Pure Love for My children, to save them from the evil of sin. In these times, the final battle to save all My children of every creed and race is now in the final stages.

Who amongst you will stand up for the Truth, when it has been given to you for so long? Who amongst you will accept My Holy Word as it is presented to you in My Book of Truth today? Those of you who scream at My prophet will be silenced, so that My children will be able to hear the sweet Voice of My beloved Son, as it draws souls into the safe haven, to prepare them for the New Paradise on earth.

I call on all of My children, the strong, the weak, the vulnerable, the ignorant and those stuffed with pride, who think that they know the Truth of the prophecies promised by Me over the centuries, to respond to this call from My Heavenly Kingdom.

I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date. Only I know the date of the Great Day when My Son will return to claim the Kingdom I promised Him.

The day of The Warning, given to you as a great Gift, will divide humanity into two halves. The first half will accept My Son’s great Mercy. The other half will hide and run.

They will believe that they will have the power to withstand God’s intervention to save them. What they do not know is that I will pursue them right up to the Last Day to save them from the final horror, from which there is no return.

My children, do not fear Me. It is because of My Love for you that I have permitted the final persecution when evil will make itself known in a way like never before.

All Christian Churches will be knocked down in spirit. Some will be demolished. The Catholic Church, above all others, will suffer the most, as it will now be contaminated from within its core.

This disease will be vicious, but the Church founded by My Son on earth will survive this evil, although much of it will be outside of Rome, because the Seat of Peter has been desecrated.

Rise up, all of you who swear allegiance to My Son. Stay together and pray that the infestation will not devour those souls who have given their lives up for My Son.

Oh how they will be tempted by the new laws, which they will believe are dictated by Heaven, through the Seat of Rome. How their hearts will heave with sorrow when disorder erupts. How they will weep when those sacred servants, in their hundreds of thousands, will be excommunicated. Only then will they hold out their arms and call on My Son to guide them.

My Divinity will cover the world and gather all My children into My Son’s Kingdom. You must await this call and accept, with grateful hearts, these Gifts given to you as the weapons you need to fight against the wickedness, which will cover the earth in darkness.

The meek and humble of heart, who love Me, their Father, and those who accept the Divinity of My only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, will be gathered first. They, whose names are in the Book of the Living, will be called and will reign as leaders, along with the saints, amongst the twelve tribes of Israel.

Those of you with lukewarm souls will then be enlightened and your burden will be heavier. It will be through your prayers, that the others – those who hide from Me – will be taken under the roof of My Protection.

The beast, who cowers before Me, will not win the souls of those children of Mine that easily. Every Act of Mercy, every miracle, and every intervention will be granted by Me for the sake of My children.

Those who stand before Me and My children will suffer a terrible chastisement. Although I love all of My children, I will not hesitate to stop those amongst them who, if I allowed them, would take away My Kingdom, which I will fill with all My family.

Be wary of My Anger. For although it is contained and My Patience is great, I will cast upon the earth a great affliction, even if it means destroying much of it. Like a disease, which devours the human body, so too will the evil deeds of man against their brother, destroy the healthy cells. If this disease is not stopped and if I do not cut out, and cast away, the diseased flesh I cannot make the body whole again.

It will only be the whole, healthy Body of My Son’s Church on earth that can come to the door of My New Kingdom on earth. Those who have removed themselves from the temptation of rejecting My Son will find it easier to be made worthy to join as One Body, in union with My Son. They will be given eternal life and pain will be no more.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High






True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”


