Tag Archives: Paradise

God’s children rejected His Great Gift of Paradise, through the sin of Adam and Eve, when they fell from His Favour.

The Book of Truth:

This time I come to renew the Earth, to re-establish My Kingdom on Earth

April 29, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, many may wonder how God, the Father Almighty Creator of all that Is and will Be forever, could suffer. The Truth is that My Father, perfect in all that can be, is infused with Love. Because He is the Creator of Love, when rebuked, it causes Sorrow in His Heart.

God’s children rejected His Great Gift of Paradise, through the sin of Adam and Eve, when they fell from His Favour. Instead, they allowed themselves to be seduced by the cunning deception, placed before them, by the evil one. How My Father suffered, because of this betrayal then and how He still suffers because of the sin of betrayal in today’s world. Nothing has changed, except the Miracle of Redemption, which He bequeathed the world, through My Sacrifice for mankind.

My Father’s Love for all of you is so Great that His Sorrow, which has been caused by man’s blindness and rejection of His Great Mercy, is also His Gift to humanity. Because of His Sorrow, He pines for souls and, as such, will reach out and grasp even the most reluctant non-believer. To those, who do not believe in God, but who desire proof and any sign that will bring them comfort in their wretchedness, I say this. I, Jesus Christ, came the first time, not to merely save those who accepted the Truth – I came to save those who were incapable of believing in God. I do the same now. While the believers will fight amongst themselves, arguing as to whether or not it is I, Jesus Christ, Who communicates to the world, at this time, I promise you this. I will, out of My Love for you, prove to you that it is indeed I, Who speaks now and that I have, once again, been sent by My Father to save you. 

This time I come to renew the Earth, to re-establish My Kingdom on Earth – the Paradise created by My Father, for Adam and Eve. That Day will dawn soon and before the time comes, I will enlighten your mind, body and soul. I will shock you with My Power – My Divinity, but you will feel such a surge of love that you will be left in no doubt that this could only come from Me. That is My Promise. It is the children of God, who do not know Him, nor believe in Him, that I will reach out to first. Most of them will come running to Me, because they will have no preconceived ideas, which can evolve from too much knowledge of spiritual matters. At the same time, I will reach out to those souls who are in great darkness, who are desperate, lost and laden with great sorrow in their hearts. So when you read My Word, contained herein, know that My Messages are not aimed at those who love Me only – they are being given to reach out to you.

I give you peace. I bring you great news, for I have carved out a glorious future for you, where death will have no power over you. I await that Day, with great joy. Please await, with patience and trust, for when I open your heart, your worries will be no more.

Your beloved Jesus






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




God the Father: The Perfection of the lost Paradise will be renewed to its former Glory

The Book of Truth:

God the Father: The Perfection of the lost Paradise will be renewed to its former Glory

February 26, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My children, listen to Me, as I call to you and declare My deep and abiding Love for all of you. Amidst the trials, the sadness, the cruelty, the wickedness and indeed, the joy and peace, I am in Command of all. The time is ripe for the Purification to intensify, but nothing, only good, will come from these times. Think of these times as if a sick child is bedridden and struck with an illness, which renders him weak, powerless, lacking in energy, in nutrients and with a very high fever. He will not recover until the fever has dissipated and yet, it is the fever which rids him of the illness.

The Purification of man has been foretold and I allow it, so that I can rid humanity of the illness, which scourges the hearts and souls of those who do not know Me truly. The divisions in the world will increase, before they are finally exhausted. Wars, having erupted and destroyed, will disappear and peace will reign. The apostasy will envelop many souls, but afterwards most of My children will see the Truth and come running to Me, through the love they will experience for My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

My Creation will become perfect, when Satan and every demon who infests the Earth have been banished. The Light will become brighter, the Perfection of the lost Paradise will be renewed to its former Glory and humanity will become One in Me.

My Promise to bring you back into the Paradise, which I created for each one of you, even before you took your first breath, is about to be witnessed. Each of you has been given this birthright. Prepare. You will be drawn into My Paradise through the love, which I will place in your hearts and by the Graces, which you will be granted in your souls. Not one soul amongst you will be able to say that I did not give you every chance, every sign, every reprieve. Pray that you will have the graciousness to accept the glorious life, which I have ready for you, of a world without end.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise

The Book of Truth:

I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise

April 2, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, the pressures placed on My followers to reject these Holy Messages will increase. Many misguided followers of Mine will refuse to accept these Messages as Mine.  Well-meaning in their intentions, they will go to extraordinary lengths to turn people away from Me, in the belief that they guard My Church.

I Am the Church, and as long as My holy servants protect My Teachings, My Doctrine, My Sacraments and My Most Holy Eucharist, we are as OneThose, including leaders within My Church, who change these Laws, are not part of My Church.

These changes have not been presented yet and when they are there will be much distress.

To those of you, who are in doubt, please do not reject Me. While you embrace Me in one way, you also bring tears to My Eyes. You may not see Me now, but soon you will feel My Divine Presence.

I call on all of you to prepare now for the great splendid future I have ready for you. Heaven rejoices as the Holy Spirit will soon descend and pierce your hearts with love and recognition. So many souls will be saved, so great is My Love. I will never give up. You will suffer in My Name, but this will be forgotten when you are at the gates of My New Kingdom. You will all unite together as one family.

I speak of those who are lost to Me, but I have every intention of extending My Mercy to as many as possible.  Come to Me and let Me reassure you of the extent of My absolute Love and Compassion for every one of you. Those who reject Me, and in some cases detest Me, will be enveloped into My Arms as I soothe their poor hearts and enlighten their souls. I will become their only hope when they finally realise that the dark path they have chosen offers nothing, but unhappiness and fear.

I will pour, over the whole world, My Rays of Divinity, full of Mercy and soon I will cleanse all of humanity, so that they can be taken into My Kingdom quickly. My Time is almost here, as I await the day when My Father hands Me the keys to My Kingdom.

As the final Covenant is completed, I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise. This is your final inheritance promised to you. Do not reject it, for the sorrow you will bring upon yourselves is to be feared, and should you turn your back on Me, there will be a time when I can do no more to save you.

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




God blessed the seventh day, because on it God rested from all the work

The Book of Truth:

My Church on earth is under attack and this means that My Body will be Crucified again, as foretold

March 3, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, fear not the attacks, which are being mounted against you, for I Am with you every second to make you stronger. It saddens Me to tell you that you will suffer much verbal abuse, because of the timing of this, My Plan of Salvation.

For this is the time in which, not only will fervent Catholics be tested in their faith and their allegiance to Me, it will also be the greatest trial for all Christians in every part of the world.

To those who accuse you of heresy, I say this.

I, Jesus Christ, would never lie, for I Am the Truth. I could never deceive you, for that would not be possible. Remember, it is My Body, which is the Church. My Church on earth is under attack and this means that My Body will be Crucified again, as foretold. By this, I mean, that My Body will no longer be Present, the minute the Holy Eucharist is discarded by ministers in the Holy See of Rome. This will become a reality and you must turn your back.

I ask you to pray for all of God’s children – all My sacred servants, including the misguided false prophets. However, I will never ask you to pray for the antichrist, for that is not possible.

Wake up, all of you, and listen to what I must tell you. You must not panic, despair or lose hope, for this abomination will be the final torment, which all God’s children will have to witness and endure before I come again.

That will be the day of Great Glory, Great Joy and My Coming will bring to an end the evil, which blights the earth.

Instead of fear, be joyful. You must look forward to My Second Coming, because I bring with Me, the New Paradise, promised to you.

When you carry My Cross it will always be difficult. The times in which you live now, bring with them a form of crucifixion, which most Christians will find very difficult to endure – so great will their pain be.

Those poor souls, who do not believe that I speak the Truth, through these Messages, must ask themselves this. Do you believe in the Holy Bible and the prophecies declared within its covers? Do you believe in the antichrist and the revelations about the false imposter who will take the Seat of Peter through devious means? If you do, then accept that this is the time for these events to unravel before your eyes. It is not for the future – it is now taking place. Accept this with courage and come to Me with complete trust, for I love you. I need you to keep your eyes wide open. You must not shy away from the Truth.

The abomination has now begun.  When you refuse My Cup, you prevent Me from salvaging the souls I need to complete the Covenant promised to My Father.

I bless you. I long for your hearts to open, so that I can take you into My Glorious Kingdom.

Your Jesus






I ask all of My sacred servants to call on Me, their beloved Jesus, that I can cover them with My Precious Blood

February 28, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, I have sent My Holy Spirit to cover all of God’s children at this time in an effort to lift the darkness of evil in the world.

You must pray hard for all of My sacred servants at this time in the terrible state of confusion in which they find themselves.  So sorrowful will they be, in the next few weeks because of the demise of My Holy Vicar, that they will not know where to turn.

I ask all of My sacred servants to call on Me, their beloved Jesus, that I can cover them with My Precious Blood. I will give them the Graces, which they will need to discern the Truth of My Teaching. Then they will recognize the deceit, which is to be presented to them.

They must never doubt Me. They must place all their trust in Me. They must never forsake My Name and they must keep alert at all times.

Tell them that I love them tenderly and that they will be given special Gifts from Heaven. These Gifts will bring them peace, hope and courage, in the turbulent times, which lie ahead within My Holy Church on earth.

Your Jesus







True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.

26 Then God said, “Let us make humankind[a] in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth,[b] and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”

27 So God created humankind[c] in his image,
in the image of God he created them;[d]
male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” 29 God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

2 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their multitude. And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.”





Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”






There will be shock witnessed, as these souls see that the path led them into the fires of the abyss.

The Book of Truth:

When you take away the Truth, or tamper with it, it is no longer the Truth. All that is left is a shell

January 9, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, how familiar I Am, through the tongues of man, every single day, and yet, I Am so far away from them.

Many, instinctively, call out My Name aloud, in moments of expression, without actually realising how they use My Name. Not only Am I not revered; no respect of any kind is shown to Me. My Name is used to curse others, at times of great friction. How this hurts and shocks Me; that I Am used in this way.

Many use My Name in daily conversation, but not in a way, which addresses My Role as the Saviour of the human race.

How I wish that I could call upon those atheists and agnostics, so that they could listen to how they use My Name, in their daily conversations. If it is a habit, then why don’t you use another form of expression? Why do you include Me, if you do not accept Me? Why do you use Me as a form of blasphemy, when you do not believe I Exist?

So many people dismiss Me as not being important in their lives. I Am pushed to one side as if I Am of no consequence.

Many souls, who do believe in Me, do not practise their faith. As such, they fail to prepare their souls. So many do not know when they will be taken from this earth and into the next life and have made a terrible mistake. For, they are not fit to enter My Kingdom.

The day when souls find themselves divided into two groups, the Truth of the future will finally be revealed to them. Woe to the man who has not prepared for this great day and who wasted the time accorded to him on earth.

To the others who have refused to listen to the Truth and who publicly demeaned and rejected Me, their terror will be impossible to describe. There will be weeping, hysteria and shock witnessed on that day, as these souls see that the path they chose led them only into the fires of the abyss.

This is the time of spiritual renewal for souls who have been blessed with the Gift to see how the prophecies of old are now taking place in the world as foretold.

I look at the world and I see terrible confusion, as people are being sucked into lies about how the world was created – these lies, which are designed to turn people away from the Truth.

I see good people being told to reject their understanding of My Teachings and to throw them aside in favour of accepting Sin. Then they are encouraged to applaud sin until they convince themselves that I, Jesus Christ, will turn a blind eye.

The Truth of My Teachings lies at the very kernel of Christianity. When you take away the Truth, or tamper with it, it is no longer the Truth. All that is left is a shell.

It is time to discern whether or not you are prepared to allow yourselves to be deceived by modern new age spiritualism, or to stand firm and defend the Holy Word of God. It may not seem to matter to you now, but when the day comes, when I come to Judge, only the Truth will be acceptable in My Kingdom.

When you accept lies, you are not being honest. You are not being truthful. Therefore, you will not receive Graces.  You will be like an empty vessel, which sails in the seas, boasting of a cargo, which exists only in your minds. It will be of no use to anyone, this false sense of security. It will not give you access to the keys of My New Paradise.

Pray every day, as if tomorrow is your last day, because you do not know the time of My Second Coming. It will happen unexpectedly. When that day dawns, there will be little time to turn back.  You will either accept Me, and My Promise to bring you into My Kingdom, or you will be sent to the place from which there is no return.

Your Jesus





I now grant them the Grace of the Tears of Love and Conversion

January 11, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, please hear Me and listen as I reveal My Pain. My Head, covered with thorns, is being crushed painfully, as I endure the pain of My Crucifixion, two thousand years after My Time on earth.

The Time for My Second Coming is very close. Let no man doubt My Promise to come again. Let no man doubt that it can be at any time. Prepare your souls, for the time is close. Far better, that you concentrate on the state of your souls, than on the state of your future prosperity.

The pain of thorns is now being felt by leaders in the Catholic and Christian Churches. They suffer, so, as they are being force-fed doctrines, dictated to them by political leaders, which pour forth from the mouth of the beast.

To all those who attack My Word, through these Messages, I must warn you that the battle between God and Satan, at the end time, is now. May My Father pardon you for your misdemeanours. May He pour down His Mercy on your misguided and wayward ways, all of which, condone sin.

The pain of the Crown of Thorns, which are being pressed down, in agony, upon My Christian Churches on earth, is being replicated, at this time, as foretold. The pain of rejection – the rejection of My Word, My Existence and My Teachings – is being felt, not only by Me, but by all of those poor souls who honour Me, who proclaim My Holy Word and who love Me.

My Heart is entwined with them in love and suffering. They will know this, immediately, for I now grant them the Grace of the Tears of Love and Conversion, when they recite this Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (93) For the Tears of Conversion

O My beloved Jesus, You are close to my heart.

I am one with You.

I love You.

I cherish You.

Let me feel Your Love.

Let me feel Your Pain.

Let me feel Your Presence.

Grant me the Grace of humility so that I am made worthy of Your Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven.

Grant me the Tears of Conversion so that I can truly offer myself to You as a true disciple to help You in Your Mission to save every single soul on earth, before You come again to judge the living and the dead.


Go My beloved followers. I promise that I will grant you the Grace of the Tears of Conversion so that you will truly become united within My Sacred Heart when you recite this prayer.

My Heart embraces you, My cherished and loyal disciples. I love you. I Am with you now, in a way, which you will find hard to deny.

Your beloved Jesus

This message can be found on page 222 of the third volume of the Book of Truth under the title “The pain of thorns is now being felt by leaders in the Catholic and Christian churches”






True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:






„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”






Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




I call on all of you, who don’t know Me

The Book of Truth:

I call on all of you, who don’t know Me

April 30, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearest beloved daughter, I must explain to those people, who believe in God, but who do not go to church or pray. Many do not know how to pray. A little like the way in which you, My daughter, find it difficult.

Prayer means to ask.

Prayer means to communicate.

Prayer means to show love and give thanks.

Many people today, well-meaning and of generous heart do not know how to pray. Some will find it distasteful and will feel awkward.

Others will feel that their prayers won’t count.

Oh how I love these special souls. So far removed and yet how I yearn to show them My deep Love.

I call on all of you who don’t know Me. There is no need to fear Me. All you have to do is to ask Me to take you and give you comfort.

Let Me prove My Love. Speak to Me in your own simple words. Nothing will shock Me.

Confide in Me your worries, as I will soothe your heart. Let Me help you to feel true peace.

Ask Me to sort out your concerns. I will show you the Truth so that your worries will no longer seem as bad.

How will you know I hear you? How will you be sure that I will respond to you?

Just sit down quietly and ask Me to help you with this prayer, to help you open your heart to Me and to ask for My help.

Crusade Prayer (50) Jesus help me to know Who You are

“O dear Jesus, help me to know Who You are. Forgive me for not speaking with You before now. Help me to find peace in this life and be shown the Truth of Eternal Life.

Soothe my heart. Ease my worries. Give me peace. Open my heart now, so that You can fill my soul with Your Love. Amen.”

Many of you will not come to Me at this time. But that is okay.

In times of hardship, confusion and fear, you will.

I stand with you every day, although you do not realise this yet, but very soon you will see Me and know the Truth of My Promise to grant you Eternal Life in body, mind and spirit.

I await your call. Then I can take you, when the time is right, to the Gates of the New Era of Peace and My New Paradise on Earth.

Your friend

Your beloved Jesus”


See also:




True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:




„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




The First Seal is the Apostasy

The Book of Truth:

The First Seal is the Apostasy

March 7, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearest beloved daughter, tell My children that no man has the knowledge or the authority to reveal the Truth contained in the Book of Revelation.

No matter how knowledgeable they may consider themselves to be, it is only I, Jesus Christ, Saviour and Redeemer of mankind, Who has the Authority to reveal to the world what is contained in the Book of Truth.

Only I, the Lamb of God, has the right to deliver the Truth, given to My disciple, John the Evangelist, the instrument of the Truth, to the world today.

The First Seal is the apostasy, seen not only among unbelievers, but among those who profess to know Me and those who publicly proclaim their love for Me. This is the time when the True Faith will be twisted, when you, My children, are presented with a watered-down doctrine, which is an insult to My Teachings.

I tell you, children, that when you see new false faiths and religious doctrines spring up, you will know that this is now the time for the First Seal to be revealed.

Look around and what do you see, religions that pay homage to new gods, which you have never heard of. Science fiction based religions, which amount to nonsense and which are empty of substance. Spiritual entities that are not of this world, but which many believe represent the heavenly realm of My Father.

Heed now, for you are living in fantasy.

None of these metaphysical beliefs represent the Truth.

Any doctrine, which teaches you the importance of putting yourself before everything else, is a doctrine which springs from Satan.

Do not listen. Turn your backs on this cruel deceit.

Those who seek out false gods and devote their lives by idolising false gods, are lost to Me.

Unless you stop and pray to Me for guidance, I cannot save you.

You and all those who knowingly withdraw now from the king of darkness, will be given the Gift of discernment, if you ask Me in this Crusade Prayer (36) Help me to honour the True God

“Jesus, help me for I am lost and confused. I do not know the Truth of life after death. Forgive me if I offend You, by honouring false gods, which are not the True God. Save me and help me to see the Truth with clarity and save me from the darkness of my soul. Help me to come into the Light of Your Mercy. Amen.”

There is only one God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the One Holy Trinity.

Any other god comes from Satan, no matter how attractive the guise.

Please do not waste your Eternal Life by pledging your allegiance to those faiths which honour new age practices, including reiki, yoga, new age meditation, tarot cards, clairvoyance, psychic readings and angel worship connected with ascended masters.

Slowly, but surely, these practices of the occult are being accepted not only by your society, but by Catholic and Christian churches.

These false religious doctrines are spreading so fast, they have consumed billions of God’s children, who have now found so much false solace within them, that they no longer acknowledge the Existence of the One True God.

Your Jesus”


My Second Coming, cannot be prevented, nor can it be stopped

March 7, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, I will protect you with the special Graces needed, to give you the strength to deal with the forces of evil, which are underway to stop this Holy Mission.

It is important to understand that human opinion is not important. All that matters, is My Most Holy Word. My Word is the Truth. I Am the Truth. Anyone who tells you these Messages are not in accordance with My Teachings is a liar.

They do not know Me. They may think they do, but they can only know Me, if they remain humble of heart. Those whose opinion contradicts My Word, are guilty of the sin of pride.

Pride blinds even My sacred servants to the Truth of My Holy Word.

My Promises to mankind, to come again in Glory to Judge the living and the dead, must come to pass. This, My Second Coming, cannot be prevented nor can it be stopped.

My warnings to humanity, given to them because I love every soul, are important.

I must prepare all of God’s children, adequately, for this Most Glorious Event.

Many will attempt to block you. Many will try to undermine My Holy Word and many will try to harm you in order to prevent My Holy Word from being heard.

All of these attempts will be useless.

Only I, Jesus Christ, have the Power to provide Eternal Salvation to the whole of humanity.

Only I have the Power to prepare the souls of all mankind for their inheritance in Paradise.

No one, not even Satan, the king of darkness or his minions, can stop this from happening.

Always remember this. I will protect all of those who abide by My Holy Word.

You may be frightened by global events, as the forces of darkness envelop your countries.

Events will distress you, but you must never fear, for I will bring you with Me into My New Kingdom on Earth.

All I ask is that you trust in Me.

Let Me guide you.

Allow Me to show you the way to purify your souls, through the Crusade of Prayers I give you. Then leave all to Me.

Remember, My Love for all of you is so strong, that no man can ever dilute this Pure Love and Compassion I hold for each of God’s children in My Sacred Heart.

Your beloved Jesus

Redeemer of Mankind”


See also:






True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”









Roman Catholic:




„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




Join together as we enter the Gates of the New Paradise

The Book of Truth:

Join together as we enter the Gates of the New Paradise

March 1, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, many of My children will now be saved, because of the prayers and suffering of My cherished followers, whose love for Me exceeds that known to much of mankind.

In this period of intensity, I hold out and rely on My followers to help Me to save souls. Many of these souls will not survive the Act of My Divine Mercy and will die in mortal sin. So many of you have responded to My Call with such obedience and generosity of heart.

You bring Me great comfort. I bless you, My dear followers, and ask you to continue to pray for the souls of others. All of humanity will be given the Gift of My Mercy shortly.

Not one will fail to understand the Truth of My Existence. But not all will want to embrace Me even when the Truth is revealed to them. They are the souls I pine for. These are the lost souls for whom My beloved Mother spills tears. These are the sinners you must help Me save, because I want to save all of God’s children.

Pray and join together to help Me draw every single soul together, as we enter the Gates of the New Paradise.

Crusade Prayer (35) Prayer for souls to enter Paradise

“O my Jesus, help me to help You salvage the remnants of Your children on Earth.

I pray that You will, through Your Mercy, salvage souls from the spirit of darkness.

Accept my trials, sufferings and sorrows in this life to save souls from the fires of Hell.

Fill me with the Graces to offer You these sufferings with love and joy in my heart so that we will all unite, as one, in love for the Blessed Trinity and live with You, as one holy family, in Paradise. Amen.”

Children, you know how much I love you.

You who know Me will understand the depths of My Pain and suffering, because of the number of people who reject My Hand of Mercy.

Only you, through your prayers, can help these souls and so bring Me the comfort I desire.

Keep close to Me now. It won’t be long.

Be patient and pray.

Relax, feel My Love.

All will be well.

Your beloved Jesus Christ”


See also:



True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”



There will be no death, no illness no sin in the New Paradise

The Book of Truth:

There will be no death, no illness no sin in the New Paradise

February 24, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, you must never forget that, despite My stern warnings to humanity, I hold a very special love in My Heart for all of My children.

It is necessary to purify the Earth now, for were I to return now it would not be fit for Me to walk upon it.

When mankind has been purified only those with love for Me and My Eternal Father will remain.

My chosen generation will be with Me for eternity. This Paradise will offer 1,000 years of peace, love and harmony. (1)

After this period the second resurrection of the dead will take place.

Only then can Eternal Life be offered to all souls, with the Light of God shining through them.

Why do you hesitate, My daughter, don’t you know that these prophesies have been foretold?

Let no man misunderstand. You, children of this generation, will be given the Gift of living in the Paradise, even more beautiful than that prepared for Adam and Eve.

Age will be non-existent (2), as man will live in peace with families of generations.

So much love and enjoyment will be an everyday occurrence. Finally, you will be accorded true, lasting peace in your souls.

Why would this not be possible? This is the Earth that was planned by My Father, Whose Divine Will will, at last, finally be realised on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

Rejoice all of you. The New Paradise is to be welcomed with excitement and anticipation.

There will be no death, no illness, no sin. (3) You will be given the Gift of eternal happiness.

Pray for those who, through sin and disobedience, will forfeit any claim to their rightful inheritance, which was planned by My Eternal Father since the beginning of time.

Your beloved Jesus”



„7 In his days may righteousness flourish
and peace abound, until the moon is no more. „



„20 No more shall there be in it
an infant that lives but a few days,
or an old person who does not live out a lifetime;
for one who dies at a hundred years will be considered a youth,
and one who falls short of a hundred will be considered accursed.”



„4 he will wipe every tear from their eyes.
Death will be no more;
mourning and crying and pain will be no more,
for the first things have passed away.””


See also:




True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”



Money is their weapon of deceit. The collapse of your banking systems was deliberate.

The Book of Truth:

Wicked group perpetrating biggest lie in order to seize control of countries

February 16, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, you must tell My children, all those followers of Mine, to link and form a chain of protection in prayer.By joining as brothers and sisters in prayer for those lost children, who wander, seeking love for Me, but who cannot find peace in their souls, you can save them.

They need you to pray for them because The Warning won’t convert these poor souls.

You, My loyal followers, bring Me the consolation I need when I see the terrible pain and hardships, which are now being endured by My children in almost every corner of the world.

This wicked group, made up of some of the worlds most powerful and elite are perpetrating the biggest lie through their deliberate plotting to seize control of countries in the Middle East, Europe and the US.

Their plan is unveiling before your eyes. Can’t you see? This plan has taken decades to develop.

Every one of My children needs to stay awake at all times.

Do not allow them to take your countries. Stand up to them. Money is their weapon of deceit. The collapse of your banking systems was deliberate. Now they move to complete the next phase of their plan.

You, children, can stop this evolving through your prayers.

Already My Father is placing obstacles in their way.

My followers span many countries. Now you must join together, in prayer, to stop European leaders, some of whom are intrinsic in bringing about terrible hardship on innocent people, in their wicked ways.

I urge you to say this Crusade Prayer (31) to stop them

“O my Jesus, let my prayer invoke Your Holy Spirit to descend on those leaders driven by lust, greed, avarice and pride to stop the persecution of Your innocent children. I ask You to stop poverty, famine and wars from devouring Your children. And I pray that European leaders will open their hearts to the Truth of Your Love. Amen.”

My daughter, the chain of prayer will spread out far and wide and the Power of the Holy Spirit will help stop those people, who have the power to stop suffering and halt them in their actions.

Spread My Word in order to spread conversion.

My time to come to Reign is close. So, there will not be time enough to save all souls.

Do all you can for Me, your Jesus, Who loves and cherishes you all.

We must work together, children, for the sake of all of mankind, in our battle to prevent the antichrist and his atrocious plan of deception.

Hope, love and prayers, children, this is what I expect of you.

I thank you for all your loyalty and obedience.

You have not seen, yet you have believed. Once you heard My Voice, through these Messages, you recognised Me.You were able to do this because of the Holy Spirit, which reigns in your souls.

You must share this great Gift so that you can bring all of your loved ones with you into My New Paradise on Earth.

I love each and every one of you. You bring Me such consolation and joy.

Your beloved Jesus


See also:



True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”

