Tag Archives: Kingdom

I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise

The Book of Truth:

I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise

April 2, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, the pressures placed on My followers to reject these Holy Messages will increase. Many misguided followers of Mine will refuse to accept these Messages as Mine.  Well-meaning in their intentions, they will go to extraordinary lengths to turn people away from Me, in the belief that they guard My Church.

I Am the Church, and as long as My holy servants protect My Teachings, My Doctrine, My Sacraments and My Most Holy Eucharist, we are as OneThose, including leaders within My Church, who change these Laws, are not part of My Church.

These changes have not been presented yet and when they are there will be much distress.

To those of you, who are in doubt, please do not reject Me. While you embrace Me in one way, you also bring tears to My Eyes. You may not see Me now, but soon you will feel My Divine Presence.

I call on all of you to prepare now for the great splendid future I have ready for you. Heaven rejoices as the Holy Spirit will soon descend and pierce your hearts with love and recognition. So many souls will be saved, so great is My Love. I will never give up. You will suffer in My Name, but this will be forgotten when you are at the gates of My New Kingdom. You will all unite together as one family.

I speak of those who are lost to Me, but I have every intention of extending My Mercy to as many as possible.  Come to Me and let Me reassure you of the extent of My absolute Love and Compassion for every one of you. Those who reject Me, and in some cases detest Me, will be enveloped into My Arms as I soothe their poor hearts and enlighten their souls. I will become their only hope when they finally realise that the dark path they have chosen offers nothing, but unhappiness and fear.

I will pour, over the whole world, My Rays of Divinity, full of Mercy and soon I will cleanse all of humanity, so that they can be taken into My Kingdom quickly. My Time is almost here, as I await the day when My Father hands Me the keys to My Kingdom.

As the final Covenant is completed, I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise. This is your final inheritance promised to you. Do not reject it, for the sorrow you will bring upon yourselves is to be feared, and should you turn your back on Me, there will be a time when I can do no more to save you.

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




My Son will come again to prise away His Kingdom from the evil grip of Satan.

The Book of Truth:

Virgin Mary: Not all will accept freedom. Many will side with the evil one and reject my Son

January 2, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My child, much will now unfold in the world and many events are necessary, in order to purify God’s children.

It is important that the hearts of all are opened to the Truth, the Holy Word of God. If they do not open their hearts, they will not be able to accept the Truth of my Son’s promise to humanity.

He will come again, and soon, to redeem His Kingdom on Earth. It will be prised away from the evil grip of Satan. All of God’s children will be offered the freedom they need to become one with my Son.

Not all will accept freedom. Many will side with the evil one and reject my Son. They will be so weak that they will not accept His Promise and will continue to pursue worldly ambitions.

I ask you children to be generous towards these souls. They will, not only reject my Son’s Mercy, they will harass and sneer at all those brave souls, who will stand up and proclaim the Truth of God.

Keep in daily prayer, children, and then hand over any fears you may have to my Son. He loves you and wishes to unburden you of such sorrow and pain. Come to me, your beloved Mother, and I will ask Him to make you stronger in your allegiance to Him.

Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation



Love all those who persecute you, in My Name. Then pray for them

January 2, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, you must inform all of My followers that their prayers will help to mitigate much of what has been foretold.

Prayer is so powerful, that if enough of the prayers I give to the world, through the Crusade Prayers, are said, that much of the difficult tribulation can be curtailed.

I also must point to the power of forgiveness. When you are persecuted, in My Name, you must pray for those souls who torment you. When you pray for them, from the heart, I will cover them with your love. When you pray for your enemies, you delay Satan’s mission to take souls away from Me.

My daughter, I must now instruct you, and My followers, to remain calm in the face of much opposition to these Messages. You must never fear the Word of God, even when it brings you much pain from the outside world.

Do not think that My Kingdom is easy to enter. For each of you who truly loves Me, there will be one or two more people tempted to stop you in your allegiance to Me. This has been the case since My Death on the Cross. It will remain this way until My Second Coming.

My disciples will attract those souls who seek Me out. My disciples will then embrace these souls, so that My followers will swell to become one, in union with Me. It will never be without suffering, this lonely pathway to My Kingdom.

When they throw accusations at you, think of My own journey to Calvary. Think of My silence, and the dignity of simply focusing on My sole objective, to save souls, for every second you endure ridicule, in My Name.

This will make your journey more bearable. Let your detractors scream abuse; let them call you a fool; let them declare My Messages to be heresy. For when you do this, their wicked tongues will have no power over you.

Love all those who persecute you, in My Name. Then pray for them. And when you forgive them, you will destroy the power which Satan holds over them.

This is the secret of humility.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




My Angels in My Holy Kingdom, ring out and rejoice because of the Mercy

The Book of Truth:

God the Father: The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you

December 20, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearest daughter, I call on all My children to uphold the Name of My only Son, Jesus Christ, and show Him the honour, which has been accorded to Him amongst humanity.

My Angels in My Holy Kingdom, ring out and rejoice because of the Mercy, which is to be granted to all, through My Son.

This great Divine Gift will be used to vanquish the darkness, which covers the world. It will be by My Divine Intervention that I will be able to save most of My children.

This Christmas, a time of great rejoicing as you celebrate the birth of the Saviour I gave the world, is a turning point in the history of the human race.

As your Father, I bless you all and bestow, with a deep compassion, this great Gift of Mercy. I gather you, all of My Creation, so that I can cleanse you of every doubt, every sin and every blasphemy against the Laws of My Kingdom.

This great cleansing of the earth will take some time, but I will hasten these times of persecution.

Your suffering, by the hands of corrupt governments, who do not accept My Laws, will be difficult but will not last too long.

I will give all of My enemies time to open their eyes to the Truth of the glorious Paradise I have awaiting to unveil to the world.

Rejoice. Praise My Son, for it is because of Him, that I present the New Paradise where the Reign, promised to Him by Me, will evolve.

The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you.

My Power will be shown in all its strength and glory for the world to witness.

I Am the Beginning. I Am the End. My New Kingdom, the New Paradise, will finally replace the old. The earth was tarnished by the sin of Adam and Eve.

The perfect creation of man was destroyed when sin brought to an end the Gift of immortality. Soon I will reverse all that was sullied by the contamination caused by Satan and his demons. They will no longer be masters of temptation.

I will now send My Son to reclaim the Throne, which was created for Him.

The battle for this Throne is fierce, but My Power prevails and every miracle will be used to bring My Family back safely into the Divine Sacred Heart of My Son.

You are, My children, lost and in pain. Now I send My Son to begin the process to take you to your rightful home.

I love you, dearest children of Mine. I have never forsaken you, although you could be forgiven for believing this.

You are now being called. No man will be excluded from this announcement from Heaven.

Pray, children, that all will respond to My Son’s Mercy.

Your beloved Father
God the Most High






True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




All is now in My Holy Hands

The Book of Truth:

The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally

December 17, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, the day I come to reclaim My Inheritance, promised to Me by My Father, will be sudden.

While I prepare all of humanity for this great event, the day will come unexpectedly. The time for the beast to be cast into the abyss is near, and then the twelve nations will enjoy peace and unity.

During this time the saints in Heaven, and all those who died in My Favour, will be raised with the righteous who will survive the Tribulation. All will be resurrected and be given the Gift of perfect bodies, which will overcome the death known to humanity since the sin of Adam. They will enjoy peace and prosperity under My Spiritual Reign until My Kingdom is handed over to My Father.

This will be the first resurrection and will be followed by a one thousand year reign of perfect harmony according to the Divine Will of My Father.

During this time, sinners who denied Me will suffer. The Second Resurrection is not known to mankind, nor have the details been revealed to anyone other than the prophets Daniel and John the Evangelist.

These secrets will be revealed, in time, for they are not for your knowing now.

The Power of God will be manifested when the battle to salvage souls will succeed.The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally. This is My Promise. I will fulfil the prophecies laid down by My Father.

Those among you who are confused, have no fear. All is now in My Holy Hands, but be assured all that matters is the forgiveness of sin. This will be when all of you ask Me for the Gift of Redemption. It is that simple.

Your love for Me will yield the Gift of Life. Death, as you know it, will have no control or hold over you again. Your future is something to welcome with joy in your hearts for it is the greatest Gift of God and only those deserving souls will be bequeathed with such wealth. Be at peace. Trust Me. Love Me. That is all that matters.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




My Refuge is where you need to flee. My Sacred Heart will be



The Book of Truth:

Those who follow the Laws of God will be demonised and sought out

November 25, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, My disciples must understand that the trials they endure, in My Name, will only make them stronger.

To all those followers of these Holy messages, you must never allow attacks by other people to knock you down.

Even when they do, when they trample all over you and then kick you while you lie there defenceless, know that I will then raise you up. You will, each time, become stronger and then your fear will be lessened.

Pray for those people because it is not their fault. They are being used by the deceiver to turn you away from this Mission.

Now you must be told that My Mercy will soon wash over humanity like a flame of fire and it will engulf the soul of every man. When this happens the world will be steered into a calmer place. So many will convert and that is good. But like a storm in the night, the antichrist will arrive and dismantle this sense of peace.

He will interrupt people’s lives, although they will not notice at first. He will become a very powerful world leader and you must never look him in the eye. Cast your eyes downwards. Place your trust in Me and pray that those he infests can be redeemed.

Just as it is with any storm which you know is coming, you must prepare well. Do not leave any part of your house without protection. Batton down the hatches. Insulate you and your family from harm. This man has been given many powers by the beast, so you must protect yourselves from him or he will be responsible for causing you to stain your soul.

His wickedness will be carefully hidden from you and you could, if you are not prepared, fall into his trap.

The battle between good and evil will take place both on earth and outside of it, all at the same time.

The problem with this war is that those who side with the antichrist and the false prophet will be seen to be doing great good in the world.

Those who follow the Laws of God will be demonised and sought out.

My Refuge is where you need to flee. My Sacred Heart will, with every drop of My Blood, be poured over you in order to protect you.

Never feel disillusioned. Never feel alone. I have joined all of you together through this and other missions. In time, all those who follow the instructions I give through all genuine prophets and visionaries will help salvage the souls of billions.

Even 20 million of you, through your perseverance, trials, sufferings and prayers can save most of humanity.

This is My promise to you.

Pray, pray, pray for all of your brothers and sisters. For united we will all become part of My New Kingdom and all will be well.

Be in no doubt, however, that much work needs to be done to convert the human race.

It will be no easy feat, but the power and graces, which I will accord to this Mission, will ensure that the Holy Will of My Father can be completed in the way it must be.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




I will wipe this terrible scourge out of existence.

The Book of Truth:

God the Father The time of My Son is being merged with your time children and soon all will become one

September 20, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

I love you child

My dearest daughter how I long to hold My dear children close to Me so I can show them how much they are loved.

So many children are there of Mine, scattered throughout the world, yet so few know their Father. Their Creator.

For those who do not know Me they must be told that I will not forsake them.

I will rise against the evil forces and the king of lies, the beast, and wipe this terrible scourge out of existence.

Only when the scales of wickedness have been pulled back can My children see the Truth.

Children do not worry because your prayers are touching My Heart and through your requests, I will salvage many of My children who are in the dark.

My mission to send My Beloved Son, to claim My Kingdom, is well established now, although many may not be aware of this.

The time of My son is being merged with your time children and soon all will become one.

The time for the New Paradise has been fixed and all has been laid down for My children’s new home, the new world.

I call to you from Heaven to urge you to trust in My Son, His great Mercy and His promise to fulfil this covenant.

Surrender any doubts which may linger as they are blocking you from seeking true peace.

They block My Graces which I want to pour over you to protect you from the last remaining period when Satan controls the earth. His time is about to end. Then the new beginning will evolve.

I await, with love, the return of My children into My Kingdom, the Kingdom of the New Paradise. It is what was meant to be.

I love you. Trust in My Son and await My Call.
Your Father
God the Most High”



They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet.

September 20, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

I am your Mystical Spouse and, as such, you will continue to suffer to save souls.

My dearly beloved daughter the time for the lies about Me to be spread all over the world has begun.

As I told you before they will invent lies and create falsities about Me, Jesus Christ, so that they can deny My Divinity.

My Divinity is Almighty.

I came in the flesh and humbled Myself in a way in which people did not expect.

I did not come dressed as a king.

I did not shout or boast like a king so that others would fall down at My Feet.

I did not command others to wait on Me.

Instead, I came to serve.

I came to beg for your salvation. To do this I had to humble myself by becoming a man, a poor man, of humble origins.

While I came as a man this did not mean that My Divinity was compromised in any way. I was born without sin. It was impossible for Me to sin. I may have had the same desires of the flesh as man but I never committed sin for this could not be. I was pure in mind, body and spirit.

I was like man in so many ways. But I rose from the dead.

The lies, which will emerge, where they will deny the Truth of My Existence through a series of untruths, will begin to flood the earth.

They will say that My Body can still be found. They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet. They will then try to prove, once again, that I was a heretic. That I blasphemed against God. They will ridicule My Words as they are being given to the world now and then dismiss Me.

They do this for two reasons. The first is to defile My Divinity and to present Me as a mere man. The second is to create doubt as to My role as the Messiah.

How they insult My Name.

How they confuse My followers.

Do not listen to lies.

Do not listen when they try to convince you that God did not create the universe.

For all of these distractions are designed to weaken your faith and steal your souls.

Block your ears to such wickedness. Close your eyes to untruths as every effort will be made to convince you that I was not the Messiah, the Saviour and Redeemer of mankind.

How blind they are.

How little they have learned.

Your Jesus”




True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




The time has come for the new Kingdom, the Kingdom over which My Beloved Son will reign, to come to pass.

See fresh news under menu Link:





The Book of Truth:

Virgin Mary: The evil one attacks those who love God the most.

May 20, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My child just as more of God’s children embrace these Holy Messages so, too, will more people reject them.

All those closest to My Son will be tempted by the evil one to turn their backs.

They will suffer the most and doubts will block their minds to the truth.

The evil one attacks those who love God the most.

When he blinds them to the truth he wins.

Those who revere me, the Mother of God, will also be a target where the evil one will pull them away from the Book of Truth.

Never does he, the evil one, give up. He inflicts terrible torture on those loving souls so that they will deny the Word of God.

I beg all of those who love My Son to hear my call. You must listen when My Son speaks to you.

Do not denounce the chance to help your brothers and sisters to obtain the eternal life promised to them.

Do not allow doubts planted by the deceiver prevent millions of souls from being saved.

This is the fierce opposition that will assail you from this day.

You must call on me, Your Mother, to help you, guide you and lead on to the true path.

Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation”







 the Father: Fear not My Hand but the hand of those who are your enemies

May 18, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

I speak with you today My dearest daughter to bring comfort to those who fear for the future. The future, dear children, lies in My Holy Hands.

The time has come for the new Kingdom, the Kingdom over which My Beloved Son will reign, to come to pass.

This is the final stage when earth is being prepared to bring forth the multitudes who love My Son and, in time, who love Me.

Much must happen for My Divine Will to be done and prayer, patience and courage are needed.

Fear not My Hand but the hand of those who are your enemies.

Much wickedness is rampant in the world and the time has come for Me to punish those nations who torment My children on earth.

As the battle begins, the Houses that honour Me, God the Father, will be renewed.

Soon they will realise how they rejected the one True Messiah I sent to earth, in My Son Jesus Christ, to give the world salvation.

Then those who believe in My Son and Me, God the Most High, will rise in unison to prepare the ground so that the Second Coming of My Son can take place.

Only when the purification is complete will My Son return.

The purification I speak of is when the good will be separated from those who are evil. Those who live their lives filled with the lies planted in their souls by Satan still have time to repent.

Every attempt will be made by Me to salvage them from the beast for I do not give up on My children that easily.

I will, through the various Divine Interventions, sanctioned by Me, try to take them into My Merciful Arms to save them.

Trust and belief in Me is the pathway to Eternal Life.

Only through My Son, The Saviour of the World, can you come to Me, The Father of the Universe.

For to come to Me, you must be saved from Sin.

To be saved from Sin you must redeem yourselves in the Eyes of My Son.

Just as I sent My Son the first time to grant you salvation, so too, do I send Him once more to save you one last time  before the New Heaven and the New Earth merge to become one.

Those who refuse to accept My Son’s Great Mercy, after this last Crusade to bring all of My Children into Paradise, their rightful inheritance, will be lost forever.

There can be no going back after this.

Never forget who I Am.

I Am God the Father and I created you.

I love you.

I desire to bring all of you home but how My Tears flow so.

This is because there will be so many that I will not be able to save unless they turn and ask Me to help them.

This call from the Heavens has been foretold.

Only The Lamb of God, My Son, has the authority to reveal to you the events which lie ahead.

Only He can open the Seals.

He does this now with the help of the Seventh Angel, the Seventh Messenger.

Open your eyes and accept that, at last, the Book of Truth prophesised is now being opened chapter by chapter before your eyes.

Accept it as a Gift, because it will bring you eternal life.

Your Beloved Father in Heaven

God the Most High”


See also:



True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




Love for one another, is essential in order to enter the Reign of My beloved Son,

The Book of Truth:

God the Father: The balm you so desperately need to calm your souls

February 26, 2012fatherofloveandmercy

My daughter, to those of My children, called to proclaim My Holy Word, to prepare the Earth for the coming of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, I have this to say.

You, My children, who know Me, your beloved Father, must fight against the temptations placed before you every minute of the day.

You have been filled with the Holy Spirit, through a special blessing given to the world by My Son on 10th of May, 2011.

You must understand the responsibilities you now face.

Because you are joining as one Army, which will form the beginning of My Remnant Army on Earth, you will be attacked on all sides.

Your faith and allegiance to Me, your beloved Father and My precious Son, Jesus Christ, will be tested beyond your endurance.

You will, by following My Son, have to bear the weight of His Cross and this won’t be easy.

You will be filled with doubts, interior sufferings and trials and at times, you will want to turn your back.

Many people in whom you trust may try to discourage you.

You will be told that you are imagining things, that you suffer from delusions and then you will be mocked, sneered at and rejected.

You may even find that you will succumb to lies and deceit, which will be designed to persuade you to reject these Messages.

It will require tremendous faith and courage to take up your cross and follow My Son to help prepare humanity for His Glorious Return to Earth.

You will be tripped and traps will be set.

Never fall into the trap of being asked to judge people, if they don’t accept these Messages.

Never fight another, when defending My Holy Will.

Love each other.

Show patience to those who not only sneer and find fault with these Messages, but who pour scorn on you as a person.

Remain silent. Show patience. Show love to those who profess to speak in My Name.

Never judge another in My Name, for you do not have the authority.

Never slander another in My Name. When you do this you break My Commandments.

Pray for those who hurt you, even when it is in My Name.

Children, I need you to unite as one.

Throw all your differences aside.

The poor souls who need your attention are not those who are already converted, but those who do not know Me at all.

Pray now for all of My children who know nothing about Me.

Pray, too, for those who do know about Me, but who refuse to acknowledge Me, their Creator, their beloved Father, who loves them tenderly.

I wish to unite all of My children.

I urge you to drop all your weapons of fear, anger and impatience, and allow Me to take you on the journey to Paradise.

This journey will be torturous, but the love and peace you will find at the end will be the balm you so desperately need to calm your souls.

Calmness, children, is important.

Patience is needed.

Love for one another, including those who hurt or offend you, is essential in order to enter the Reign of My beloved Son, in the New Heaven and Earth, in the Paradise, I promised you so long ago.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High”


See also:



True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”




God the Father: My Son is being sent to claim His Rightful Throne

See fresh news under menu Link:




The Book of Truth:

God the Father: My Son is being sent to claim His Rightful Throne

December 24, 2011fatherofloveandmercy

My daughter, just as I sent a Saviour into the world the first time to save humanity, I Am now ready to send My Son, Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind, once again, to salvage those souls who could not be otherwise saved.

My children must understand the significance of the bittersweet (1) Sacrifice I made for mankind when I sent My Son the first time.

When I realized that the only way to redeem mankind was to send a Saviour, I knew I could not expect any prophet or chosen soul to suffer such a Sacrifice. I decided, through the Second Person of My Divinity, that I would send a Son to save humanity. This was the only effective way to foil the plans of Satan, such was My Love for My children.

To watch My Son grow up to become a man was both delightful and painful knowing what lay ahead of Him. Yet, because of the deep, tender Love I have for each of My children, this was a Sacrifice endured willingly in order to save My family.

Now that The Warning approaches, I Am also preparing the World, through these Holy Messages, to welcome My Son for the Second Time.

The Second Coming of My beloved Son is close, children. He is being sent to claim His rightful Throne when He will Reign as King of Mankind.

This Glorious Event will be spectacular and is the final part of the plan to save the human race from the evil that exists in your world. Satan will be cast away shortly. His followers and those wicked of heart will be shocked and dismayed. They will be expected to make a choice at that stage. Drop down and plead for Mercy and be saved. Or refuse the great Gift, which will be presented to them.

My children, unite all of you and do not fear ridicule. You are all being guided by the Holy Spirit and are being afforded the protection of the angels and saints in Heaven. It will be up to you, My followers, to proclaim the Word and promise of My Son, Who wishes for these Messages to be spread around the world.

It will also be through your prayers that lost sinners can be plucked from the arms of the evil one.

Children, you are in the early stages of the final battle. Your second chance of eternal salvation is being given to you through the Mercy of My dearly beloved Son. Don’t squander this opportunity. Join as one in union with your family in Heaven to save your brothers and sisters on Earth.

Rejoice this Christmas, for it will be a special celebration as you must now help souls prepare for The Second Coming of My Son, after The Warning takes place.

I love you all, children. Take my Love. Embrace Me, your Eternal Father, Who will do everything possible to take you all into the New Era of Peace.

God the Father”



„… 8 But of the Son he says,

“Your throne, O God, is[a] forever and ever,
and the righteous scepter is the scepter of your[b] kingdom. …”


See also:



True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„… in His irresistible Love He has for all His creatures, the Creator has blessed you thrice from His Throne; …”


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”



For this gift you now bring to us we lie at your feet in humble servitude

See fresh news under menu Link:




The Book of Truth:

„257. Crusade of Prayer (5): Praise to God the Most High

The Book of Truth – Jesus to Mary Divine Mercy – MDM Last Prophet – Archives of MDM Messages
Messages given to a European woman to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Monday, November 21st, 2011, 19:00

My daughter the world must offer this special prayer in praise and thanksgiving to God the Father for the mercy he is providing the whole world.

“Oh Eternal Father we offer you our prayers in joyful thanksgiving for your precious gift of Mercy to the whole of mankind.

We rejoice and offer you most glorious King our praise and adoration for your loving and tender mercy.

You, God the Most High are our King and for this gift you now bring to us we lie at your feet in humble servitude.

Please God have mercy on all your children.”

Your Jesus”


See also:



True Life in God:

See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”




Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”


