The Book of Truth:
The spirit of evil is more powerful than the will of man.
February 8, 2015fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, as the Holy Spirit permeates throughout these Messages, My Word, like it was during My Time on earth, spreads like lightning. The speed by which the Holy Spirit spreads is beyond the understanding of mortal man. And, as the Paraclete, through the Power of God, engulfs the souls of all those with humility in their hearts, the spirit of evil will follow, everywhere it is Present.
The spirit of evil is more powerful than the will of man, but it is powerless against the children of God, who place all their trust in Him. The spirit of evil will always have one motive and that is to deceive. Satan, the great deceiver, will use pride within the soul to convince man that his flawed reasoning can dictate what is right or wrong. The victim will believe that he is in control of his own destiny and therefore his faith, what little he may have, is secondary.
Freedom of the conscience can lead weak souls into rejecting the Existence of God. Other souls, who do accept the Existence of God, will allow their personal opinions dictate their own interpretation of Who God is and how God responds to sinners. Either way, they will reject the Authority of God in favour of what they want to believe. Their pride will lead to their downfall.
The devil is very cunning and will say to such souls ‘do what your conscience says’ and convince them to give precedence over the Word of God. Oh how easily manipulated is man, who because of sin falls prey to such deceit. Come, I say, who are you to decide that you know more about Me than what I have taught you? My Teachings are clear, precise and never waive. If you cannot trust in the Word of God then you cannot love Him truly. It is by your own free will that you choose what to believe. But the man who twists the Word of God, to fit neatly into his own opinion of My Word and to suit his own needs, is the man who will succumb to the temptation of the evil one.
Everywhere My Word is upheld, the devil will hover waiting to devour souls who value their own views and opinions over the Word of God. Every man who remains firm to the Truth will face terrible trials by the deceiver, who will never cease in his efforts to lead him astray. So, everywhere the Holy Spirit spreads His Wings, the spirit of evil will follow every step of the way. Relentless, frustrated and determined, he will torment those souls who have been blessed by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
You won’t find the spirit of evil trying to tamper with the souls he has already won over, for he has no need of them. A man who loves Me and follows the Word of God is vulnerable for he is the most sought after prize. You must never believe, however, that you are strong enough to withstand such attacks on your faith, because each one of you is a sinner. And as sinners, unless you cleanse your souls through reconciliation on a regular basis, you too will betray Me for you won’t be strong enough on your own to withstand the pressure to deny Me otherwise.
Never forget what I warned you about. You are in the middle of the greatest spiritual battle of all time. Only the fittest, the strongest and the purest of souls will survive it.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: Pray for the protection of my Son’s Church on Earth
February 10, 2015fatherofloveandmercy
My dear children, it is important that all of you recite the Crusade Prayers and my Most Holy Rosary as part of your daily prayers. You may choose whichever prayers that you select, not necessarily every Prayer, but those which are according to your desire. My Most Holy Rosary must be recited daily against the influence of the evil one.
Prayer brings you closer to God and protects the souls of all those who request the help of my Son against the power of the deceiver. Prayer is the greatest weapon against evil and you must never underestimate the power that it yields.
Pray for the protection of my Son’s Church on earth and ask my Son to grant Mercy to everyone who tries to crucify it. This Church – the Body and the Temple of my Son – is the path through which all glory will be given to God. The Teachings, the Word and the Holy Eucharist, that is the Body and the Blood of my Son, Jesus Christ, were Gifts given to humanity for the salvation of souls. You must uphold the Truth and prepare to accept my Son’s Mercy.
I urge that you pray for souls who refute the Truth and beg my Son to pour His Mercy over their souls. My Son is Life. All Life comes from Him. Reject my Son and you will not sustain life in His Kingdom to come.
My Son has asked me to plead for your prayers for the souls of those who will reject Him. He will hear the prayers you offer up for all of your loved ones and for those who will be unable to accept the Light when it shines like a beacon and covers humanity.
The souls who are alight with the love and humility necessary to receive my Son will rejoice. Those with darkness in their souls will shun the Light, as they will find it painful to see the Truth. Pray with all your hearts for the souls who are in most need of my Son’s Mercy now and every day from now on.
Without your prayers many will be lost and they will pine for eternity, for the company of my Son, but He will be nowhere for them to find.
I leave you with my love, my protection and my peace. Please respond to my call for the salvation of souls.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
True Life in God:
Days of ordeal lie ahead of you
See under the new CHURCH menu:
„August 20, 2004
(Notebook 111)
Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…
… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”
Roman Catholic:
„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles
11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS