Category Archives: Second Coming

You will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners

The Book of Truth:

You will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners

May 28, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, My Promise to come again will be fulfilled. Nothing can prevent My Second Coming, but still those who know Who I Am and who work for My nemesis with open and willing hearts believe that they can destroy souls before this Great Day.

To My enemies, know this. I know you. I can see your souls. I can see what evil resides within your hearts. I can also see the goodness, which lies side by side within you. Hear Me, as I reveal to you the Truth of what is to come. 

If you love Me, you will be encouraged not to.

If you believe in My Teachings, you will be asked to believe in a new false substitute.

If you believe that I Am communicating to you, through these Messages, you will be convinced by the evil one that these Words do not come from Me. You will be tempted, therefore, to betray Me and you will do this by persecuting My servants, who support this Mission. You will become traitors of this Mission and, as such, you will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners.

If you do not listen to Me, then that is up to you and I will not hold you accountable, for I will never force My Will upon you. Far better you ignore Me and follow My Teachings, than to inflict suffering on others.

Now that My Plan to salvage billions of souls has commenced, know that I will rise above the will of men who oppose Me. Nothing – no words – no actions – no deeds – no wickedness of any kind – can stop Me in My quest to salvage humanity. Those who stand in the way of God will be powerless and will, in the end, lie prostrate with grief before Me on the Day I come to judge.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


I will arrive suddenly to the sound of trumpets and the sweet sound of the Choir of Angels.

The Book of Truth:

The sky will be darkened for three days, immediately before I return

May 13, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My greatest joy to witness My beloved followers, who have responded to My Call to recite the Crusade Prayers, which through the Power of the Holy Spirit will salvage billions of souls. 

I will use the Crusade Prayers to renew and cleanse the souls of humanity, at the same time, as I renew the face of the Earth. The great renewal will be completed, all at the same time, so that the world will be ready and made worthy to receive Me, Jesus Christ, as the returning Saviour.

Just like nations who welcome royalty, much preparation will be needed before the king lays foot on their lands. You would never allow a visiting king to arrive when everything is in disarray, decay or where streets are lined with filth. Representatives of such countries will, therefore, ensure that they are dressed and prepared properly to meet the visiting dignitaries.

They will have gone to considerable trouble to prepare a great welcome and they will have chosen representatives, who they deem to be worthy, to welcome the visiting king. Finally, they will prepare a great ceremony to celebrate the arrival of the king and on the great day will line the streets and sing great praise. They will lavish accolades upon the visiting monarch and his entourage. So will it be on the Great Day of the Lord, when I, Jesus Christ, come to judge.

I will arrive suddenly to the sound of trumpets and the sweet sound of the Choir of Angels. The sky will be darkened for three days, immediately before I return. Then it will be alight in a multitude of colours, never seen by man before. I will be visible to every man, woman and child, of every age, and there will be great shock, but also great excitement. People will not believe their eyes and many will be struck dumb – others will cry tears of relief and joy. Many will be unprepared and will find the event to be so overwhelming that they will spill tears of sadness, for they will know in their hearts how they rejected the True Messiah and how unworthy they are to enter My Kingdom. But I say to these people now. On that Day, you must call out to Me and ask Me to forgive you. Then you too will be gathered into My New Kingdom. 

Just as any visiting king, I ask those among you, who love Me, to prepare for this Great Day. Trust in Me, prepare your souls, pray for the salvation of all souls and come dressed, ready, waiting – just as a bride awaits the groom. On that Day, you, God’s children, will join with Me as one in Holy Union with My Father for the beginning of the new world and the Glorious Era promised to you since the beginning. 

Be at peace. Prepare with a love and simplicity of heart for this Great Day. Do not fear it. Welcome it. Even if you are in great darkness, I will take you into My Light. All you need do is to hold out your arms to Me and I will embrace you as Mine.

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


The most important sign that the time is close will be just prior to my Son’s Second Coming

The Book of Truth:

Mother of Salvation: The apocalypse will be all about the seizure of my Son’s Church on Earth by His enemies

May 2, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My child, when people hear the word “apocalypse”, it can strike terror into their hearts. This is because very few are truly informed as to what it symbolizes. These times have been foretold, as being the final part of my Father’s Plan to unite the world and free it from the grip of evil, which has been its stranglehold for so long. 

The most important sign that the time is close will be just prior to my Son’s Second Coming, when His Crucifixion will be relived all over again. These will be the signs. Just as He was scourged, so also will His Body – His Church on Earth – through corruption and infestation be. Then just as the thorns, were placed upon His Head, so too will they be placed upon the heads of the leaders of His Church. The hands of His sacred servants will be nailed, as if to the Cross, when they will no longer be used, in the times ahead, as instruments of the Holy Sacraments. Just as the nails penetrated my Son’s Feet, so too, will those true servants of God be prohibited from leading souls along the true Path of the Lord. The Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth will continue until it dies and on that day, the Body of my Son, Jesus Christ, will no longer be Present in the Holy Eucharist. When my Son’s Church is destroyed, then on what path will His followers walk down? So unless you follow the Path of my Son, you will not be able to find your way to His Kingdom.

When my Son’s Church has been taken over and the enemy sits upon the throne, you must always stay loyal to my Son. You will not be able to do this, if you accept the laws of the secular world, as being a substitute for the Truth.

The Book of Truth will, along with the Crusade Prayers, keep you focused on my Son. Those loyal sacred servants of His will feed you with the Food of Life, when it will be nowhere to be found. By then, you will be able to count the months, as if they are weeks and the weeks, as if they are days, because at the sound of the trumpet the New Jerusalem will rise out of the ashes and the persecution will be over.

The apocalypse will be all about the seizure of my Son’s Church on Earth by His enemies. It will be about the struggle for souls. The chastisement will be about God’s Warning to humanity to open their eyes to the Truth. The Remnant Army will help to keep the flame of love for my Son alive and, at the same time, bring souls a great reprieve from the punishment, which would otherwise befall them, were it not for the Mercy of my Son.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation




True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


The date is set for My Second Coming, but only God, the Eternal Father, knows of this date.

The Book of Truth:

My Promise to come again will be fulfilled in the lifetime of this generation

May 1, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, My Promise to come again will be fulfilled in the lifetime of this generation. Many people in the world, at this time, are oblivious to the prophecies which are contained in the Most Holy Bible, regarding the Great Day of the Lord. To prepare for this time, My Father has instructed Me to inform you that the date is set for My Second Coming, but only God, the Eternal Father, knows of this date. Even I, His only-begotten Son, have no knowledge of this date – only that it will be soon.

Many events will need to take place first, before the great renewal, but know that they will all take place swiftly and in rapid succession. Those who fear the Great Day must, instead, trust in Me and pray for the souls of those who will do all they can to oppose Me in My Quest for souls. My Plan is to bring even the most stubborn amongst you into My Kingdom, for it is for the world. My Kingdom will come, for it is God’s Plan and will complete the Final Covenant, according to the Divine Will of God.

Pray, with generosity in your hearts, for the souls of those who need My Mercy the most and I will cover them with My Precious Blood. All that was in the beginning will be fulfilled at the end and then there will exist a world without end. All begins and ends with My Father.

Nothing will prevent My Second Coming. No man who opposes Me or who tries to draw souls away from Me will be permitted to defy Me, for when I arrive, all My enemies will be cast away. I will salvage the weak, the fearful, the remorseful, the heretics, the heathen, the liars, the thieves, the murderers – all sinners. Not one of you is exempt from My Mercy. I love all of you. 

Your Jesus




True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


Then those whose names are in the Book of the Living will unite and live a life of eternal glory.

The Book of Truth:

The ‘god’ they will proclaim, will not be My beloved Father

February 25, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, it has been foretold that humanity’s hatred for God will reach unprecedented proportions in the end times. People then will not be able to differentiate between good and evil. Much confusion will blight them and there will reign, within them, a darkness of the soul, which will bring them little peace.

God will be denied. I, His only Son, will be mocked and My Deity rejected. All who love Me will be tempted to turn away from all that I taught them. Every person who denies Me, will try to justify their reason for doing so. Their reasons will be this. “Jesus – they will say – is simply a figurehead, a prophet, sent to teach people the Truth.” They will soon believe that My Divinity was a lie and that only allegiance to God – a God of Goodness – is all that is needed, for all religions, so that they can be united as one.

The ‘god’ they will proclaim, will not be My beloved Father. Instead, they will idolize false spirits, disguised as angels of God. As the world rejoices, along with the Christians, who remain true to Me, and the Jews, who will remain loyal to My Father, the Time for My Second Coming will descend so suddenly that very few will be ready. Then the persecutors will be silenced, the wicked destroyed and those whose names are in the Book of the Living will unite and live a life of eternal glory.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


Be assured that the time for Me to return to reclaim My Throne is close

The Book of Truth:

Every word you utter in this Mission comes from Me. Every action you take comes from Me

January 17, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, be at ease every time you face the many obstacles, which you and all of My followers face daily in this Work to save souls.

Always remember that Satan will never stop tormenting this and other missions, which are authentic, for they come from God. The authentic missions, which I bless today and those I blessed over the centuries always suffered, because of opposition.

Only the missions, which truly come from God, attract such hatred. Only true prophets attract hatred. Moses, Elijah, Noah and John the Baptist and others like them drew hatred, because of Satan’s influence over weak souls. Only I, Jesus Christ, one of hundreds of prophets during My Time on Earth, attracted the type of hatred, which was inflicted upon Me. And now, only you, My last prophet, will attract hatred of a kind not seen for a long time – though others, like you, have suffered in recent times.

When you have to endure opposition, in the Name of God, know that, when the Holy Trinity presents the Word to humanity through a prophet, it will be the worst kind. Only for the Divine Assistance given to you, you would flee in terror. My Father protects you, My little one, and so you must forge ahead always in the knowledge that He desires souls, for every word which is uttered from your lips, for every word, which is drawn by your hand and for every soul you reach out to. All this suffering will bring Me more souls.

Be assured that the time for Me to return to reclaim My Throne is close and as the Day draws nearer many tactics will be used to trip you up in this Mission. Every lie will be thrown at you, every stone hurled, every torment your lot and every enemy of God placed on every path you turn. But, as the Redeemer of humanity, I will ensure that every bramble is carefully removed, every stone thrown to one side, every path cleared, so that you will succeed in bringing My Word before the world, at a time when I will be all but forgotten.

I walk with you, My daughter. I rest My Hand upon your left shoulder, in order to shelter you from evil and I guide you in every way. Every word you utter in this Mission comes from Me. Every action you take comes from Me. Every suffering you endure is Mine. Your will is Mine, for you gave it away to Me and now I reside completely within you. When they hurt you, they insult Me. When they mock you, they deny the Truth. When they deny the Word, they deny Me, but when they accept My Word, given to you, they become part of Me and so they too will be given My Protection also.

Go now, My daughter, and never fret when hatred is shown to you in this Mission, for you and all those who hear My Call will then be in no doubt Who it is that they oppose. It is not you, but I, Jesus Christ, they push away. When you are for Me, with Me, in Me and speak My Word – you are truly a child of God.

Your Jesus



Who amongst you would be strong enough to accept My Cup of Suffering, in all that it brings with it

January 19, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, what man amongst you, who declares himself to be a holy follower of Mine, and who boasts of this fact, will take My Cup?

Who amongst you would be strong enough to accept My Cup of Suffering, in all that it brings with it? The answer is very few of you. And yet, you feel justified when you scourge Me, through My chosen souls, who have willingly accepted My Cup.

Chosen souls, visionaries, prophets and seers, accept My Cup, because they give Me their free will, on My terms – not on their own. When you declare yourselves to be all-knowing and well-versed in My Holy Word and do not accept the suffering, which is carried by My poor persecuted prophets, then you do not know Me.

If you do not know Me, then you cannot truly love Me. If you do not love Me, then you do not spread the Truth. Instead, you pick what parts suit you in the Most Holy Gospels and then use these as a yardstick to beat My prophets with and all those chosen souls who carry My sorrowful Cross.

When you trample on other souls, treat them cruelly in My Name, you have been infested by hatred. Hatred comes from Satan. It does not come from Me. When you come before Me, during The Warning – the Illumination of Conscience – I will show you how you have offended Me.

Still, many of you, guilty of twisting My Words of Love into words of hatred against My prophets, will stand defiantly before Me. For you are so stuffed with self-love and pride that even I, Jesus Christ, will find it difficult to draw you to Me.

Your hatred for others separates you from Me.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this



The Book of Truth:

I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this

December 9, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, there is nothing which offends Me more than those who know My Teachings, given to the world through My Father’s Book, but who interpret the Word of God to suit their own desires.

Those who try to bully others and who torment them, using My Holy Word, commit a grave error. They do not use the Gift of love to impart the Truth. Instead, hatred, which is caused by the sin of pride, courses through their veins. 

Don’t you know that My Word is eternal? It is simple so that all men, including those born with little intellect, as well as those without any knowledge of Me, can understand what it is I say to them. Why would I give one meaning of My Word to one and then another to someone else?

Through the Command of My Father, I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this. Those of you who consider yourselves to be the elite, the chosen few and the self-proclaimed prophets, are not fit to wipe My Feet, so full of hatred are you. Spurred by the spirit of evil and so proud, you are blind to the True Voice of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can never fall upon your hardened, hate-filled souls, for you do not represent Me.

For those of you who understand the Truth contained in the Most Holy Book, the Bible, know that you must not abuse this Great Gift of knowledge. You must never take away from it or add to it. Nor must you try to create any new interpretations or meanings from it.

I Am preparing you all, only because the majority of you would not accept My Divine Mercy otherwise. Were I not to prepare you properly, then you would not be ready. And yet, although I speak to you now, many of you insult Me. When you do evil onto others, you will suffer greatly. Those of you who do evil onto others and then say that you do this in My Name, know that you will never join Me in Paradise. When you reject the Word of God you will never accept the Truth. So stubborn are you, so full of ego and self-righteousness, that you cannot feel the True Love that can only come from Me, Jesus Christ. Go away from Me, I do not know you. You are not of Me.

The spirit of evil will convince many that My Justice will be so merciful that all will be admitted into My New Paradise. Soon, every Truth documented in the Gospels will be reviewed and will then be interpreted in a different light. Many will be deceived and many will not bother to prepare their souls, including those who do believe in My Second Coming. This false sense of security will be the greatest deceit, devised in order to deny man his natural right to the Kingdom of God. Where there is no reconciliation sought by man for the forgiveness of their sins, there can be no redemption in My Eyes.

My Hand of Justice will sweep down upon the human race. I will separate ungrateful souls – those who choose to idolise their false gods of gold and silver and worldly and proud leaders – from the meek and the humble. I will show Mercy to all who beg Me to shelter them, but those loud and voracious self-proclaimed prophets, who will have denied Me souls, will never seek out My Mercy, for their pride will serve only to separate them from Me for eternity.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


They will plot against His Plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ.


What is Project Blue Beam?




The Book of Truth:

Mother of Salvation: My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world

December 5, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My child, the world will witness the prophecies of La Salette as the enemies of God, dressed as wolves in sheeps clothing, will now stand up  proudly within my Son’s Church on Earth and begin to declare the heresies which I warned the world about. That time has arrived.

As foretold, the darkness has already descended upon the Church and this plan to devour the souls of the faithful will continue until the Body of my Son is desecrated in accordance with the plan of the antichrist.  What many people do not know is that the enemies of God, led by the antichrist – still to make himself known – believe in God. Not only do they believe in God, but because they detest everything to do with God, they will plot against His Plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ.

For every Word my Son declares, through these Messages, they will contradict Him by imitating what He says. If my Son says, prepare now through the Sacraments and prayer, they, His enemies, will make similar statements, but they will be different. The call to help humanity – the poor – the persecuted – will be their main focus, not the proclamation of the Word. They will not urge you to pray for your souls or for the salvation of other souls. No, instead, you will be asked to help these souls from a humanitarian perspective.

When you do not hear the call to save your souls, from those who claim to represent the Church of my Son, then you will know, within your hearts, that something is terribly wrong.

My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world, which will always exist until my Son reclaims His Rightful Throne, promised to Him by God the Most High. You must never forget the Word of God. All that matters now is to plead for the salvation of all souls – irrespective as to whether they are kings or paupers.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation



I Am, above all, a God of Great Mercy

December 7, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, I want all of you who love Me to know that I call you, at this time, to come to Me as little children and kneel before Me.  

Open your hearts and put your complete trust in Me. Then ask Me, through My Love for all of you, to show Mercy to those who will reject Me, during the Warning. Please pray for these poor lost souls who are so distant from Me, as they will find it extremely painful to show their face before My all-seeing Eyes, during the Illumination of Conscience.

I am wracked with pain every time I look upon those people who do not know Me or understand what will happen in the world, as My Time is almost upon them. It will be almost impossible to prepare these souls, for they will never open their ears to the True Word of God. And so, you must, through your prayers, beg for Mercy for them. I will shower them with Mercy, but it will be a tortuous task.

I call on the whole world to hear this Call today. My Time, the Time for God to finally make Himself known to the world, in the greatest manifestation since the moment My Heart stopped beating when I died on the Cross, is almost here.

When those of you who know of My Promise to come again come before Me, I urge you to please pray, not only for your own souls, but for the souls of the damned. Remember what I tell you now. On that day, I want you to ask Me:

“Jesus, I beg for Mercy for all those who reject You and who are in most need of Your help. Amen.”

When you ask Me to help others, I can pour down very special Graces, at that moment, on those whose destiny has been thwarted because of the deceit of the devil.

I Am, above all, a God of Great Mercy. Never forget how great My Mercy is, for there is always hope for those who have fallen away from Me. There is nothing I would not do to bring them into My Loving Arms. Help Me to save them.

Your Jesus




True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


When I come again I will come in exactly the same way in which I left the Earth – in the clouds.

The Book of Truth:

I will never walk in the flesh again

December 3, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, all those who say they come in My Name and claim that they are preparing the way for the Lord will make themselves be heard in every part of the world – many voices, many prophets, many liars – all of them, without the Authority of God.

Be alert when you hear, especially, the prophet who tells you that he has a duty to prepare you for My Second Coming. When you hear of these things and when you are told that I will appear in the world, in both body and soul, know that this is not the Truth. I repeat again, My Warning to the world. I will never walk in the flesh again. I came, the first time, in the flesh, but when I come again I will come in exactly the same way in which I left the Earth – in the clouds. 

Soon you will be shown great acts, which will be deemed to be great works in the preparation for My Second Coming. A number of carefully staged miraculous cures will be presented to the world by those enemies of God who will say that they are of Me. Many will be so taken aback that they will fall for this wicked deceit. So many wonders, great acts – all deemed to be by the Hand of God – will convince even the skeptics that divine miracles have occurred. Great accolades will be showered down on those false representatives, who say they lead My people. Soon the world will openly declare that these imposters are living saints and it won’t be long before they introduce the antichrist.

All of this preparation has been planned for seven years and the speed in which such radical changes are being introduced is no coincidence. My Second Coming will become a regular discussion point. All will be asked to prepare for this Great Event, but errors in Christian doctrine will be abundant. Only those with eyes opened, who can see the Truth and those who are not afraid of facing the Truth, will see through these falsities. And for them, this will present a very heavy burden. Amid all the shouting, the lavish praises, which will be heaped on those who have stolen the Seats of Wisdom, there will be little talk of My Holy Word. All that will be talked about will be the importance of good deeds. Not one word about the work required to seek salvation, according to the Word of God.

When the secular world, finally relents and joins forces with the false imposters, who will take over the Temple of God, the time will be soon for the greatest abomination to be witnessed. That will be when the temple has been created to become the seat of the antichrist. By then, those who will adore the antichrist will be numbered in their billions. Those who know the Truth won’t have much time to wait, however, for the reign of the beast will be very short. And then the trumpet will be heard. On that day these enemies of God will be thrown into the lake of fire, exactly as prophesied.

Remember the prophecies.

They will happen just as they were foretold – those imposters, who say they come in My Name, will be loved, applauded and idolised. Those who do come in My Name will be despised and hated.

But from their mouths will come the Fire of the Spirit of Truth and by their suffering many others will be saved who would otherwise not have been.

Your Jesus




True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS


I Am coming to renew the Earth, to free man from his misery, sorrow and sin

The Book of Truth:

I Am coming to renew the Earth, to free man from his misery, sorrow and sin

November 17, 2013fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, I want the world to see Me, their beloved Saviour, the Son of man, in all My Glory, so that they will draw into My Divine Mercy.

I want all those, especially those who do not believe in God, to see Me and run to Me first. They are My first concern and I tell them this.

You do not know Me. You do not see Me. You do not want to believe in Me, but I love you. I want you to be part of My Kingdom, so I can lavish upon you all the Gifts of My New Paradise, My New World, My New Beginning. I want you, your family, your relatives and friends to be as one, with Me and the whole of humanity. You must wait until the great event, the day when the world will alight with My Rays and when it will stay still for fifteen minutes. 

When you see this and witness it, you must not be afraid. Know then that My Love is Divine and that the world will, from that day, change beyond recognition.

Do not try to run away from Me, for I Am coming with good news. I Am coming to renew the Earth, to free man from his misery, sorrow and sin. I Am coming to destroy all evil in the world by providing everyone with the proof of My Existence. When this is given to you, you must allow Me to prepare you for the Eternal Life I promised. Eternal Life is a life where you will live in body and soul with Me forever. I will put you out of your misery and eliminate the pain, which you have to endure because of the existence of Satan and he will be banished for eternity.

Do not reject Me, for I do not want to lose you. I Am your Salvation. I Am the Truth. I Am your beloved Jesus Christ and I, at last, will soon make Myself known to the world and especially to those who do not believe in Me.

Your Jesus





True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you




See under the new CHURCH menu:

„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”





Roman Catholic:


„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS
