When will the Antichrist come? Why does Péter Magyar pay tribute to the number 666?
Mikor jön el az Antikrisztus? Miért tiszteleg Magyar Péter a 666-os számnak?
The Book of Truth:
God is Omnipresent – He is everywhere
January 22, 2015fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter apostasy has gripped the world and spreads its tentacles into every religion, which acknowledges Me, Jesus Christ, as well as those which acknowledge My beloved Father.
Those who spread apostasy do it in a way that is not apparent and impostors will carefully nurture souls into accepting a false doctrine.
This will lead two thirds of Christians into apostasy where they will be none the wiser. Every Law of God will be bent and presented as being pertinent to the modern world. So persuasive will My enemies be, so caring and humble in appearance, that they will convince even the most staunch and loyal followers of Mine that these changes are acceptable in God’s Eyes.
Once a Christian departs from the Truth, he is guilty of accepting lies. Soon after he will accept false doctrine and then he will fall away from the Faith very quickly. When the time is right the man of perdition will convince all Christians who reject the True Word of God to join a new one-world religion. And so, this is how, My Church will be crucified. But, the Light of God will be poured out over the Christians and the Jews and out of their mouths, inspired by Enoch and Elijah, they will preach the Word of God.
These will be the two religions which will be targeted by My enemies and persecuted, dealt with harshly before being banned from practicing their religion in public places. Eventually, they will take over their churches and temples. But, covered by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, they will spread the Word of God. They will find the courage and the strength to remain true to God.
Priests loyal to the Truth will continue with the daily Sacrifice carried out in My Name and in the way it was meant to be. Following them will be the remnant in every nation who will respond to the Spirit of Fire. God’s Power must never be underestimated. He will lead His Own on their march to victory. He will wipe away every bramble, which blocks their path. He will cover them with the Circle of His Heavenly Protection and fill their souls with wisdom and the Truth.
God is omnipresent – He is everywhere and He sees everything. Satan’s power is terrifying but he is not omnipresent. He can only spread his influence through the souls he and his cohorts manage to deceive. God’s Power can multiply in every single part of the world in an instant. Every action, good bad or indifferent, comes about through the free will of man, which is influenced by either the Holy Spirit or the spirit of evil.
God’s Power will prevail and on the Great Day of the Lord, His enemies will be powerless and through the Hand of My Father, they will be cast into the abyss. The greatest punishment will be brought down upon God’s sacred servants who preach falsities. Because they were blessed with the Truth, but rejected it in favour of deliberately drawing souls away from the Word of God, theirs will be the worst sin of all and for that they will never see the Face of God.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: the influence of the secular world is akin to that of a great flood
January 25, 2015fatherofloveandmercy
My dear children the Gift of Discernment comes from the Power of the Holy Spirit and it is not given easily. It must be earned. It is only given to those who are in union with Christ and who are free of all distractions of the temptations placed before them by the evil one. The evil one cannot deceive those who are blessed with this Gift.
Woe to the man who is deceived for he will allow himself to be led into falsities. Deceit comes from Satan himself and those he infests. Anyone who does not accept the Existence of Jesus Christ will find it almost impossible to withstand the smoke of Satan, which blinds each and every one of you who are guilty of allowing the sin of pride to devour you.
Any sacred servant of God who wanders away from the Truth will lead all those, who look to him for guidance, into error. For this he will suffer a great punishment on the Day of Judgment.
The influence of the secular world is akin to that of a great flood and souls who allow it to change their view or opinion of the word of God will drown. Deceit is a tool of the evil one and his main focus is to destroy my Son’s Church on earth by seducing those within it. Open your eyes to new changes, which will be introduced and which curse the Name of God.
You must never allow falsities to influence what my Son taught you for my Son never deviated from His Written Word, nor will he ever do so. The Truth will sustain you during the trials which lie ahead, and which will scourge my Son’s Church on earth.
You must prepare for these times for they are almost upon you.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
True Life in God:
Days of ordeal lie ahead of you
See under the new CHURCH menu:
„August 20, 2004
(Notebook 111)
Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…
… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”
Roman Catholic:
„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles
11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”