The Book of Truth:
The Day when I come in My Divine Mercy will be the day of enlightenment
December 23, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, I call out to My beloved followers, at this special time, to come to Me and allow Me to cover them with My Precious Blood. I gave up My Life on earth as a token of My Great Mercy and I will move the mountains, the oceans and shake the earth as I come, once again, to bring all of you to Me.
I love you and bring you great Blessings and comfort as I prepare you for my Time. Allow your hearts to welcome Me. Allow My Love for you to infiltrate the hearts of all God’s children including those who persecute you in My Holy Name.
I bring you peace this Christmas and assure you that My Time is very near. I will come soon to reveal to you My Mercy.
To those of you who despise Me through this Mission I will pierce your hardened hearts with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Soon, any doubts you may have will flee and your burden will be lifted. Until then, you will endure the pain of separation from Me, which has been imposed upon you by the king of lies, who rejoices at your rejection of Me. Do not resist Me, My beloved ones, for I love you with a relentless longing.
It is with a bitter sweetness that I come to you, begging those of you who say you love Me, to turn to Me. I cry tears of sorrow because you cannot accept Me through this divine intervention when it is given to you freely. You should be trying to proclaim the Truth but, instead, you have rejected Me cruelly and in a way that is not befitting of My Divinity.
The Day when I come in My Divine Mercy will be the day of enlightenment. You will know immediately that I have taken you into a time of complete abandonment, when nothing you have done can be hidden from you. For every act of weakness on your part, you will feel the pain of My Suffering, which will become your own. The remorse you will feel will only be as strong as the faith you have in Me. So many of you will realise what you need to do to gain My Acceptance. However some of you will deny the Illumination of Conscience because of the distance you have placed between us.
To the proud and the arrogant among you, who will hide your faces from Me during The Warning, I have this to say. Do not be afraid for you are Mine. Because you are a child of God, created in His Image, I will show you great Mercy. Fear not the one who loves you – fear only the one who despises you for he, the evil one, is your greatest enemy. Reject Me and you will become enslaved by My greatest adversary but if you reject him, My Power will encompass you, protect you and bring you safely into My Kingdom.
I give you this information so that you will know that when I say that this will happen, it will happen. And when that Day comes you must remember My Words. Do not fear Me, for what is there to fear? If I gave up My Life for you, why then would you want to give up your life to the devil who seeks only the destruction of your immortal soul?
There is only one way you can turn and that is to Me, your Loving Saviour and Redeemer.
I Am your safety net. Do not run away from your salvation.
Remember, always, My Compassion, My Love and My Great Mercy.
My Divine Mercy is there for the taking.
Your Beloved Jesus
Humanism is an affront to God
December 25, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, do not concern yourselves with the spirit of evil, which corrupts the world. Leave all to Me. For as long as you love Me, revere Me and love others, according to My Holy Will, I will protect you from the pain of all things that are against Me.
The worst pain you will have to endure will be that of witnessing so called acts of charity and humanitarian concerns on a global scale, which will mask the true intentions of My enemies. You will know, within your hearts, that the deceiver is at work. When the secular world and those who claim to represent Me speak of politics, humanitarian acts but fail to proclaim the importance of preserving human life, at all costs, then know that this is not what I desire. If those who say they represent Me do not speak with the same passion about the evil of abortion, as they do about other acts against humanity, then be aware that something is amiss.
My Father will punish all those who murder His children, including the children who are still being nourished in the womb waiting to be born. The perpetrators of such crimes will suffer a terrible punishment unless they repent of their sins against Him. Those who are of Me and who represent My Church on earth have failed to proclaim the Truth. Murder, including abortion, is one of the greatest sins against God.
It takes an extraordinary act of contrition in order to be absolved of such a sin. Why then does My Church not fight with vigor against this sin – one of the most abominable acts of defiance against My Father? Why do they distract you from acknowledging the most serious of sins while they preach about the importance of humanitarian acts?
Humanism is an affront to God because it focuses on man’s needs and not the need to repent of sin before the Creator of all that is. If you ignore the mortal sins, clearly defined in the Laws laid down by God, which lead to eternal damnation, then no amount of compassion for the civil rights of the human race will atone for those sins.
If you believe in Me, and if you serve Me, then you must speak only of the Truth. The Truth is that sin is your greatest enemy – not those who persecute you. Mortal sin, if not repented, will lead you to Hell. If you are in mortal sin and spend time supporting great acts of charity and humanitarian deeds, and do not repent, then your soul will be lost.
Remember the Truth. Do not be misled by talk, acts or deeds of charity when the most important task is to fight mortal sin. The sacred servant of Mine who refuses to remind you of the consequences of mortal sin does not understand his or her mission in serving Me. You cannot sweep sin under the ground, out of sight, as if it does not exist. No amount of empathy with people who are persecuted in My Name, will make up for the fact that sinners do not reconcile themselves with Me, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sin.
Your Jesus
True Life in God:
Days of ordeal lie ahead of you
See under the new CHURCH menu:
„August 20, 2004
(Notebook 111)
Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…
… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”
Roman Catholic:
„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles
11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”;UKR;SCH2000;NT-HU;BDS