The Book of Truth:
The world has forsaken Me, as foretold, and the greatest betrayal upon My Body has been inflicted
July 15, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, the world has forsaken Me, as foretold, and the greatest betrayal upon My Body has been inflicted.
My Word is being torn into shreds and many of those who say they are wise to My Teachings will be oblivious to the persecution, which will be inflicted upon My Church. Just as I was cursed, during My Crucifixion, by those who proudly boasted of their supreme wisdom in My Ways, will I be denounced at this, My second time to come to claim My Kingdom.
Ungrateful souls, devoid of simplicity or humility, they will never accept the voice of those they consider to be unworthy to utter the Truth. They will never accept the Truth, for when they accept falsities in My Name, there will be no room in their hearts for the Spirit of God to flood their souls. Instead of preparing humanity for My Great Mercy – the Day I promised the world – they will turn their backs.
They will not recognize the Divine Signs sent to open their hearts in readiness for Me, because of their proud and hardened hearts. They will also do all that they can to stop the Word of God from reaching out to every sinner in the world and for that I will never let them forget this.
He who loses Me a soul, loses his own. He who blocks My Path will have nowhere to turn himself. He who swears against the Will of God will be cursed. What have you truly learned from Me if you cannot recall the Truth of My Promise to come again? My Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven and those who have failed to grasp what I said will be none the wiser. They will have squandered the Graces I send now and barricade themselves into a prison of such darkness that they will be blinded by My Light on the Great Day.
My Time is soon and there is only so much that I can do to prepare you. My Love remains as Great as it is Merciful, but you must also help yourselves, for it is not easy to be made worthy of My Promise of Salvation.
Your Jesus
The human intellect is not capable of understanding all that is of Me
July 17, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest pain that those who love Me must endure is that of darkness of the soul. The more you join with Me and in Me, the more I will suffer within you. For when I reside within your soul, the more you will have to endure pain because of this.
When a soul becomes part of Me, in full union, and when he surrenders his will to Me, the more My Presence will be evident in that person.
He will draw down upon him the hatred of others, he will feel My Own sorrow as he has to witness the unfairness, injustice and wickedness because of sin in the world. His senses will become acute, his understanding of spiritual matters – borne as a result of suffering with Me – will reveal many things, which will awaken within him a deeper understanding as to the battle that exists between God and Satan.
He will understand what has engulfed his soul, his body and his senses, but this does not mean that he will find it easy to accept. The human intellect is not capable of understanding all that is of Me or all that comes from Me. But if he will trust in Me and accept that all good comes from Me, then he will enable Me to grow within him, for the good of all.
I can achieve great things when you allow Me to reside within your soul. So many people can be given My Gift of Mercy when you allow My Love to spread in this way. It is through the victim soul that I can intervene to save the souls of others. Always accept that when I present the Gift of Suffering it brings great rewards for humanity as a whole. My Mercy is My Gift to you. Accept the different ways in which I work, with graciousness, for the pain of being in union with Me will be short-lived.
Accept Me as I Am, and not as you think I should be.
Your Jesus
Days of ordeal lie ahead of you
See under the new CHURCH menu:
Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…
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