I came as a humble servant to free man from bondage to the devil.

The Book of Truth:

Compare Me to a mother who has to separate from her child at birth

June 23, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, I bring you and all of My beloved followers great Blessings today. My Heart bursts with love for you all. I realize that your journey to serve Me can be very difficult at times, but I desire to let you know that I Am guiding you every second. There is not one trial that you may face which cannot be surmounted. Therefore, if you feel helpless and fearful, you must not give up and when you trust in Me all will seem easier.

Compare Me to a mother who has to separate from her child at birth and who can never see this child again during her lifetime. The mother will never forget that child and spends every day pining for her flesh and blood in the hope that she will reunite with her baby at some stage. Every day that child is in her thoughts; she prays for his or her wellbeing and feels a permanent pain, deep within her heart, for her loss. Nothing will ever satisfy her, until she embraces that child once again in her arms. She has great patience, great hope and a deep longing to come face to face with the child she expelled from her womb and does not mind the years in between. All that matters to her is that she and her child become whole again – one entwined with the other.

I Am like any parent who has to endure such anguish. For Me, the waiting is distressing. But the pain of loss, like the long-lost child who refuses to come back to the parent, is the greatest of all. The pain I feel, when I Am rejected by God’s children, is a constant torment for Me. I will do anything to draw these souls into My Bosom. I will use other souls – their brothers and sisters, who want to comfort Me – in My quest to awaken their dormant souls. I need My beloved followers, the siblings of these lost children of God, to scatter around the world and bring My family together.

We must unite against the spirit of darkness, which will make it almost impossible for these souls to decipher the Truth of their birth. These people must be told of their birthright; their inheritance and their Eternal Salvation. For the time is near when all Truth will be revealed. With your help, My beloved followers, they will come to Me, back into My family, where we will all unite, finally, as one. The way it was meant to be.

I love you all with a deep tenderness and I rejoice when you respond with love in your heart to My Call.

Your Jesus




Do not cut off ties with those who hate you because of Me

June 25, 2014fatherofloveandmercy

My dearly beloved daughter, there is no need for people to stop all their normal day-to-day activities when they pledge allegiance to Me. I Am not a God that commands you to fall down at My Feet, to the detriment of your daily responsibilities. I do not preen; stand majestically, with a proud demeanor, to rule the human race, nor do I dictate your every move or try to stifle you into subservience to Me. That is not Who I Am, for I came as a humble servant to free man from bondage to the devil.

I came to save you and I come again to complete My Plan of Salvation. I Am here to serve you. I come to draw you to Me and while I delight in your love for Me and the time you devote to Me, My intention is to do this in a way which does not cause you undue distress. While I welcome the time you give to Me and the prayers you offer up, you still have to live your lives in order to feed and clothe yourselves and your families. All I ask is that you live your lives in the way that is necessary in order to serve Me. And as your relationship with Me deepens, you will feel a compelling desire to speak with Me through your thoughts and words.

I ask that you treat others with the respect that you show Me. Do not argue or lose your temper with others over Me. Never justify the actions or words, however, of those who insult Me – just pray for them. As your love for Me grows, your relationship with Me will become more intimate. When that happens, that will be the time when you will draw down upon you the wrath of those whose faith is weak. Expect this to happen and do not be alarmed or distressed, for when you are in union with Me, then you will be hated for this. Be patient with these people. Be kind. Be polite. Do not bother to argue, for nothing you say will make a difference. Instead, show them the meaning of Christianity by responding to hatred with love. 

Do not cut off ties with those who hate you because of Me. Instead, please pray for them. You must try to keep a balance in your life when you are in union with Me. While I desire your company I also desire that you love those who need Me, but who cannot see Me; who cannot find it in their hearts to accept Me or who have no concept of what Eternal Life means. Your duty is to Me and My Desire is that you use your time wisely to love these souls. Through your words, deeds, actions and prayers, you can and will bring Me these souls. 

Your Jesus






True Life in God:

Days of ordeal lie ahead of you





See under the new CHURCH menu:


„August 20, 2004

(Notebook 111)

Vassula, give Me your attention and listen well; pen every word you hear…

… as I was saying to you in the beginning4, have your mind oriented on the Orient; the light shall rise from there and everything will take the shape of a blossoming garden; I have had My Heart set on the Orient from the outset; …”







Roman Catholic:



„.. The Salvation of the Gentiles

11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling[b] salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel[c] jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling[d] means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!”


