Every argument will be made to justify it amongst your nations, but nothing can make it ever acceptable to God. No one has the right to interfere with the Gift of Life, created by God, the Creator of all that is.
Many poor souls believe that they show compassion when they condone abortion, but all they do is condone murder, which is a grave sin. You must fight every law and every argument, which promotes abortion and safeguard the life of God’s children, inside the wombs of their mothers. You must never feel fear when you proclaim the sacredness of life.
Pray, pray, pray for those souls who cannot accept the importance of life and the Sacred Act of God’s Creation. These souls need your prayers and patience. Show them you will not accept their demands to get you to condone the murder of an unborn child of God.
Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation”
I decided, ‘I will not raise a hand against my lord,
“See, I am laying in Zion a stone,
a cornerstone chosen and precious;
and whoever believes in him[a] will not be put to shame.”
7 To you then who believe, he is precious; but for those who do not believe,
“The stone that the builders rejected
has become the very head of the corner,”
8 and
“A stone that makes them stumble,
and a rock that makes them fall.”
They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.”
‘The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;[a]
11 this was the Lord’s doing,
and it is amazing in our eyes’?”
12 When they realized that he had told this parable against them, they wanted to arrest him, but they feared the crowd. So they left him and went away.”